hi guys , this is my frist story about VA so i dont know is its good. Thats up to you guys to deside. Review and let me know if i should keep writing.

and i dont own any of the characters Rachelle Mead does -M



"ahhhhhhhh" I grabbed my alarm clock and thru it across the room. I pretty sure I heard it break. I have got to stop breaking that pain in the ass clock. Its 6:20pm (morning for vampires) "Dam it!" i have training with Dimitri my lover in 10 minutes.

I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I had no time to take a shower but I brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face. I ran into my room and put on black short short's a black training bra and my red converse.

By the time I was finished and got to the gym i was 5 minutes late. I opened the door and saw Dimitri making out with Tasha Ozera. Obviously they didn't hear me come in because they were too busy sucking faces. Anger ripped threw me, he said he loved me but apparently I was wrong. The night we spent in the cabin probably meant nothing to him. My heart shattered.

My face was drenched in tears I finally was able to move my mouth "what the fuck is going on Dimitri!" they sprang apart and sorrow filled his eyes. "Rose... I've been meaning to tell you I'm going to be Tasha's guardian and -" "HOW could you do that to me? To us? After what we've been through "more tears were spilling." I'm sorry you had to find out this way but,-" I cut him off again "YOUR SORRY? Your sorry.. "I was furious; I walked up to him and punched him square in the nose breaking it. Blood was everywhere. Tasha was in shock if I wasn't so focused on Dimitri she would be unconscious by now.

"Is that all you can say? I loved you Dimitri and you took advantage of me! Was this all a joke to you, a game? To see if you could make Rose love you, fuck her and leave her? Well guess what! You managed to do it!" Dimitri was hiding his nose and Tasha probably left to get tissues.

" Roza, there was never any game. I love you and I still do but it's wrong and well Tasha's offer to be her guardian and maybe start a family is quite outstanding. I have never meant to hurt you. "

My body was starting to shake my voice was starting to get teary but it still had the anger from before" Do not ever call me Roza again its Rose! I know she can give you kids but if you really love me like you say you do then you wouldn't take the offer you would have stayed with me, but that's not going to happen because you never loved me. The night in the cabin was a mistake I should have never done it."

Tears covered both our cheeks. Why didn't he just stake me? It would at least have hurt less. "I hope you have a wonderful, happy and fulfilling life with Tasha you asshole goodbye and if you didn't already guess don't ever come back into my life."

I turned around and ran out of the gym doors not looking back at the love of my life.

review and let me know if you like it so i can keep on writing it -M