Chapter 13-Always a Hello

With an air of impatience, Finn eased Rachel's sundress back in place. He grabbed Rachel's hand and walked into the darkness. In the still of the night with the moon as the back drop, it was a gorgeous setting. The drizzle was true to Finn's word as they did not need the aid of an umbrella. What could be more perfect!

They decided to dance to nature's tune and being snuggled up to Finn provided the warmth against the midnight air that Rachel needed. She looked up at Finn and smiled before snuggling up to his chest. He gave her that killer smile that she loved so much. The smile that showed how much she moved him like he was coming up for air.

Rachel broke the silence as she pulled out a blanket and pillow from her backpack. Like any high maintenance girl, they sure know how to plan for things. Gently, she lifted the blanket in the air straightening it before bringing it to the ground.

She pulled a piece of paper on it that could have passed for a Christmas list with lots of heavy writing. Finn turned on the headlights so that she could read the paper.

"Finn, tonight is special to me because I want to be with you. I've come prepared and that's the only way, the c word is the only route for me. But, before we take this step I have a few important guidelines that I expect. First, I believe that we are meant for forever. People expect young people to be immature and idealistic, but I firmly believe you are my forever Finn".

"Second, you have to promise me that you will be truthful to me even if it means that you are having doubts about our relationship. Don't hide the truth. You know that I will always be painfully honest."

" I don't want this night to change us. I fully expect us to continue to laugh, smile, hug, and be friends. I don't want us to ever regret each other Finn. It would kill me if it did. When we go away to college and work on our dreams, we have to work to keep us together Finn".

"Rach", said Finn smiling down at her, "I love you too".

He grabbed her hand and led her to the blanket. His arms wrapped around her back as he carefully laid her down. Their lips met and Finn could feel the wetness on her face that was either her tears or from the soft drops of drizzle.

She was an eager patient as she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it over his head. As her hands ran down his bare back, she marveled at how beautiful and handsome he was at the same time. He too returned the gesture as he eagerly undressed her. He could not believe how beautiful she looked with her dark hair fanned out, her expressive eyes, and skin so soft to the touch. It amazed her at how he used his lips and hands simultaneously to make her world spin. It was not just his touch, but the whole experience of being loved and in love.

Rachel began to shake from nerves, inexperience, and passion, as she knew it was getting closer to that time. She was wound so tight and felt this need to let go. She lifted her head calling out for him as they hugged tightly. Finn reached for her lips one more time whispering his words of love. Finn looked deep into her eyes again and entered her for the first time his eyes staring into her own. They both sailed to that special place that only real love can provide.

They laid their for a long time facing each other. Finn continued to brush her skin with loving touches as if he was afraid she would get away. Rachel laced her fingertips against his heart. It would be the memory of a lifetime for both of them.

"Do you know what we should do?" asked Rachel.

With a big cheesy grin, Finn looked at her, and said, "Elope". They got a good laugh out of the one.

"So, you did hear that", laughed Rachel.

"It's something well come back to on your 18th birthday", promised Finn.

From the day forward, Finn knew that there would always be a "Hello" for him and Rachel. And if they continued to play the "game" right, their love would be the most epic thing ever. He had played his moves right, and finally got the girl. He would never take her for granted again!

The End

Hope you enjoyed their love story. To me, love is the greatest feeling in the world, especially when you find that right person. Thanks for reading.