Author Note: Here we are, only about five years after starting this series I finally reach the end now. So much has happened since that - even down to the introduction of Karen and then the loss of the show itself (still not over it). Enjoy!


Stuart and Ewan had organised a surprise party for Robbie and Jackie in celebration of their fifth wedding anniversary. Well, that was what they wrote on the invitations, to their group of friends it was a celebration to congratulate them on not killing each other yet.

"I wish Ronan could have been here tonight." Ewan mumbled as they placed some buffet food on to paper plates.

"She finally settled into university and her final exams start in four days, we can see her in a month once she is free." Stuart missed her desperately also but he had to pretend their feelings were irrelevant when compared to the prospect of her future.

"I know but a group event without her feels odd. Maybe I'll text her and make sure she's eating and taking regular breaks-"

"Oh no you don't!" Stuart said, pulling his husband back by the jacket lapels, "She is an adult. We have to let her live how she feels she wants to. As for taking regular breaks, Jamie is still living two streets away if not two inches away from her - he will distract her from time to time."

"I continue to wonder why we've let another of our girls get serious with a Ross guy."

"They are charming rogues who aren't bad to look at. Even we would be caught up by them if we didn't have our own lovable idiot."

Robbie and Jackie had finally found a quiet moment to themselves where she rested her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around her back.

Her hand was on his abdomen as she snuggled closer to him, the alcohol they had consumed beginning to have different impacts on their discretion opposed to their energy levels. "I used to wish you weren't the person you are. A small part of me still thinks that way because you can be an utter prick a lot of the time."

He shoved her slightly, in fake annoyance, "Thanks."

"I hadn't finished! See what I mean? I was going to say that I love you even with those flaws. Admittedly, I will always want a different story as to how our relationship became more than friends, because a drunken night of fumbling around was never part of my life plan. It may suit you but I used to have standards."

Robbie raised an eyebrow, "Jackie, babe, the stories I could tell these people about where you've tried to get off with me would scar them."

"You always start those occasions." She claimed as he looked back in disbelief.

"The back garden. Your birthday. Last year." She stopped him before he went any further by pressing their mouths together.

"As much as Robbie can be a bit of a prat I wish I had someone who loves me like he does with Jackie." Karen said as she leaned back against the bar, watching the couple being affectionate with their partner.

Matt stood beside her, always a little surprised when she opened up to him, "Why don't you?" He knew her marriage had finally been concluded a year prior and had been wondering why she was still apparently alone.

Stirring her vodka and coke with a straw she shook her head, "I can't magically invent these men."

"You can't be lacking in admirers." She looked beautiful with her hair partially up - handfuls purposefully left down to look more casual - and a dark green dress to enhance the colour of those falling tendrils.

"But I don't want the ones who go all out to impress me, I'm not like that. None of them make my heart flutter like ones who know how I prefer my coffee or that post-it notes are the ideal present for me since I go through so many." Burke laughed at the memories of all the times he had watched her have to explain why her stationary orders always contained various colours and shapes of the notes.

"What about someone you are interested in?"

"You have to be incredibly lucky for someone to like you back, the age-old issue with unrequited love."

"There's no chance he feels the same?"

"Even if he did then it doesn't matter because he's not that good with admitting what he is thinking. I can deal with being alone rather than awkward rejection from somebody who I consider a friend first and foremost. What about you?" Karen asked hesitantly, not sure she wanted to know if he was with somebody.

"I'm well past caring about that sort of thing. Women aren't affected by me and any particular one I like is so far above my league."

"I doubt that. A woman would be lucky to have you love them."

Karen knocked back another measure of her drink, annoyed that it had been so long since she had been on the singles market. Without changing her expression or line of sight she brushed their knees together gently, not wanting to be too upfront in fear of making a mistake.

He ran his thumb across her cheek and leaned in, their lips touching briefly as he tested whether he had read the signs hopefully correctly. Not allowing him to move away she placed her palms on the sides of his face and kissed him again, pressing harder this time. Her eyelids had fluttered shut, stunned that he had initiated exactly what she had wanted for years.

When they finally did break apart, his hand laying on her thigh, she quietly spoke, "I didn't think you felt anything for me."

"Karen, how could I not? Although I did think I was still low on your Christmas card list."

"You are but I like you most - I just know you think cards are tacky and pointless," she replied, her forehead resting against his. Her arms trailed around his shoulders, pressing more light kisses as their grins intensifying as it progressed to deeper contact.

The group of friends may have went through life-altering times in the years leading to this day but they wouldn't change the majority. Each knew that they wouldn't be the same if they had not met the others and they would be forever grateful for the friendships made. It had never been planned for them to become so close but sometimes they found everything they wanted without searching. Serendipity had forced them to interact and they could not have asked for anything better than their loved ones.