Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. Oda-sensei does.
It is nighttime in the Goa Kingdom of East Blue. Most of the inhabitants of the island have gone to sleep, awaiting the coming of the next day. We look now to Mt. Colbo, to the bandit stronghold of Dadan and her gang. It is also the foster home of Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy.
Luffy and Ace have their own room. After spending the day running around the village, playing and generally causing a ruckus, they came home completely spent and are both in deep sleep, dead to the world around them. All is peaceful throughout the area.
It is now 1 a.m. and as if appearing from thin air, a lone figure walks through the forest path up to the stronghold. The person in question is cloaked. Upon closer inspection, we see that it is large man, solidly built and has a unique tribal style tattoo on the left side of his face. It is none other than Monkey D. Dragon, and he has returned briefly to his homeland for a special visit. He has come to see his only child.
He arrives and with complete silence and no effort makes his way in through the window to Luffy's room. He stoops down beside Luffy's bed and removes the cloak from atop his head. At this point he simply gazes down and looks lovingly upon his only child. Dragon is known as a serious, hard and uncaring man, a stern figure. But now, he can't help but think that this little boy is the most beautiful thing in the world.
He speaks, "Hello Luffy. You don't know who I am, no doubt because your grandfather hasn't told you about me. I'm your dad. If you only knew how much I truly wish I could be with you always. I've already missed so much, all these years forever lost never to be regained, and it truly pains me. I don't expect you to understand but what I am trying to accomplish is very important. For so long, there have been those who have stepped upon the backs of the innocent, making others suffer for their own greedy and selfish wants and desires. Too long have they been allowed to do this and no one has done anything to help. I wish to change that. To make a better future for all. I want better for you."
He pauses. Luffy is still fast asleep and its better this way. He wants so badly to wake him and tell him everything but for Luffy's own safety, this is all he can do. He continues:
"I know your grandfather wishes you to become a marine, but you should follow your own dreams and not let others determine your life for you. If anything, know this, no matter what path you choose in life, whatever destiny you make for yourself, just know that you will have a proud and supportive father. No matter how long we are forced to be apart, or where you go, when you need me, I will be there. I love you, my son."
With one hand he brushes Luffy's hair back and places a tender and loving kiss to his forehead. As he pulls back, Luffy stirs a little in his sleep and then seems to smile. Dragon checks to make sure he has not disturbed anything and that both Luffy and Ace are still sleeping. All is in order, it's time to go. He retreats back through the window. A distance away from the stronghold, he looks upon it one more time, then sighs and turns around, returning the hood to on top of his head.
As he walks across the fields near Windmill village, he thinks quietly to himself, "Perhaps someday, we will have a chance to be together. Perhaps someday, I can have a chance to be a real father to him. Perhaps…someday…"
Then, like a spirit, he seemingly vanishes, as if into thin air. It is now 1:30 a.m. All is quiet. As if nothing has happened.
A tender moment between father and son. Please leave a review and tell me what you think. Later.