Disclaimer: Don't own B&B or the song. 'Nuff said.


(Parody of 'Alejandro' by Lady Gaga)

By Charles Xavier

("I am the Great Cornholio! You will surrender all your TP for my bunghole!")

He's got both hands
In the air.
Wears a shirt on his head,
On his head.

He wants snack bars to consume,
To consume.
He's gonna threaten you for TP
Or you're dead.

Watch out, here he's coming, dears.
Run real fast and block your ears.
At this point he's gonna scream,
For more caffeine.

He'll call his name.
He'll call his name, Cornholio.
He says he's great.
Why is he great? Extraño.

Is he possessed? Should I call the cops?
Just watch him hog that soda pop.
He'll call his name.
Who is to blame, amigos?

"TP, TP, bunghole.
TP for my bunghole."

"Bow down to my bunghole.
The almighty bunghole."

("You can take me. But you cannot take my bunghole! Long live the almighty bunghole!")

Is he Buddha,
Or a prophet?
Hershey's chocolates drive him mad,
They drive him mad.

Holy stranger,
Why is he here?
Did he wander off the set
Of a Reese ad?

Watch out, here he's coming, dears.
Run real fast and block your ears.
At this point he's gonna scream,
For more caffeine.

He'll call his name.
He'll call his name, Cornholio.
He says he's great.
Why is he great? Extraño.

Is he possessed? Should I call the cops?
Just watch him hog that soda pop.
He'll call his name.
Who is to blame, amigos?

"TP, TP, bunghole.
TP for my bunghole."

"Bow down to my bunghole.
The almighty bunghole."
