Title: Wizard meets Shinigami [couldn't think of a title for this. Any ideas, feel free to let me know]

Summary: When Harry and Ron can't go through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4, they wait a while before trying again. This time they go through, but end up in the Soul Society instead of the platform. With help from some Shinigami, they manage to get back to Hogwarts, but with some foreign exchange students with them.

Set in Harry and Ron's fourth year, and after Aizen's betrayal in Bleach. I know that in the fourth book, there's the Quidditch World Cup thing going on, but for the sake of this fic, it never happened. Or rather, it did, but they went to the platform differently then they did in the book. I know that most of these fics occur during fifth year since Voldy's alive and all, but I wanted to do things differently, so.. I'm not quite sure how this is going to work out, but whatever. I'm trying, and that's good enough for me.

Oh, and the whole Gigai thing… I'm not quite sure exactly how it works, just that the Soul Reapers get their Gigais when they're already in the real world, but since that won't work in this case, they're going to be in the Gigais in the Soul Society right before they go to the world of the living. ;]And, I'm just going to pretend that everyone understands each other, just to make it easier. Also, my OC is in here, but she's the only OC there is.

Now onto the story! Enjoy, and don't forget to review!

Harry and Ron looked at the barrier, and then to each other. For some reason it wouldn't let them through, and they needed to be on the platform in five minutes, or the train would go on without them. Harry had let his owl, Hedwig, out of her cage so she could fly off, and also because she was attracting too many stares from the Muggles. A few minutes after that, Harry had realized that he should've wrote a note to Hermione, but it was too late.

"I can't believe this is happening again," Harry said, sighing. "Wasn't it enough in second year? Why again two years later?"

"Maybe it hates us. Lets try again in two minutes, and if it still won't let us through, we'll just have to wait for someone to walk back out here," Ron suggested, and Harry nodded. They counted two minutes, and then Harry pushed his cart into the wall, Ron grinning and following behind him. They emerged onto what they thought was Platform 9 3/4, but when they blinked and looked around again, they realized that it wasn't the platform, and that they had no idea where they were.

"Ron? Where are we, exactly?" Harry asked. They were surrounded by tall white buildings, and when he looked behind him, there was nothing there, making Harry wonder how they got there in the first place.

"No idea, mate," Ron said, also looking around.

"Let's walk around and try to find someone," he said, figuring that they might as well do something besides standing there. Harry shook some of his hair out of his face and started pushing his cart, with Ron next to him. Before long, they started hearing voices, and they quickened their pace. They stopped at the end of a building, and Harry and Ron ditched their carts so they could look around the corner without attracting attention to themselves.

"This is so boring!" a girl was saying to two guys. She had black hair that was pulled up into ponytail, with some of the hair spiking out. She also had long bangs that covered half of her face, and a few short strands covered some of the other side of her face. She was wearing a plain black choker around her neck, and a black armband on her left arm. But what really made her stand out was the weird black robes she wore, and the sword strapped to her back.

"I know, Ruri, but Zaraki told us to stay here," one of the guys said. He had black hair that barely reached his shoulders, and there were two feathers coming from both his eyebrow and the corner of his eye. He was wearing the same type of robes, but with a weird orange scarf thing, and also had a sword that was hanging at his waist.

"Apparently something should be happening here soon," the other guy said. He was bald, and had red markings on his eyes. Like the other two, he was wearing the robes and had a sword, which he was holding over his shoulders.

"Yeah, so? I'm bored," the girl said again.

"You said that already," said the bald guy. "Is having short term memory loss an affect of being short?"

"I'm not short! I'm taller than Toshiro, you know, baldy!" she shouted, glaring at him from the one eye that was visible. Ron gave Harry the 'wtf' look, and Harry shrugged in response.

"You wanna say that again, pipsqueak?" 'Baldy' asked threateningly.

"You wanna fight, cue ball?" she replied, her hand going to the hilt of her sword.

"Bring it on!" The bald one unsheathed his sword, and was now holding both the sheath and the sword. The black haired guy just rolled his eyes as he watched the girl unsheathe her sword.

"Lets interfere, before they kill each other," Ron whispered to Harry.

"Yeah. Leave the carts here, though," Harry whispered back. He and Ron walked up to the three, and the two who were going to fight stopped to stare at him.

"Who're you?" the girl asked, looking at them, and temporarily forgot about beating up the bald one.

"Er, I'm Ron Weasley, and this is Harry Potter," Ron said, and Harry nodded, waiting for the three to stare at him in shock. It didn't happen, to Harry's relief.

"Aren't they the two we're supposed to be looking for?" the black haired guy asked.

"Think so," the girl replied, shrugging, and sheathed her sword. The bald guy did the same and put it back over his shoulder.

"Who're you guys? And where exactly are we?" Harry asked.

"Ikkaku Madarame, third seat of the 11th division," the bald guy said.

"I don't think they know what the squads are, but whatever. I'm Ruri Aruteru, the sixth seat of the same squad," the girl said.

"And I'm Yumichika Ayasegawa, the fifth seat of squad 11," the black haired guy said. "And to answer your second question, you're in the Soul Society."

"Or Seireitei," Ruri added helpfully, and Yumichika nodded.

"Soul Society?" Harry asked.

"Well, yeah," Ikkaku said. "Ya know, when you die and pass on, you go to the Soul Society."

"Wait, you are dead, aren't you?" Yumichika asked, staring at them. Ron and Harry both shook their confused heads.

"So, they're humans... And Captain told us to find them?" Ruri asked slowly, then rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Come with us ... Harry and Ron."

"Er, we have stuff that we left over there," Ron said, nodding towards the place where the came from.

"Go get it, then," Ikkaku said, and the two wizards rushed to go get the carts. When they came back, the three were waiting for them, and Ikkaku's sword was now at his waist. Harry figured the girl told him to quit holding it all the time.

"Right, let's go," Ruri said, noticing them, and led them through the maze of buildings. After a few minutes of walking, they reached a smaller building. Ruri opened the door and walked in with Yumichika and Ikkaku, and she motioned for Harry and Ron to go in with their stuff. As soon as the two walked in, they fell to their knees, feeling as if there was something around them that was pressuring them down.

"This is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They were the only ones that were there, and they're humans, so they're the ones we're looking for," Yumichika said to the guy who was sitting at a desk.

"Um, Captain? You might wanna lower your spiritual pressure first," Ruri said before he could say anything.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that," he replied, smirking, and the pressure around Harry and Ron disappeared. The two got up, and looked at the guy who was talking. He was also wearing the black robes, but had a tattered white jacket over it, and his sword was on the desk. He was giant, but with muscle instead of fat, and his hair was separated into spikes with bells at the tips. He had an eye patch covering one of his eyes, and there was a scar running through the other eye. And the guy didn't seem to have eyebrows, which freaked out Harry and Ron, not to mention the creepy smile he was giving them. "I'm Kenpachi Zaraki, captain of the 11th squad. Now which one's Potter and which one's Weasley?"

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron said.

"Harry Potter," Harry said, feeling stupid, but also relieved when they still didn't seem to recognize his name.

"Right, so you guys are… wizards?" Kenpachi asked, staring at them oddly, and Ron nodded. "And you do this magic?" Ron nodded again.

"Magic? That doesn't exist," Yumichika said.

"Yeah, it does," Harry objected.

"Then prove it," Ruri said, and Harry sighed, but pulled out his wand.

"A stick?" Ikkaku asked, staring at Harry like he was crazy.

"It's a wand," Ron corrected, glaring at him. Harry nodded his thanks and looked around the room for something to levitate.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Harry said, pointing his wand at a chair, which flew up into the air. As Harry moved his wand, the chair also moved, until he dropped it, ending the spell. "See? It's real."

"Can you make anything else float?" Ruri asked excitedly. "Like people?"

Kenpachi coughed, saving Harry from answering the question, and Ruri blushed slightly. "I'm assuming you two want to know where you are, and why you're here?" Harry and Ron nodded. "Then sit down, it's gonna take a while to explain."

About an hour and a half of explaining later, Harry and Ron finally understood what the Soul Society was, what Soul Reapers were, and why they were there. Apparently the Head Captain Yamamoto knew of Hogwarts, and wanted a few Soul Reapers to go to the school to make sure that Aizen, the Shinigami's enemy, didn't join the not-dead-but-not-exactly-alive Voldemort, and also, in a sense, protect Harry. Which Harry didn't agree on, but he let it go, since it made sense, even if he didn't want to admit it. Anyway, Yamamoto had one of the captains, Kurotsuchi, make the barrier at King's Cross turn into a Senkaimon, which was like a portal leading to the Seireitei, so that when they walked through it, they would arrive in the Soul Society, though not by the Senkaimon on Sokyoku Hill. That part confused both Harry and Ron, but they just went along as if they understood it all. So now, Kurotsuchi was figuring out a way to transport them back to Hogwarts, along with a group of Soul Reapers that they were going to meet in a few minutes, once they arrived in Kenpachi's office.

"So, how many are coming with us to Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"Well, there's me, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Renji, Rukia, Ichigo, and Toshiro, so… that's seven of us," Ruri said. "But since Ikkaku doesn't exactly look like a student, he's going to be teaching another subject there."

"Wait, does Dumbledore know about all this?" Ron asked.

"That's the headmaster of the school, right? He will when we go there," Ikkaku replied, shrugging.

"Old man Yamamoto supposedly talked to him about it all," Kenpachi said. "If that's true, though, I don't know." The door opened, and four Soul Reapers walked in, one of them wearing the white Captain's haori.

"Finally," Ruri muttered so only Yumichika, Ikkaku, Harry, and Ron could hear her.

"Now that everyone's here, these are the two wizards you were told about: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley," Kenpachi said, pointing at the two boys respectively. "And since they have no idea who any of you are…"

"We would've introduced ourselves if you didn't start talking right away, Captain Zaraki," the other captain said, glaring at Kenpachi before turning to Harry and Ron. "I am Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya." So that was who Ruri was comparing herself to, Harry thought, noticing the name, and his lack in height.

"I'm Rukia Kuchiki," the only girl in the group (besides Ruri) said.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," said the orange haired boy.

"And Renji Abarai," the red haired guy with the tattoos said.

"Now that everyone's met each other, let's meet back here in two hours, so that the Soul Reapers can get their Gigais and school stuff, and Kurotsuchi will have enough time to make that portal thing for us," Kenpachi said. "Oh, and Potter, Weasley, remember not to mention to anyone at your school that we're Soul Reapers."

"A Gigai is a Soul Reaper's body that we use when we go to the world of the living," Ruri explained to Harry and Ron, who nodded.

"See ya guys later," Ichigo said as he and the other Shinigami left.

Two Hours Later, somewhere in between the 11th and 12th division areas…

"That's the portal thing?" Ruri asked, staring at it doubtfully. Kenpachi told them all to go there since that was where the portal was located, and they were all standing in front of the so-called 'portal.' It was supposed to look like the Senkaimon, but it failed. Instead, it was just a plan wood door set in the middle of the field, and it was supposed to transport them all to the land right outside Hogwarts castle. The Soul Reapers all doubted that it would work, but at the same time, hoped that it did. They were all in their Gigais, and carrying bags with their books and other stuff they'd need at Hogwarts, along with Harry and Ron, who traded the carts for the bags.

"Apparently so," Renji said. "It's the only thing that's here, right?"

"What's the big deal?" Ron asked. "If that's it, then just open the door and go through it already."

"Impatient much?" Ruri muttered, rolling her eyes. She walked up to the door and opened it, and blue light filled the space. She stared at it for a second, then walked through and disappeared.

"Impatience is such an ugly emotion," Yumichika said, and followed her through the portal. Ron and Harry went next, and then Ichigo, Rukia, Ikkaku, Renji, and Toshiro.

"So this is Hogwarts?" Ichigo asked, and was ignored by everyone.

"I guess we just walk up to the door and see if it's open," Harry said, and the group followed him up to the castle. The doors weren't open, so they got Ikkaku to pound on the door. Almost immediately, the door opened, and three people walked outside: Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall, as Harry pointed out to the Soul Reapers.

"So this is where the Golden Boy and his friend disappeared to," Snape sneered as he saw Harry and Ron, who glared at him. A few Shinigami also glared at him, and Yumichika looked at him in disgust.

"His hair is just plain disgusting! Does he ever wash it?" Yumichika asked in a low voice, causing a few of their group to try and hide their laughs.

"Obviously not," Ruri replied, causing the rest of the group to laugh, and even Toshiro tried to hide a smile.

"Are all of you the exchange students?" Dumbledore asked, ignoring their laughter.

"Yeah," Ichigo replied at the same time Ikkaku said, "No."

"What he means is, we're all exchange students except for Ikkaku, who said he got a job here to teach another subject," Toshiro explained. The wizards looked at him oddly, since he was the smallest of the group, yet he was talking for all of them.

"I can speak for myself, ya know," Ikkaku muttered.

"Then why didn't you?" Ruri asked him, smirking.

"Burn!" Ichigo shouted, and then dodged a punch Ikkaku threw at him.

"Guys," Toshiro said, glaring at them, and they stopped the beginning of their fight. The captain turned back to Dumbledore. "Sorry about them; they're idiots."

"How about we continue this conversation inside?" Dumbledore asked, and the Shinigami nodded. "Minerva, you can take care of Harry and Ron." With that, Dumbledore turned around and led the Shinigami inside the castle, and McGonagall stayed outside with the boys. Snape followed them inside, glaring at the back of Yumichika's head. As they walked through the halls, the Soul Reapers kept looking around at everything in awe, until they saw the portraits.

"How do they move and talk? Are their souls stuck in the portrait or something?" Ruri asked.

"If they are…" Toshiro said threateningly, and Dumbledore just laughed.

"No, that's not it. The wizard who painted it also put magic in the painting, so that the person who was painted would act however the person himself wanted it to," Dumbledore explained. The Soul Reapers didn't fully believe him, but they let it go, and Toshiro planned to check it out sometime later. By then, they were heading up the stairs and into Dumbledore's office, with Snape still following them, to Yumichika's discomfort. Once in the office, Dumbledore waved his wand in the room, and seven chairs appeared. He sat down at his desk, and Snape stood off to the side, glaring at them all as they sat down. "So you all are the reason why the two boys were late, I presume?"

"In a sense, yes," Toshiro replied. They were all told to keep their identity as Soul Reapers a secret, so Yamamoto came up with a cover story for them that was partially true. "You see, we were lost, and we saw Potter and Weasley with their stuff, so we asked them to show us how to get onto the platform. But it was useless, since it wouldn't let us through."

"I don't mean to interrupt," Snape said, as if he didn't really care if he was interrupting or not, "but I thought I should mention that it's impolite to talk while someone else was talking." He glared at Yumichika and Ruri, who looked up and blushed. They had been making fun of Snape and talking quietly, and they didn't think anyone would notice. Toshiro glared at them.

"Sorry," they both muttered, but rolled their eyes once Toshiro looked away.

"So then, how did you get here?" Dumbledore asked.

"A friend of ours used some sort of transportation thing to get us here," Renji replied. "We don't know what it was, though."

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "Since you're all going to be students here, you need to be sorted. Severus, the hat?" Snape took an old looking hat off one of the shelves, and handed it to him. "This is the sorting hat, it will sort you into one of the four houses here, which is where you'll be staying for the duration of the year. Before you put it on, just state your name and what year you'll be going into." He handed the hat to Ichigo.

"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, and I guess fifth year?" Ichigo said, then reluctantly put the hat on his head. After a few seconds, the hat shouted out Gryffindor. He passed the hat to Rukia.

"Rukia Kuchiki, and also fifth year," she said, and put the hat on, and got sorted into Ravenclaw.

"Renji Abarai, fifth year," Renji said as he put the hat on, and got sorted into Gryffindor. He gave the hat to Toshiro.

"Toshiro Hitsugaya, fifth year," he said quickly, and Ruri coughed.

"Um, Toshiro, since we're both height challenged, how 'bout we both go into fourth year?" she asked. "That way you don't draw a lot more attention than you normally would. And since I'm barely taller than you…."

Toshiro looked at her, and considered her idea. She was one of the few people who could call him by his first name or call him short, since she also knew what it was like to be made fun of because of her height. "You're right," he said at last, to the shock of the other Soul Reapers.

"What? Are you serious, Hitsugaya? You let her call you short and you agree with her?" Ichigo asked in surprise.

"She used the correct term for short, which is height challenged. Remember that, Kurosaki," Toshiro replied, glaring at him.

"She has a name," Ruri said. "And, Ichigo, what's wrong if Toshiro and I are against height discrimination? Huh?"

"Height discrimination?" Ichigo repeated. "Since when-"

"Just shut up, Ichigo," Rukia interrupted, glaring at him, and he fell silent.

"Hitsugaya, and fourth year," Toshiro said and finally put on the sorting hat, to get sorted into Ravenclaw. He passed the hat to Ruri.

"Ruri Aruteru, fourth year," she announced, and put on the hat. It took a few seconds before it shouted Gryffindor. "Here ya go, Yumi," she said cheerfully as she handed the hat to Yumichika.

"Don't call me that," he said to her, then turned to Dumbledore. "Yumichika Ayasegawa, fifth year…. Do I really have to put this ugly thing on?"

"Yes, you do," Dumbledore said, smiling.

"I am not ugly!" the hat shouted, which just made Yumichika deem it uglier.

"If you won't put it on, I'll force it on your pretty head," Ruri threatened when he hesitated. She waited two seconds, then stood up, taking the hat from him, and pressing on his head. She sat down and smiled triumphantly.

"Gryffindor!" the hat shouted and yumichika pulled it off his head, messing up his normally perfect hair.

"You're dead, Ruri," he hissed at her as he handed Ikkaku the hat and tried to flatten his hair.

"Why me? I didn't do anything to your hair, the hat did," she replied, looking at him innocently. "But since you can't kill a hat, kill Ikkaku, because he doesn't have any hair."

"What did you say?" Ikkaku growled as he glared at her.

"She said you're bald," Ichigo said, smirking. "I don't know why you get so mad when someone points out the obvious."

"The hat, please," Dumbledore said, interrupting them.

"Ikkaku Madarame," Ikkaku said. "But, what about that class where they all learn to fight without magic?"

"You'll teach that, but you should still be sorted," Dumbledore replied, and Ikkaku shrugged before putting the hat on. As soon as it touched his bald head, it screamed out Gryffindor and went limp. Ikkaku held it away from him, and everyone stared at it.

"I think it died," Ruri said, poking it. "Yumichika, what did you do?"

"Fixed my hair," he replied innocently, and he was right. His hair wasn't the same as it had been before, but it was pretty close.

"It didn't die," Dumbledore said, taking the hat from Ikkaku. "It goes like this once it's done sorting. Now, Ikkaku, you mentioned the extra class, and that you want to teach it. Since no one applied for the job, you can have it, but first I'll need proof of your fighting skills."

"I'll fight Ruri, but is there a place large enough to fight in?" Ikkaku asked.

"Yes, we'll go to your new classroom, and on the way back I'll point out the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw common rooms," he replied. "Who wants to witness their fight?" Everyone's hands shot up, and Renji and Ichigo started placing bets on who would win.

"Wait, what kind of fight are we talking about?" Ruri asked.

"Well, since the students are going to be learning both how to fight with swords and their hands, you can choose," Dumbledore said, and she nodded. Then Dumbledore stood up, and lead them out of his office, and up some stairs and down some corridors.

"Sword fight, Ikkaku?" Ruri asked as they all followed Dumbledore.

Ikkaku nodded. "Be prepared to lose... Pipsqueak."

"You are so dead now, baldy!"

"Kurosaki's right, Ruri might win this time," Toshiro said to Renji.

"I don't think so," Renji said. "Every time they fought, Ikkaku always won."

"But this time there fighting at equal strength, so you never know," Rukia pointed out. They knew she meant that they weren't fighting with their zanpaktous, so the outcome of the fight would most likely be different.

"I still say Ikkaku's gonna win," Renji said, and then walked up to said Shinigami. "Hey, you better win, got it?"

"Of course I'll win," Ikkaku replied, smirking evilly.

"Good, because I bet half of my salary that you'd win, and there's no way I'm giving that to Ichigo," he said, then waited for the others to catch up.

"Here we are," Dumbledore said as they stopped in front of a classroom. He opened the door, and they all walked in, looking around. It was completely empty aside from a few chairs by the walls of the room, and the rest was just empty space. Along one wall was a whole bunch of swords, some wooden, and some not. Ruri and Ikkaku headed straight towards the swords, both taking out a normal sword, and testing it to see if they liked it or not. Everyone else lined up against the other wall as they moved to the center of the room.

"Don't cause each other any major injuries," Snape said, though he looked as if he couldn't care less if they killed each other or not, and a few of them laughed.

"And don't hurt the room either," Yumichika added.

"Just fight already!" Ichigo shouted. "Best out of three wins."

"Prepare to die, Ikkaku," Ruri said, smirking, and the fight began. Ikkaku was on the defensive from the moment the fight started, which Ichigo pointed out to Renji. There was an especially loud clang of metal against metal, and Ruri flew back a few feet, before readjusting her grip on her sword and lunging back at Ikkaku. There was some blood flying, but no one could tell who's it was. They both jumped back at the same time, and a few second later Ikkaku jumped at Ruri, his sword a blur as he swung it around. She ducked and jumped out of the way, and swung her sword at his side, slicing through his clothes and skin.

"Cut number two!" Ruri sang as she practically danced away from him. "One more and I win!"

"Damn you," Ikkaku growled at her as he brought his sword up for another attack.

"What's the matter, baldy?" she asked, laughing, and blocked his attack. She dodged the next blow, and jumped up, cutting Ikkaku's arm. She landed, and grinned at him.

"You're just having a good day, don't get all excited 'bout it," he said to her before she could say anything. "Next time, I'll win."

"Sure," Ruri said sarcastically, rolling her eyes, then put away her sword and walked over to the other Shinigami, who were receiving their money. It wasn't just Ichigo and Renji who bet on the result of the fight. Toshiro, Yumichika, and Rukia also bet on Ruri being the winner, and Renji handed them all, and Ichigo, his money, while complaining the whole time. Then Dumbledore showed them to the common rooms (Ikkaku had an office by the classroom, which had a door connecting to his own room), and told them all that they'd be introduced to the rest of the school tomorrow morning so they should get their rest. They ignored him, since they were already supposed to meet up that night in their Soul Reaper forms.

Ruri, Yumichika, Renji, and Ichigo walked into the Gryffindor common room, which was empty except for three students sitting by the fire. Two of them were Harry and Ron.

"Hey, you guys are all in Gryffindor?" Harry asked when he noticed them looking around.

"Yep," Ichigo said.

"There should be more colors in here than just red and gold," Yumichika commented.

"Those are the house colors, idiot," Renji told him, rolling his eyes.

"Who are you guys, exactly?" said Harry and Ron's friend.

"We could ask you the same question," Ruri replied, staring at her. She had gotten over beating Ikkaku, and now she was exhausted. It didn't help that she, along with everyone else, had to slip out of their Gigais that night.

"I'm Hermione Granger," she said, blushing.

"Ruri Aruteru," Ruri said, smirking. "We're all exchange students."

"I'm Yumichika Ayasegawa," Yumichika said.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo looked bored, and started walking around the common room, looking at stuff.

"Why am I last?" Renji asked.

"Because you thought Ikkaku could beat me," Ruri answered simply.

"Well he always does," Renji said, then looked at Hermione. "I'm Renji Abarai, by the way."

"So where-" Hermione started.

"Wait a second," Ron interrupted, staring at Ruri. "You fought Ikkaku and won?"

"Yep," she said happily. "It was awesome."

"Whoa," Harry said, staring at her in awe.

"As I was going to say, where are you guys from?" Hermione asked.

"Japan," Ichigo replied, coming back to the group.

"Hey, not to be rude or anything, but can we all talk tomorrow? It's late, and don't we all have classes tomorrow morning?" Ruri asked, and yawned to prove her point.

"That's a good idea," Hermione said. "I'll show you where our dorms are."

Ruri nodded, and said 'see ya' to everyone else before following her to the girls dorm. The guys followed Harry and Ron in the opposite direction. Once in the dorm, Ruri changed, and pulled the curtain around her bed, and waited until she was sure Hermione was asleep. After about five minutes, she left her gigai, and flash-stepped to the roof of the school, where everyone was going to meet. The only one there so far was Toshiro, who nodded at her. After a few minutes, the other Soul Reapers appeared and joined them, a few of them yawning.

"First things first," Toshiro said. "What do you think about the portraits?"

"They seem to be souls, but I think Dumbledore was telling us the truth when we asked," Rukia said. "When I looked at them, they didn't really act the way a soul would."

Toshiro nodded. "We'll meet here every four days, unless someone finds out something important that could help us with our mission. And remember, don't let anyone think that there's something weird about us."

"No problem," Ichigo replied.

"I should be able to find out a lot of info since I'm a teacher and all," Ikkaku said.

"What, is he trying to feel important?" Ruri muttered to Yumichika.

"If we were using our zanpaktous, I would've kicked your ass, Ruri, and you know that," Ikkaku said to her.

"Yeah, but we weren't using our zanpaktous," she replied in a 'no duh' voice.

"Lets just go bed, everyone," Toshiro said, and they all flash stepped away.

I think it dragged on.. But I wanted to finish the first day, so…
Right, so is it good, bad, or what? Should I continue? Review please, and tell me. I'll start the next chapter in case you guys like it.