I'm back with a new story :)

Frankly NO, I do not own any of Ghost Whisperer.

PLEASE COMMENT! I would like to know what you all think of this new fic.

Chapter 1: Closed Heart

The moon glistened over the Clancy household. It was a long day for everyone. Jim was 32 years old, a widow and a high class lawyer in the state of New York. Jim has two kids Daniel and Madison. Daniel is 12 and on the soccer team at his middle school. and Madison is 3. Jim and his wife Stephanie had Daniel right out of high school. Jim was two years older than Stephanie when they started dating Jim had just hired the children a nanny for the kids. Melinda was 28 years old and lived in the Clancy household as their nanny. Jim hired Melinda a week ago and her first day on the job was today. Jim thought they needed a nanny because of the long hours he worked.

Jim walked out of his son Daniel's room. Jim was now a single father with two kids. Jim's wife Stephanie died in a car accident two year ago when a drunk driver hit her, she was 28 when she died. Jim took her death very hard and kept himself distant from everyone except his kids, he closed himself off from dating. His one true love was gone and he always believed you get one, one true love only. Jim had no intention on dating again. That period of his life was over and he was focused on his work and his children. He had no intention on giving his heart to another woman, his heart was with his wife.

Jim walked to his room and sat on the bed. A few minutes later Jim's youngest child enter his room "daddy" the girl said in a small voice. Jim looked up "Whats the matter baby" Jim asked his youngest child Madison. She walked up to her daddy holding her teddy bear "bad dream" she said. Jim picked up his 3 year old daughter and set her on his lap "It was just a dream munchkin" he said in a soothing and caring voice. Madison rested her head against her daddy's chest. "Can I sleep with you" she asked in a scared voice. "Ok baby, you can sleep with me" Jim said. Madison reached up and kissed her dad and hugged him. Jim hugged her back "Ok come on lets tuck you in" Jim turned to his side and laid his daughter down in his bed and tucked her in. "Goodnight daddy" she said. Jim kissed her "Night baby" Jim said. Madison snuggled her teddy bear close to her and closed her eyes.

Jim left his room a few minutes later and went downstairs. Jim seen the light on in the kitchen and seen his children's nanny Melinda sitting at the table eating a bowl of ice cream "Mind if I join you" Jim asked as he went to the freezer and started to fix himself a bowl of ice cream. "no not at all" Melinda said. Jim finished fixing his ice cream and sat at the table with Melinda. "So how were they today" Jim asked. "Well Daniel was sorta bad, Madison gave me a little trouble today when I went to give her a bath" Melinda ate some of her ice cream "So how was your work today" she asked Jim. "I've had better days" Jim said stressfully. "Wanna talk about" Melinda asked. "Naw thats ok" Jim said. Jim didnt like to talk about work to no one. "Well i'm here if you ever wanna talk" she said in reassurance. "Ill remember that" Jim smiled. They both finished eating their ice cream. "I wanna talk to you about Daniel though" Melinda said. Jim looked up at her "Don't tell me he played one of those bloody tricks on you" Jim said. Daniel would always pretend he hurt himself and would make it look real. Jim warned Melinda not to fall for it but she did. "Yeah that too but uh...I found a magazine in his room earlier and I think you know what kind and I don't know if that is normal for a 11 year old or what. I just thought you should know" Melinda said. Jim sighed. Ever since Stephanie died Daniel took it really hard and was acting out. Jim was hoping it would be easier to cope with by now but it wasn't. Daniel was just making it harder for him due to his troublesome behavior. "I'll talk to him about it" Jim said in a depressed voice. Melinda took her bowl and his ice cream bowl and put it in the sink. "The magazine is on top of the refrigerator" Melinda said. Jim nodded "Thanks Ms. Gordon" Jim said. "Are you ok Mr. Clancy" Melinda asked in a concerned voice. "Yeah. It's just been a stressful day" Jim said. Jim put his hands on his head and rested his arms on the table. Melinda walked over to the table and put her hands on his shoulders and started massaging his shoulders. Jim fell into a trance. It's been a real long time since anyone has done that to him and it felt really good. "Thanks, Ms. Gordon" Jim stood up. "Your welcome Mr. Clancy" Melinda said. "So I'll see you in the morning than" Jim said nervously. "Yeah you will" Melinda smiled. They both walked up the stairs together in silence. "Goodnight" Melinda said as Jim stopped with her at her bedroom door. "Goodnight" Jim said. Jim watched as Melinda went into her room and closed the door. Jim changed out of his clothes and into his tank top and boxers as soon as he got into his room and got in bed. Jim kissed his daughter on the cheek and laid down.

PLEASE let me know what you think. REVIEW!