iHave a Dirty Little Secret

Summary-Sam and Freddie are happily dating. There is just one twist-nobody knows.

Disclaimer-Not now nor have I ever been named Dan nor have I ever been male.

A/n I've been reading a lot of stories where Sam and Freddie are secretly dating and decided to give it a shot.

Chapter 1

Sam's POV

"Well I guess I should head home," Freddie said.

"Bye Freddie," Carly responded.

"Nub," I commented. He gave me a one second smile; blink and you would've missed it. Fortunately Carly missed it. I gave him the same type of smile, Carly missed that one too.

"Sam," Carly complained. Somehow she didn't find it amusing that I call Freddie names and pick on him…oh well.

"Doesn't your mom want you home by 9, its 9:04 why isn't she here freaking out?" I asked.

"She's pulling the late shift, she won't be back till about 10," he explained.

"You going to sleep in just your socks?" I teased. Carly shuddered at the thought.

"Ha ha," he said, while exiting the apartment, "Later ladies."

Carly and I were watching Girly Cow on LOL-we know humor (a/n lol, like TNT-we know drama) when my phone vibrated-it was Freddie.

U coming?

I sighed and responded.


He responded a few seconds later.

Remember to delete this

I laughed to myself at this. I forgot to delete one of our conversations via text and Carly saw it and freaked a little-no damage done or secrets revealed.

; )

"I got to go Carly, my mom…well you don't want to know," I lied.

"Aw, well, see you later," she responded. I got off of the couch and grabbed my hoodie and made my way to the door.

"See you later Carly!" I called.

"See you Sam!" she responded before I closed the door to her apartment. Somehow she stayed oblivious to the fact that I rarely slept over at her house.

Now I only sleep over 2 or 3 times a week because I am at Freddie's apartment. No nasty; just sleep, talking, and kissing. Yes, I said kissing. Why are we kissing? More importantly why are we 'sleeping together'? Because we are dating-but nobody knows. We started dating about 5 months ago-the best 5 months of my life. We haven't gone an 'official' date yet but it's still been great-I hate most of the sappy couple stuff anyway.

I opened the door to Freddie's apartment. I went to the fridge finding a half of a ham and a peppy cola. After I ate I walked into Freddie's room only to find a (shirtless =D) snoring nub. I rolled my eyes and looked around the room, looking for a note. His room wasn't as nubbish as it used to be. It's a deep, dark blue, he FINALLY convinced his mom to change his sheets from Galaxy Wars to a dark red, and he got rid of all of the Galaxy Wars crap. It almost looks normal except there is still a large amount of tech stuff in it.

I found the note that read Tired-See you tomorrow. I rolled my eyes and pulled out the box under his bed that contained pajamas and other clothes of mine. I changed into shorts and a tank top then climbed into Freddie's bed.

I must've been a little loud because I heard Freddie mumble, "Uh, hey Princess Puckett."

I laughed. "How come when I try to wake you up it's impossible but when I'm not trying to wake you up you do?" I asked.

"I'm difficult like that," he responded.

"Of course you are," I laughed. "I'm tired."

"Sleep helps that," he informed me jokingly.

"Uh huh," I yawned. I covered myself with the covers and Freddie wrapped his arms around my waist. I slowly drifted into sleep. (A/N I like doing nightmares in my stories-Don't judge me!)

I walked up to Carly at school.

"Sup Carls?" I greeted.

"Don't sup me, you're a freak," she snapped.

"What?" I asked.

"You're dating Freddie Benson!" she laughed, "freak, you should've kept it a secret."

Everyone in school was around me chanting 'Freak, Freak, Freak'.

Everything was spinning around me.

"SAM!" someone's scream woke me up.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"I don't know," I sighed. I got up and started pacing. "Have you ever thought about how we are going to tell everyone about," I waved my arms around, "this?"

"Nope," he smiled as he sat up, "Do you want to?"

"I don't know," I answered.

"Oh my God, is Sam Puckett scared?" he asked in fake disbelief.

"Maybe," I confessed.

"Really?" he asked.

"I'm just afraid of being the thing everyone's talking about and being judged," I explained.

"Well don't be, ok," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm sure everyone, not counting my mom, will take it fine," he told me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Really," he said.

"Well what happens if they don't?" I asked.

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when it comes," he replied motioning me to come back into bed.

"Ok," I sighed. I got back into bed and Freddie wrapped his arms back around my waist. I buried my face in his chest.

"Love you, Princess Puckett," he whispered.

"Love you too, nub," I replied before I drifted back into sleep.

Well there it is! Chapter 1! Tell me what you think! Longer chapters-I promise.

