Blazing brightness exploded through the extensive rear windows, exceeding a booming sequence of blasts. Torrential rain splattered furiously against the vibrating panes, streaking in streams down the glass. As the metal framework rattled violently in the rough rising wind, lightening engulfed the throne room with an intensity of white; the tempestuous weather highlighting its only occupant as he sat in silent contemplation, relating to the merciless atmosphere outside.

The harsh conditions mirrored the master's mood perfectly- angry and unyielding.

Dracula was sat irritably in the throne, his face pressed against his fist, his elbow propped up against the arm of the chair. His anxious eyelids were firmly closed, but slowly began to rise on detection of a familiar presence approaching. Idly lifting his head from his hand, Vlad frowned in response to the unwanted attendance, having previously stated for seclusion. A sickle of silver glistened impressively as the intruder drew closer, a voice of grimness expressing reprieve.

"Based upon your present temperament, I do not feel it necessary to repeat my earlier decree. My unsympathetic words would only add to your… aggravation." Death declared boldly, watching as his master's posture became more agitated upon his arrival, glaring down with annoyance from the seated position he retained. The reaper apologised for the intrusion, his grotesque features submersing within the erratic flashes of vivid brilliance neutralizing the surrounding darkness. "As I have nothing but negativity to bequeath to you, my lord, I thought-"

"I care not for your opinion." Dracula abruptly interrupted, speaking through clenched teeth, dismissing the comment negligently as his sights turned towards the window. Growling with frustration and kneading his furrowing brow, he did not want to be here. He wanted to be back with his beloved, cradling her beautiful body in his arms. It had been over an hour since he'd last seen her angelic face, felt the warmth of her skin next to his… yet, it seemed almost like an eternity ago.

Death could sense his master's misery, ignoring his earlier appeal for privacy and offering outspoken advice. This was not normal behaviour for the Count. He never let anything divert his attention. These revoked emotions emerging for this human were clouding his instincts, disrupting his judgment- making him appear weak. But however much Death disapproved of his master's conduct, he could not intervene. The human was of no threat to Dracula, and until she became a burden, or the Count stated otherwise, he could do nothing but stand by and watch.

"Due to your noticeable displeasure, perhaps another impartial outlook may prove beneficial to your predicament?" Death offered shrewdly, his voice laced with false enthusiasm in a bid to convince the Count.

Dracula mused, suspiciously turning back. He slowly raised the ankle of his boot to his adjacent knee as he slouched in his seat, narrowing his eyes as he spoke.

"Go on." Vlad urged, folding his arms over his chest as he waited for his servant to further elaborate, his foot rashly tapping with impatience.

Stepping aside, Death motioned another castle dweller forward, standing back within the dwindling shadows to observe the upcoming proposal. Having listened to the conversation from the distance of the doorway, an elderly inhabitant, wrinkled with age, cautiously approached the throne. His wispy gray beard surpassed the hem of his burgundy robes as he stopped before the Count, lowering his head on deliverance of a gracious bow. The Count let out a splutter of malicious hilarity in accordance to the additional company, unable to hide the ridicule from his mocking scorn.

"Please, tell me that you're not suggesting that I serenade her with poetic phrases, are you, old man?" Dracula sarcastically spat, his facial expression now clearly enraged. "You DARE waste my time with such absurdity? Remove yourself from my sight!"

The castle librarian recoiled slightly in shock, baffled by the Count's insulted reaction. He had yet to even breathe, let alone cause offence. Spending most of his time researching within the solitude of the library, he was unaccustomed to such hostility from his lordship- unaware of how best to communicate when he was so obviously…upset. Disregarding Dracula's unpleasant dismissal, having received the command from his skeletal acquaintance to continue regardless, the librarian carried on with his constructive cause, changing his tone to pleading to pacify the Count.

"You misunderstand my intentions, young master. I did not agree to come here exerting disrespect. At least consider my reasons for standing before you?"

"Ugh, very well" Dracula groaned, permitting the librarian the chance to explain, lazily flicking his hand. He sat back and waited, rolling his eyes, vastly losing interest.

Nodding in accordance, the librarian removed a tattered tome from beneath his arm, releasing his grip, allowing the book to freely take float. As it hovered devotedly by his side, he opened out the pages, gesturing to them, demonstrating the contents to the Count.

"As you can see, no script is inscribed upon this parchment. The pages in this book are blank. It appears that your young maiden has difficulty conveying her feelings to you vocally, so perhaps, she is more comfortable writing them down?" The librarian replied confidently, indicating to the passing pages as they turned voluntary without aid.

Dracula sighed cynically, shaking his head, evidently unimpressed by the suggestion. The librarian forced a smile in response to his master's reservations, reaching out to close the floating book's cover as he slipped it back under his arm.

"A book is wondrous tool of enlightenment. You may be surprised by the information you find inside. Do forgive me, my lord, but upon acknowledgement of your maiden's reluctance to communicate with you, I took the liberty of leaving a similar book to this one on display in her chamber a few nights ago. I assumed it would prove somewhat useful- a means of passing the time in your absence. Having spent so much of that time alone in isolation, too scared to even speak, the desire to express one's inner most feelings must have become difficult for her to repress."

"And if it hasn't?" Vlad stated bluntly, returning his skeptical face to his fist, angered for not being previously informed of this unnecessary interference. The librarian again nodded in acknowledgement to his lordship's misgivings, although, his reply remained optimistic.

"It will have. Trust me, young master. You cannot begin to imagine how lonely she must be feeling being locked away in that room by herself. Sooner or later, the compulsion to recite her troubled thoughts will take over. Just give her time to commit."

Dracula exhaled loudly, glaring as he pushed himself up to stand. "Your assumptions are inaccurate, old one. I know only too well how it feels!"

Directing his hand swiftly back, Vlad re-summoned the sealant spell to successfully secure the door. A cylindrical barrier immediately ignited across the closed entry, emitting a powerful purple haze; projecting its intense radiance over the ceiling and surrounding walls. Vlad's eyes then glistened with anticipation as he lowered his hand, glancing hastily between each dimly lit corner of the chamber, eagerly hunting for her. He was unable to tolerate this incessant yearning he felt from their prolonged separation, missing her terribly, his arms aching for her to once again hold close. He was anxious to rekindle the unity they had forged when he had intercepted her aggressors within the aqueduct, somehow regain that trust he'd thoughtlessly tarnished with his carnal greed. Even if she did still object to his presence, having given her time to calm, she'd just have to endure it. He'd come too close to having her to back down now.

Staring with confusion, the room appeared to be empty. The relentless lightening illuminated the vacant space, drowning out the stillness with a crash of rumbling thunder before returning the scene back to shadows. He couldn't see her, but she was definitely in here… hiding. Inhaling deeply, he could smell her sweet scented blood. Uninterested in further deterrent to his desires, Dracula advanced closer, watching intently for any sudden signs of movement. After a few moments of senseless searching, Vlad paused, stopping suspiciously by the edge of the bed after hearing faint rustling beneath. Using his arm, he moved the weighted wooden frame effortlessly across the floor with an influential sweep; forcing it from its stationed settlement, propelling it to the other side of the room. As the bed scraped soundlessly across the carpet, the covers draped over an obstruction, passing above the body of his beloved and revealing her location underneath. Suppressing a smirk, he looked down to her with amusement, shadowing her motionless form. Curled up tightly, knees against her chest; she was sleeping like a kitten, cuddling a cushion for warmth. She obviously felt safe tucked under there like that, hidden from sight; away from the deafening sound of the heavens' clamouring chorus as it ruptured through the rain. Very cute indeed, Vlad smiled, enjoying the spectacle; leaning down to thoroughly access her unveiled modesty. Her welcoming skin shuddered as tempted fingers drew closer, influencing him to satisfy the shivers with his obliging touch- pet her like the adorable creature she so reminded him of. It was easy to approach her when she was like this, carefree in her slumber, unconsciously relaxed. If only she acted in this manner all of the time when he was near- if only she wasn't so scared. That was probably his fault. Maybe he could try and be a little less assertive with her. His forceful enthusiasm only seemed to intimidate her, and he didn't want that. He wanted his angel to be at ease around him, so he could be approached. He couldn't help himself; excited by her company, thrilled by her scent. She had no idea just how special she was.

As his fingers lowered to stroke gently through her silken fringe, brushing it back from her face, Vlad hesitated; catching sight of the librarian's alleged blank tome lying neglected a few inches from her feet. Intrigued to if she had indeed been using it, he called the book forth from the floor; motioning it with his hand, taking hold as it drifted rapidly up into reach. He scowled, studying it, regaining his standing stance.

Vlad had never seen this book before and probably never would have, having been stashed secretly under the bed all of this time from view. Dracula was outraged to the discovery of the librarian's blatant participation in his affairs. He had no right to interfere. Vlad wanted to handle this in his own way, by his own means. He didn't need additional help. She was his to tame and his alone. Perhaps this new revelation would inform him of how his young maiden was feeling, reveal what was going on in her head. But he wasn't best pleased with the idea of the librarian having a hand in that. She would open up to him eventually. When she was ready to or forced to… but he hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Reaching his full height, Vlad pulled back the dusty book sleeve, flipping through the pages with interest. From what he could tell, she hadn't written anything, not exactly. She'd been sketching observations from her limited view of the window, illustrating the wildlife and surrounding trees from the ominous neighbouring forest. The imagery was rather inspiring, depicted in detail, with short annotations describing the contents. To Vlad's disappointment, the drawings then came to an unexpected stop- only crease marks and torn out segments graced the following few pages. Closing the book with annoyance, having been no help at all, Vlad looked over to her, stepping impatiently forward to revive her from her somnolence.

Hearing something crunch loudly underfoot, Vlad paused, glancing down, noticing a piece of discarded parchment lying crushed beneath his heel. Lifting his boot as he beckoned it closer, snatching it out from the air, he brought it into the limited light to examine the unusual shape it had taken. Twirling the slightly crumpled paper within his fingers, it was folded into what resembled a delicate flower; the petals so precisely pleated, the coiled stem twisting out into leaves. Vlad sighed, feeling humbled. He had no idea that his little angel was so creative, so wonderfully imaginative- making something so intricate from a simple scrap piece of parchment. She was probably losing her mind with boredom being cooped up in here, desperate to venture outside. He'd never even given her feelings a second thought, he just assumed that she'd eventually adapt. There was still so much about her he didn't know, and he was eager to find out more. She accommodated such an abundance of fascination for him, every day he learnt something new. She may just be a simple human- a race he surpassed centuries ago, but there were aspects of that enigmas quality he just needed to understand… wanted to remember.

Inserting the crafted paper carefully between the pages, he dropped the book to the floor as he knelt down, slipping his hands beneath the young woman to lift her up from the carpet. Carrying her to the bed, he set her gently across the mattress, smoothing back her fair hair over the pillow and sitting silently beside her to observe. She quietly whimpered, displaying discomfort as Vlad's cold fingers stroked her features, tensing her eyelids subconsciously as her cheek nuzzled the warm cushion she cradled. Vlad gradually removed the cushion from her grasp, tugging it free from her loose grip as his arm slowly curled under her neck. Repositioning himself and guiding her face to his chest, he settled down next to her, holding her body to his. If only she'd talk to him, tell him what to do. It had been so long that he'd forgotten. He was set in his ways. He didn't know how to interact with her in the sensitive manner she expected. All of this…courtship nonsense was new to him again. He didn't know what she needed from him, or how he was supposed to act. He'd always got what he wanted. He just had to demand it, take it, but that wasn't working with her. When he looked down to her tranquil face, running his fingers lightly across her delicate skin and inhaling the scent from her hair he felt so much internal emotion.

She was perfect. The similarities were flawless. He couldn't resist as his lips pressed lovingly against her forehead, bestowing a soft, tender kiss. This was so unlike him, offering such affection to another and waiting edgily for it to be returned. Gratification had always been willingly given to him, presented without aversion. He'd never had to chase anything before. Unlike most, befriending this vulnerable being posed a challenge to him, one to which he was willing to accept. She would be his. She had to be. She'd stirred something within him. A longing desire he'd not experience since the days of being with…

That was such a long time ago. He was a different person back then. But he desperately wanted to preserve this sensation he thought he had forever lost. These same strange inner feelings that this little angel had suddenly re-sparked. She was slowly re-lighting the darkness in his heart, and however much he denied it… he liked how that felt.

Lowering his head, and snuggling his face affectionately against hers, Vlad's arms tightened around her shoulders as the brutal lightening continued to burst with blinding brightness through the large oval windows; the cruel conditions emphasizing the momentary silence before the weather's vigour overwhelmed the room. The following crack of heavy thunder triggered the young woman's body to involuntary shudder within Vlad's comforting embrace, distant dreams disrupted by the sharp electrical discharge exploding past the glass. Releasing a muffled yelp, she curled up closer against him, causing his slight smirk to widen as her hands reached up to cling to his clothes. Nestling her cheek further against the firm obstruction she was lay beside, her anxiety eased as the feeling of foreign fingers stroked gently through her hair, soothing away her concern. Moaning softly, her bleary eyes still half asleep, Vlad peered down curiously, relishing the touch of her bare flesh as she unconsciously cuddled up next to him, drowsily seeking out his protection. He smiled happily, arms obliging to her silent request whilst moving his lips to her ear.

"What are you more afraid of, me… or the storm?" Vlad whispered teasingly, moving his hand carefully up from her shoulder and passing it beneath her jaw, tilting her head slightly back. "You needn't be scared of either." He assured, eyes softening to the sight of her peaceful expression, to the feeling of heat rising from her face. "All I want is to lie here, like this, with you. Allow me to?"

She didn't answer him, her restless state had finally relaxed, serenity taking charge of her slumber. Kissing her reddened cheek as his fingers returned to her hair; he took in the familiar smell of her, his nose gently trailing down her neck, a sentimental elation bubbling within his chest. "I have missed this so much." He sighed sadly, nuzzling her throat with his parted lips, savouring the smoothness of her skin. "I can't lose it. Not again." Vlad exhaled mournfully, closing his eyes in remembrance as he settled beside her, pulling her closer and thinking back to how things once were, when he and she were...

He'd give anything to maintain this moment, this second change of happiness with his long lost love, for her to allow him back into her life. From the very instant he had caught sight of her, mystified eyes comprehending her face…she was all he could think about. He couldn't get over the shock. She'd been returned to him; a peace offering from heaven, his departed other half, after all of these years of grieving. They were meant to be together, he'd make her see. He'd make her remember how happy they had been. She was different to how she once was, much younger, precarious of him, hesitant to accept his affection. But despite that, she still looked exactly the same. Her mannerisms identical, the way she made him feel…A way no other ever could.

She was his soul mate, no one else's. No one could take her from him. He understood her uncertainties, her unwillingness to trust because, over time, he had changed so much as well. She just didn't recognize him yet, that's all. She didn't know who he was. They just needed time to repair their rift, to bring them both closer together. The history between them ran too deep to forget, etched into their cores. They were so much in love once. She'd remember that- how wonderful it felt. When she died, his heart had died along with her... taking the painful memories away. But now, after seeing her face, after touching his beloved again, his suppressed feelings of joy and compassion had all come flooding back.

Smiling, his beautiful angel was now sound asleep and Vlad was more than content with just listening to her breathing, his eyes eagerly opening to survey her sleeping elegance, watch her chest steadily rise and fall. He wouldn't disturb her, not yet. She looked so comfortable where she was, nestled tightly between his protective arms where he could happily keep her forever. Lightly stroking her back with the tips of his fingers, tracing subtle shapes over the skin, he couldn't deny his feelings for her any longer, slowly leaning in closer to grant her another devoted kiss. As his lips gently met with her mouth, the young woman's eyes suddenly widened, her body jerking back to awareness as the sound of deafening thunder struck erratically through the dense woodland outside. The boom of crashing trees echoed up from the impact, the noise upsetting her, startling her, louder now she was no longer tucked safely under the bed. The approaching storm seemed so close, so strong, with the rain beating harshly against the glass. Vlad remained still, surprised by her fretful behaviour as she bolted upright from the mattress, darting her sight towards the vibrant flashing window and shaking in relation to the powerful resonance's rage. Distraught by her unease with her naked form trembling before him, Vlad eased himself up from the bed, moving swiftly behind her, arms encircling her waist and drawing her shivering body to his.

She cringed when his cold hands trailed possessively across her stomach, staring over her shoulder to him, wriggling anxiously as her back met roughly with his chest. Dubious of his intent, she began to whimper when his cool cheek pressed firmly against her face, when their bodies began to silently sway together as he rocked her gently back and forth. His seductive voice was soft, words of reassurance calming her panic as fingers again stroked affectionately down the line of her spine. She had her doubts, tensing in his hold. He'd done this before, lulled her into a false sense of security, fooling her before attempting to take her dignity away- which he would have done if she hadn't put up a fight. She wouldn't let him do that, not like this. He had no right to even try. Struggling, she was still so exhausted, so fearful and frail, unable to do anything except tolerate his persuasive actions as the turbulent lightning continued to strike. Her mouth opened to discourage him, scream out to stop, fingers gripping weakly at his wrist in an attempt to prevent further contact. Her efforts were for nothing. He ignored her distress, continuing to restrain her thrashing limbs and overpower her dwindling defiance. After a few heated moments, after enduring his determined caress, his consoling conduct was actually somewhat comforting to her; feeling unexpectedly pleasant. The Count's approach was genuinely caring, not sexually premeditated like it had been before and the young woman found herself moaning in expressed gratitude as his lips slowly kissed down her neck. He whispered to her, speaking softly against her skin, his merciful tone displaying just how sorry he truly was. Panting heavily, the sensations he spurred so intense, she felt as though she would faint when his reluctant mouth withdrew from her throat. She didn't know what was happening, this unknown ecstasy he provoked within her- this electrifying thrill he enticed. Her body tingled terribly from his touch, from the words of compassion he expressed. However much Vlad wanted to, however easy her innocence would be to take - he wouldn't force himself on her. He'd tolerate the torment, wait until she was ready, until she would willingly surrender herself to him. It would be so much more meaningful when their bodies were to again reunite. Listening to the responsive sounds that she made, he couldn't keep his lips off of her- lightly brushing his tongue over her ear and progressing his gentle kisses to her jaw, just wanting to show her how much this moment meant. Permitting his adoring actions with uncertainty and giving into the temptation of consolation, the young woman nervously turned in Vlad's embrace, returning her head to his torso. He spoke sympathetically to her, lifting her golden hair up over her shoulder so his fingers could again trace soothing circles across her back, tempting more shivers from her uncovered flesh.

"Let me stay. Let me hold you, at least until you fall asleep?" Vlad insisted, breaking the silence they shared, noticing how her tensed muscles had started to relax as her face snuggled further into the material of his shirt. The young woman didn't look at him, but nodded in reply, appreciating his strong arms as they wrapped more securely around her. Vlad sighed contently as his maiden closed her eyes, finally allowing her guard to drop and acknowledging his repentant words as impending dreams overtook her troubled thoughts. Her body was taken back down with his to settle across the soft surface of the mattress, her cheek positioned gently on his chest. He lay there, watching her, savouring their special unity in the darkness as he moved in to kiss her, unwilling now to again let her go.

Stretching her legs out over the sheets, Dracula's maiden released a subtle groan, inhaling a fresh enticing fragrance that compelled her tired eyes to open. As she lifted her head from the pillow, she felt a strange silken texture against her bare skin, enjoying the sensation as she slowly stroked her toes across the creasing covers. Looking down, her eyelids began to widen as she glanced across the bed, reaching out her surprised fingers to the source of the captivating scent. The whole surface she was lay upon was scattered with blossoming petals, an arrangement of soft ivories and lilac pastels, together, emitting a phenomenal exotic infusion. Picking one up, she brought the flower to her face, taking in the alluring aroma and feeling a wonderful wash of warmth. Her eyes shimmered with appreciation, reclining against the headboard of the bed. She had never seen this unusual variety of plant before, tracing a finger over the slender stem and experiencing a flutter of welcoming wonder. Fascinated by its peculiar quality, intrigued by its smell. She examined it closer, tilting it gently, following the natural patterns embellished within the long, velvety leaves. She sat up suddenly, turning her sights towards the darkened corner of the room, detecting slight movement from the shadows.

Gloved fingers had begun to tap casually against the wooden arm of the chair he was occupying, gaining her startled attention. The Count was sat there, patiently waiting; crossing a leg comfortably over the other as he monitored her delighted reaction. Closing the fraying cover of the book he was reading and laying it across his lap. He lounged back in his seat, smiling smugly, pleased by her elated expression.

"Quite distinctive, aren't they?" Vlad asked with interest, raising an eyebrow as the woman stared at him in bewilderment, noticing the book on his knee- her journal. Vlad smirked, deviously hooding his eyelids as he flicked the hair from his amused face and rested his chin on his hand. "At first, I thought it was because of their appearance. But, it appears that your fascination for plants like these runs deeper than that, am I right?"

The woman felt her cheeks flush without warning, averting her gaze from the Count; looking down to the collection of petals elegantly adorning the bed. As her fingers lightly caressed the fragile foliage, Dracula watched, wrapped in immersion. His merriment to her bashful display became apparent in the playful tone he chose, presenting her with a proposition as he addressed her with a smile.

"There are many more rare flowers flourishing throughout the castle gardens. If it would please you, my dear, I can take you to see them." Vlad enquired curiously, happy he had something to offer that would evoke her interests, something he knew she would enjoy. She turned back to him, smiling shyly, unable to hide the allure from her eyes. After a few silent seconds of unbroken glances, the young woman frowned, sliding her feet hastily across the mattress and huddling her knees up in her arms. She held her bare legs closely against her supple chest, hugging them, noticing just how intently the Count was surveying her state of undress.

Vlad's fingers were gently trailing over his lower lip as he watched her with approval, examining every exquisite inch in the soft candlelight. He then paused, lowering his hand, puzzled by her uptight response.

"You still don't trust me, do you?" Vlad laugh, leaning forward, charmed by her sudden apprehension. "If I was going to hurt you, surely I would have done it by now?"

She didn't answer, she just kept her anxious sights set low, fixated on the flowers.

"You have no need to feel embarrassed, my dear. If anyone should be, it's me." Vlad stated bluntly, slouching in his seat, lazily resting his elbow over the back of the chair. "You must excuse my previous behaviour. It was utterly appalling." Dracula smirked slyly, casually pressing his face to his fist. "It has been a long time since I've had the privilege of female company in my home, especially company as engaging as yours. I should have known better. A lady of such aptitude deserves a little more respect. I apologise profusely for my earlier actions."

That complimentary comment encouraged a faint smile to surface across her saddened face, yet, she still refused to look up at him, cheeks burning from his fixated stare. Vlad couldn't help himself. The sight of her familiar beauty was enthralling; he couldn't deny his eyes of the intoxicating indulgence. His sights lustful lingering was clearly making her uncomfortable though and he couldn't have that. He couldn't stand the thought of her resenting him for it. He understood that she might be somewhat intimidated by his presence, but she should be flattered by his continual attention. His interest was normally hard to obtain. He was even showing restraint by keeping his distance, as difficult as that was proving. He'd just have to be patient, learn some self-control. He could have his sweet angel, eventually… all of her. They were back to silence again, not that he minded, but being apart from her was becoming agonizing. He wanted the heat of her body back against his. He wanted to feel her skin's soft abrasion. Or at least talk to her without shouting halfway across the room. The chances of her coming over to him were very slim. She wasn't going to leave the bed unless she had to. If he wanted her close contact again, he'd have to make the first move, convince her of his genuine aspiration for amity.

"Where are my manners? You've been here now for nearly four whole days and we've yet to be properly acquainted." Vlad mentioned humorously, slowly standing from his shadowed seat and tossing the book from his knee to the chair. Walking towards the bed, he thoughtfully knelt down beside her, attempting to maintain her attention without causing her too much distress. Reaching up for her hand as she shuffled slightly away, he gently withdrew her arm from around her legs, bringing it closer towards his mouth.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is renowned throughout Romania for being the lord of this castle. But, a part of you may remember me from somewhere else?"

Lifting her head, she looked at him blankly, staring with confusion at his handsome face; to pale features she didn't know.

"I am both feared and revered by your countrymen. My reputation reaches far across the seas to distant shores. I expect the whole world knows of my feats-" Vlad paused, noticing how her sight had moved, carefully studying his scarlet eyes. He smiled, softening his tone to a whisper, amused by her immersed concentration.

"That doesn't matter now. All you need to know is that I am an admirer of yours, seeking your approval, and just longing to know of your name. I am known by many, but Vlad is what I go by now. It is an honour, sweet angel, to have you in my home." The Count stated sincerely, advising her of his new identity, not wanting her to judge him by the hearsay she may have already heard. Count Dracula- the Lord of darkness. Demonic creature of the night. He was not ashamed of his status, the majority of the rumours were true, but she may not understand his prominence. He was nothing like the man he once was, or who she, a long time ago, may have once loved in another life. Dracula's maiden smiled awkwardly down to him, permitting his lips to finally kiss her fingers without objection and continue to tenderly hold her hand.

"It seems that I am not as well known as I thought." Vlad smirked, causing the young woman's eyes to widen as she blushed in response, looking away from his infatuated gaze.

"May I now know yours?" He eagerly requested, tightening the grip on her hand.

She turned, looking back to him, flustered from his charming approach. An odd sensation fizzled in her stomach, feeling strangely pleasing as he complimented her, stroking her fingers lightly with his gloved thumb as he waited patiently for her reply. She didn't, and Vlad frowned slightly, saddened by her silence but expecting as much. Returning her hand to the bed as he rose from the floor, his sight fixed on her face. She was not ready to trust him yet, and he understood why. She was overwhelmed by his eagerness, scared by his impatience. That still didn't make it any easier to accept. He was so desperate to show her how he felt, give her all of the love and devotion she deserved. He had never sought for another living soul's companionship since his Elisabetha was taken so cruelly from him, his once human heart ripped apart by her death. No one could compare to her. No one ever came close. But now, having this little miracle looking up at him- the pure apparition of her… he was ready to love again.

Watching her lips move with disbelief and acknowledging the sound of his name, Dracula became completely captivated by her sweet, assuring voice. It sounded just as he remembered, so gentle and gracious, eliciting deep emotions from the past. He blinked suddenly, looking down to her, a feeling of yearning igniting inside.

"My lady?" He exhaled hoarsely, unable to suppress the smile from his face, or the excitement escaping his tone.

Combing her fingers nervously through the ends of her hair and looking anxiously up to his eyes, the young woman's lips formed a slight smile as she turned away, returning her sights to the flowers. "My name…" She sighed softly, allowing her tensed up posture to reduce as her hands lowered to her lap, her legs unfolding back out across the bed. "My name is Lisa."

"Lisa?" Vlad was stunned, allowing a moment for that sentence to register, staring at her in astonishment. He was convinced. It was too much of a coincidence not to be true. Her appearance, her voice… even her name, they were perfect. It just had to be her. Sweeping his cape back behind his shoulders and sitting abruptly beside her on the bed, Vlad wrapped his arm around her waist, dragging her closer to him.

"Lisa. I have wanted, waited for you for such a long time. From the very moment I saw you, I had to-" Vlad trailed off, detecting her unease from his sudden impulsive contact, prompting him to swiftly remove his hands.

"That is why you were brought here, to me, so we could finally meet. Nothing was going to prevent me from being you."

The Count was now unmistakably smitten, watching her closely, besotted by her hesitant eyes. It didn't matter how much dark power he had, with her here, the hatred within felt muted- delightfully detained. She could conquer him with a single touch, with a merest hint of affection. If only she would, he longed for her to. He sighed blissfully when she eventually acknowledged him with another shy smile, her nervous fingers tracing along his arm as it again encircled around her, consenting for him to hold her again.

At least now, they were making slight progress.