It has been FOREVER since I have posted or updated anything here. So I decided to make a fanfic about….THE HUNGER GAMES! My favorite books :D So, what do you do? Not just read, but JOIN! Submit this form by reviewing, putting in the info for your character. Two people per district (duh!) boy and girl, but be kind and let others get a chance, so only submit ONE!

Here is the form, but for an example, I filled it out to my character:

Name: Cace Caulan

Gender: male

Age: 16 years old

District: 3

Personality: an honest guy, but alert and cautious about others, can be friendly if treated with kindness.

Appearance: blonde hair, blue-gray eyes, tall, thin but well muscled build.

Token: old Irish coin with a four-leaf clover printed on in a lion's paw, coin has hole punched through so that he may wear it as a necklace.

Volunteered or Chosen: chosen

Family/Friends: Inis (mother), Etney and Aedus (his two siblings, all together they make up triplets)

Skills: quick, fastest in the district, contortionist/flexible,

Weaknesses: Doesn't know if someone really is telling the truth or not, somewhat gullible, but not foolish.

Likes: running, hunting, climbing, wrestling,

Dislikes: Liars…

Weapon choice: dagger

Reaping Clothes: black pants with his father's finest shirt, pristine blue shirt with long sleeves.

Romance/Alliance: Esperanza, girl from his district


If there was anything else to describe your character, what might it be (comparison to celeb, song, animal, video game char., etc): Cace would be easily described in the song 'Hero' by Skillet. He wants to be the hero, even if that means he has to be saved himself, as long as he feels like he did something incredible or noble.

Do they get along with their escort/mentor/stylist/district partner: His stylist, Hide, does make him look astonishing, unlike other times when their district has had terrible looks. Hide is a quiet yet charming woman who does think of Cace like a nephew.

Quote from interview: "I've been told not to do everything for everybody else; apparently, I do that too much. But for the last time, I'm being selfless, and I'm doing this not only for my family, but for her…"

EASY AS THAT! So let's see those submitions!