A/N: this is an idea I got when watching character theme songs on YouTube for harry potter.

Summary: What if Cedric never died because Dumbledore knew it would happen in the graveyard? What if he had Cedric switch places with a vampire named Edward? What will happen after the fourth year for the golden trio if they think Cedric is dead? Would the Cullen's and Bella find out and what would they think?


Cedric's POV

I was wondering what Dumbledore wanted me for in his office. When I got there, Dumbledore wasn't the only one in there. There was a really pale guy with topaz eyes that looked just like me.

"Cedric, meet Edward," Dumbledore said, "We found out that at the end of the year, Voldemort will kill you. So I have decided to have Edward switch places with you. He will take your name and identity, as he will yours."

I sat shocked. What will his family think when I, the non-pale human, take place of his family? I voiced the question out loud and Dumbledore said that a Polyjuice Potion would probably work. Edward looked so confused so Dumbledore explained what the potion does to a person. I was hoping that it works with vampire DNA or whatever.

We each took a goblet of the nasty potion and our features didn't even change that much. Edward became more colored, while I became pale. My eyes were turning gold, while his became grey.

A/n: I know this is short but it will stay this way if I don't get reviews. Plus I will include reviewers in this if you want to be. This is short because it is the prologue.