Alright, I'm pretty sure this is my last chapter… I dunno, if I get any ideas, I'll post 'em. There's a tiny tiny tiny shred of NarutoxIno in this one if you squint with a magnifying glass.

It was late afternoon when the front door slammed shut. Shikamaru was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping his tea as his wife began setting food on the table. "I'm home." The two heard, followed by a thud from the hall, no doubt the sound of a backpack hitting the floor. Temari looked up as their eleven year old walked in with her hands in her pockets. The slender girl had her mother's teal eyes, but her hair was dark and held up in a simple ponytail. She quietly took her seat at the table with a bored expression, matching that of her father.

A few minute later, Temari sat down and the three began eating. "I ran into your sensei at the market the other day, Shikarasu." Temari said after a bit. "She told me you fell asleep during your test again." The girl just shrugged, taking a bite of rice. "It's not my fault. Class is boring." She answered after she swallowed the rice. "I'd rather sleep than take a test." The young Nara girl glanced up at her father, who just chuckled quietly and didn't say anything. Temari glared at him, then turned back to her daughter. "There's no way you'll graduate if you slack off and don't try." She said, a tiny bit of frustration in her voice.

"Dad slacked off plenty, and he graduated just fine." The girl said simply. "And he became a chunnin before anyone in his year." Temari gave an exasperated sigh. "That doesn't mean you'll be the same way. You aren't exactly like him." She protested. Shikamaru spoke up. "That's right. You have your mother's attitude." He said. Shikarasu chuckled as Temari raised her fist. Shikamaru just smirked, putting his hands up. Temari shot him a warning look before going back to eating.

"So how was your day?" Temari said after a few minutes of silence. "Eh, same as usual." Shikarasu answered. "Some stupid kid keeps sitting in my spot though. Doesn't even blink when I tell him to move. I usually gotta drag him off the chair." Shikamaru paused with a bite of rice halfway to his mouth, exchanging glances with his wife, who just gave a quiet laugh. "What?" Their daughter questioned. They both just kept eating with amused looks. "Who's the kid?" Shikamaru asked. His daughter shrugged. "I think his name's Inori." Temari tilted her head. "Inori Namikaze?" She asked. Shikarasu nodded. "Yeah, that's him." The two parents exchanged glances again before giving quiet laughs and going back to eating.

The rest of dinner went on in silence until Shikarasu pushed her bowl away. "I'm going to bed." She said, standing up. She walked around the table and hugged her mother, then gave her father a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room. The two watched her leave, then Temari stood and started cleaning off the table.

"She does have your attitude." Shikamaru commented, giving a yawn. "And she has your laziness." Temari retorted, setting the dishes in the sink and beginning to wash them. Shikamaru stood up and walked over to her, slipping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Doesn't seem to bother you." He said. Temari paused, raising her hand and letting it rest on his cheek. She turned her head and smiled at him, then continued washing the dishes. Shikamaru didn't let go and instead hugged her closer to him. She gave a chuckle. "I love you, but no matter what you do, you are still washing your own laundry." She felt him slump a tiny bit, which just made her laugh more.

Review please? =3