2nd August 2004


"Thanks love" Harry kissed Draco lightly and accepted the cup of tea offered to him.

"Harry, you never told me how it started, with Molly and everything."

"Suppose I didn't, did I, and you want to know?"

"Yes, I do, if you'll tell me," Draco tucked some strands of Harry's hair behind his ear.

"Ginny, wanted me to go and make a prestigious career for myself. I didn't need to, I was working with George in the joke shop after I quit the Auror office, I had war wounds that affected my playing quidditch, I was sick of violence and blood. I was happy working with George. I gave up, and went back to the Auror office to keep her happy. She died giving birth to the twins, because, their magic levels were unstable and she couldn't handle it, it was a difficult birth. Molly blamed me, claimed that I spawned demon children to kill Ginny. George, Bill and Charlie supported me, but the rest of them accused me of breaking their family apart, I, lost control of my magic and ended up slicing Ron's face open. It got worse from there. They found out about me practicing dark magic and being bisexual and flipped. They refused to see the twins, I haven't seen them since, only George, Bill and Charlie. After Molly's death, Ron came to me and told me to take the case, I refused and he had a private Auror investigate me, then sold the information to the daily prophet, It cost me a bit to get it back. You know where it went from there."

"I really hate weasel sometimes," Draco muttered darkly, "and what about Azkaban?"

"Greyback sent Lucius Polyjuice and I switched placed with a dying man, they smuggled me out and tortured me at Malfoy Manor. Similar to how Barty Crouch Jr. was smuggled out."

24 February 2005

Draco locked the door just as the moon rose fully. He could hear Harry moving around inside.

Draco was working on his animagus, but it was taking a while. Harry's Lancanthropy was never a problem with their family, Draco generally brewed the Wolfsbane, but his cauldron had been melted, thanks to James, who apparently has the skill of Longbottom.

He was at the end of the hall when he heard the growling, spinning around to see James and Teddy face to face with Harry, in his wolf form.

"Stupefy! Incacerous! Impedimenta! Confundo! Ritresempra!" Draco shot spells at the wolf, the Incacerous is what got it! Wrapping the wolf in thick ropes. When Draco was sure the kids were safe he scolded himself internally for casting a tickleing charm at a werewolf.

"Boys, go into the kitchen now and wait for me!" Draco yelled, watching them scuttle away.

Draco levitated Harry back into his room and locked the door, leaving him bound. The wolf was growing and squirming dangerously, he stood by the door and jumped when its body slammed into the door. He reinforced the room magically and set up a silencing ward - just in case.

Then he went to deal with the two trouble makers.

Teddy had black hair and green eyes, he always did that when he was in trouble with Draco. Though he preferred to have black hair and blue eyes the rest of the time.

"Did you open that door?" Draco asked, fuming.


"Why?" Draco snapped, staring them down. His heart hadn't calmed yet. Neither of them responded.

"Boys you know the rules, that door is to never be opened! Especially when dads in there, he'll deal with you tomorrow, I know he will be furious." Draco, then sent them to their rooms.

25th February 2005

"I could have-" Harry began

"You didn't and they're fine!" Draco kissed him, "Its something they will have to learn, until then I won't let you skip Wolfsbane."

"but-" Draco cut him off again, with his lips.

"it's fine, they learnt their lesson, scrubbing a dozen cauldrons of it, relax, love." Draco held his hand.

"I could have hurt them! I have to leave-" Harry was workinging himself into a nervous guilt struck panic and Draco didn't know how to get him to calm down. So did decided to make it worse.

"NO!" Draco screamed, seeing the angry red rise in Harry's cheeks, just like at school.

"I could kill anyone in this house, it's to dangerous!" Harry didn't yell back, so Draco slapped him.

It had the desired effect, Harry calmed down.

"I won't let you leave." Draco caressed his smooth cheek, Harry smiled.

"I just worry." was all Harry said. They both jumped when they heard a loud bang from downstairs, Harry drew his wand, Draco looked at it closely but there was a worried cry from downstairs.


Both Draco and Harry ran into the hall only to see Narcissa laying on the stairs with Jamed patting her hair.

"mother are you alright?" Draco pulled her to her feet and she grimaced and held her back, then she dashed up the stairs in a brilliant feat of agility and speed (if you ignore her massive fall not minutes earlier) and hugged Harry.

"I just got the paperwork from the Auror office granting us the full return off the malfoy Estate and Funds!" she squealed, "how did you do that Harry thank you."

Harry frowned. "it took them almost a year to get all that paperwork through. Merlin."

"I'm going home!" Narcissa said, kissing Harry, Draco, James, Sirius and Teddy all on the forehead.

"I have to speak with you, Dragon," she said, pulling him into the drawing room and closing the door.

Draco was with his mother for only a few hours but Harry didn't get the chance to speak to him until after dinner.

"What did your mother want?" Harry asked Draco as he slipped into bed, Harry snuggled into his side and rested his head on his chest.

"Just about the head of the family, we can't have one," Draco said tiredly.

There are no laws in wizarding Britain preventing us from marrying but the traditions of a house that old - the wards won't let me because I have an 'unconventional wife'

"Are you ok with that?" Harry asked, Draco shrugged.

"I'm so happy my mother got the manor back, that muggle flat made her miserable. You mean more to me than the Malfoy name Harry."

Harry quickly kissed whatever part of his chest he could reach. "You're sweet."

"Wait!" Harry said, Draco sat up a little because he sounded miffed. "Why am I the wife?"

Draco chuckled.

"Because you would make an adorable girl, and I'm taller, and my wand is bigger." Draco informed him sleepily. Harry hit him.

"Oh," Draco sat up, Harry fell off, "that reminds me, can I see your wand?"

"No," Harry rolled over and pretended to be upset. Draco poked him, "not that one, your magic one."

"I have four," Harry said.


Harry pulled a long thin whitish wand from under his pillow.

"This is mine!" Draco said, holding the familiar wood. Harry looked shocked.

"I'd forgotton," he said, "did you want it back?"

Draco returned the wand and smiled at his fiancée. "what are the other three?"

"the elder wand, my old Holly and Phoenix wand and my penis."

Harry said pushing Draco onto the bed so he could continue using him as a pillow. Draco was just about to ask why he had the elder wand but Harry fell asleep.

Draco smiled and gently stroked Harry's messy hair until he fell asleep too.

14th June 2005

Luna was sitting on the dresser in Draco's room watching him panic.

"Are you going to wear a dress, Draco?"

"No! you're not helping!" Draco frantically looked around for his tie.

"You have a horrible case of the jitters," Luna said, "They're little creatures with only two legs and wings that don't work that crawl under your skin and make you nervous."

"Still not helping, where's my tie?" Draco was panicking now, he had… four hours before he was marrying the man he loved, and as that man in question was Harry Potter, the ceremony would be swarming with press, he had to look immaculate!

"Draco, your tie is around your neck," Draco jumped about a foot in the air when he turned and Luna was right there. She grabbed the offending garment and tied it for him.

"You're panicking far too much, Draco."

Harry 'oomphed' as he was jumped on by three little boys, well jumped on by two and had the third snuggled into his side.

"Daddy, will it be boring?"

"No, they're be people making speeches and tears of joy and kissing!"

"Ewww!" Harry laughed at his sons as he playfully pushed Teddy off him and tried to sit up, only to be tackled again.


"Hello Blaise, How are you?"

"You know you only have a half hour left?"

"Should probably shower then hey?" Harry laughed, "go get Uncle Blaise!" Harry decried and the boys went and jumped on Blaise while Harry scrambled around to get ready.

Draco looked beautiful, well that didn't do him justice, to Harry he was perfect. From his immaculate hair to the shiny tips of his shoes to his crooked tie.

"I love you" Harry whispered as he took Draco's arm and kissed Narcissa's hand, not paying her any attention, even when she lightly dabbed at her eyes with a white Handkerchief.

Draco was in a white suit, he had a grey tie –which was crooked- and Harry was in a black suit with a silver tie.

They said their vows and Teddy brought the rings –as he was oldest- and finally the priest told them that they could kiss, Draco grabbed Harry's tie and yanked him forward, but the kiss was gentle, and when they broke apart, Draco leaned in and whispered 'I love you too' into Harry's ear.

"You guys are gross," They both turned to look at James, who was standing in the isle with a big stupid grin on his face, then he ran forwards and gave them a massive hug.

The whole crowd seemed to be flashing with photographers cameras.

2nd September 2009

"Draco, the note from Teddy is here!"

Draco ran down the stairs and into the drawing room to read the letter over Harry's shoulder.


It's brilliant here, it's so big and the castle is so cool and Jay will be in so much trouble for all the mischief he will cause I can tell. Dad won, I was sorted into Gryffindor, the Hat wasn't even put on my head properly, and it has been burned, I can tell because it has a great big patch magic-ed onto it.

I'll be good and stay safe, tell Jay, Siri and Scorpius that I miss them allheaps, and you guys and everyone else too.


From Teddy

1st September 2011

Draco and Harry were sitting on the lounge in the Drawing room when Coswallop, Teddy's owl flew through the window.

The two men eagerly jumped off the couch.

Hey dads, the castle is great, the floating candles are so cool and I love it, I was sorted into Gryffindor! Just like you dad you were right!


Hello, they are driving me insane, wouldn't leave me alone on the train, my friends don't want to hang out with first years.

I ran into Victorie Weasley on the train, she said you two were gross fags and I hexed her, then got into trouble because she ran and sobbed to Professor Weasley. Other then that its been good so far, well except- I'll let Sirius say.

Love Teddy

Daddy I was sorted into Slytherin, like you said, but I'm away from James! And the Gryffindors won't let me in their common room so I can talk to him. It's a pretty castle but I miss you and ayah and I miss James and Teddy now and I want to go home.

Come get me – Sirius.

"I knew this would happen," Harry said, "I'll go to the castle tomorrow and talk to him."

"He'll be fine tomorrow, the first night, the Slytherin prefects make all the first years get to know each other, we'll see him tomorrow and he'll want us to be gone."

"I'm still going," Harry said.

"I knew you would."

2nd September 2011

Harry walked through the door of the Slytherin common room that night to be jumped on by his son in a hug. The other Slytherins either snorted or turned away, a few sneered. Harry put Sirius down and noticed the other first year standing behind him.

"You seem a lot happier than you did in your letter.

"Well I made a friend, the prefects made everyone sit down and get to know each other, Daddy this is my new friend!" Sirius 'said' and pointed to a dark skinned dark haired little girl.

"Hello Mr. Potter, I'm Mina Thomas."

"Hello Mina, you're Dean and Padma's daughter aren't you?"

"Yes sir, nice to meet you."

"You too," Harry smiled at the girl, "Do you still want to come home Siri?"

Sirius blushed, and shook his head.

"good, I'm going to go see Teddy and Jay before I go, if you need anything, owl, ok?"

Sirius nodded and gave Harry a hug goodbye.

The End

Please have a look at the sequal, "Like Father, Like Son" a proper novel length following Sirius and James through Hogwarts and a prophecy all their own.