Heather's POV – Innocent in Death.
The law says that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
But I'm far from innocent.
The law doesn't have to do much to prove my guilt since the blood on my hands shines bright as the sun.
I took many wrong turns in my life thinking they were the right ones and now I had to prove myself. Maybe if I died trying to help her…..then I could be saved.
My movements were sluggish as I moved my head, too stubborn to move so I tried something smaller, my fingers. Yes, there was some movement in that, painful like a finger or two was broken but pain meant that I was alive and together. It felt like hours, it could have been hours but I moved from fingers to head to moving my arms to able to support myself and fully wake myself. I was not pleased with the result. Instead of the plush covers that I was greeted with for months I had dingy grey ceilings and the stinging memory of what happened to me last. Noah had called me away from training and in hearing their plan I realised it had gone way to far. Way to evil. Like I was bad, but this was way to bad.
So I tried to make a break for it, to warn Gwen….well not Gwen because she's a bitch, but one of those people. But I needed proof so I had to break one of the people out, but Noah was more powerful than I thought. He was amazing. I made it down to the dungeon before Dakota the She-hulk beat me to a pulp, and beat up Izzy for good measure for trying to help. I shook, I almost died. A few tears streamed down my surly purple face.
I tried to sit but it was painful, I looked down and found that my uniform had been destroyed and my pale skin was bruised and cut, I felt my head and found that my wig had been taken from me. However what surprised me was the cape I used to have had been shredded and used as post shift bandages.
"You're awake." A voice stated to me and I gradually looked over my shoulder to see that Izzy and I were locked in the same room. She crawled over to me and helped me sit up against the wall, I was finally able to look at my body and saw that my body was badly bruised, a few hours of rest and I would heal a little. The red head helped me drink from a pathetic plastic cup, I gulped it greedily "I'm Isabella." She greeted, as though I didn't know her or that she felt that she had to introduce herself to someone to be aware who you are talking too "You don't have any major broken bones and from what Brainzilla writes, if we can get Tyler out of here he can heal you up."
"Thanks." I coughed. I tried to cover my body, the blood and bruises making me sick to look at myself but winced in pain as I hit something.
"Sorry." Isabella apologised as though it would help, I don't want her. I want someone better! I want someone that can help me! This was torture, to have the answer to getting out of here within my reach but hidden behind so many personas. Like a starving woman looking at food behind glass guarded by ignorance. I looked out the clear prison window, the lights too bright and the walls too white.
I sniffled, unable to hold back my memories of being trapped in the mental institution, but this time I knew I couldn't escape, all possibilities for the future were gone! Drained! Everyone was doomed. "I knew I always belonged here." I whispered. I dropped the cup to the floor and held my head between my knees and started to rock back and forth.
Isabelle's eyes looked at me with question "What?"
I wrapped my arms around my knees, keeping them close to my chest, the pain was incredible but it kept me here, it kept me believing "I always knew it."
Isabelle tried to make me stop shaking, holding my arms and trying to look me in the eye, "Where Heather?!"
I leapt forward, face to face, "Hell!"
Isabelle shook her head and grabbed my hands, "This isn't hell Heather."
I shook my head and tears streamed down my face, I heard it all, the crying, the screams, the rocking back and forth. The tap tap tapping someone would repeat day in day out because it kept them sane but you insane. I saw it all around me again. The dreary outside filled with clouds, the barred windows that held you from the world. The stale air and the dry water. The feeling of no connections to earth, nothing to ground you here so you may as well be empty and void. And the skin crawling and itching and buzzing. It was never going to ease. I was back there. I back in the mental home. "Hell. Hell. Hell. Hell. Hell." I hadn't noted that I had cried hell over and over again to Isabelle, struggling from her grip and into the far corner, if I had hair it would be pulled out.
"THIS ISN'T HELL." Isabelle screamed at me, holding me up and to her face but I pushed her away so hard she fell and hit her head. I gasped as I was alone again.
The silence pounding my head.
"Isn't it?" a calm voice responded. I slowly turned "What is hell?" Noah told us, flanked by Justin and a person whom I didn't recognise, Mal or something. "Hell is defined as a place devoid of all hope, the proof of despair, you're almost right Heather. You're not in hell, at least…not yet." Noah stood and stared at us with a maniac grin, all thoughts of the….place disappeared from my head and rage filled it instead. I stood and grimaced in pain but walked with unveiled confidence to the window and stared down at Noah.
"Wrong Noah, I was in Hell, this is like day care Nerd. I'm going to kick your tiny toddler ass when I get out of here, and Justin, you're pretty face is going to look like Susan Boyle's ass when I'm done with you." I was pleased to see that he flinched, I smirked. "You're plan is...it's sick!, I will stop you! Noah, come on, let's go back to the other shit we were doing!" I pleaded.
He smirked at me, "They had their time, even though she can't remember it, Izzy has shown me the future and I don't like it that much. So I plan to change it. When the people like us come out on the other side of it unharmed and more powerful than ever you will thank me Heather. You will have had your revenge." He said, as though I was going to fall to my knees and beg his forgiveness and thank his almighty nerd brain.
I growled, "Not like this. Take down the ones that do shitty stuff to you Noah, that's how I work. Then make everyone else your slave!" I told him, banging the wall, "What you plan…..it's insane!"
"E-Scope will get everyone out of here." Izzy I mean E-Scope said, glaring at Noah. He glowered. The guy next to him though gave an odd flinch though, I made though I didn't look at him but for a moment I swear that his eyes changed, like Izzy's do when she…changes. "E-Scope will make you regret the day that she saved your butt!"
That's it. That's how we'll get out. That guy Mal must have a good guy to get us out of here. His good personality must be hidden behind the one that we see here with hair over his eyes, he was the only thing I had to get out. Play it cool Heather, I nodded my head at E-Scope. "You know Izzy though, she could change into another personality any second and the next one could be a master escape artist. We'll be out of here no time. Then you are so dead and I'm going to destroy you!"
"Is that so." Noah said, his eyes flickered between his guards. "Bluff."
I pretended to gasp but I was panicking, shit shit shit, blank mind Heather. Idiot, he can read everything you're thinking. God. "Trust me Noah, I know all the weakness in this stupid dungeon of yours, give me a few hours and I'll be upstairs with my hands around your neck and blowing this place to hell."
Noah once again stared at me in thought, maybe I got him, I was a threat even though I was behind a depowered glass. We stared down each other before the tan stranger coughed behind him, in a gravelled voice he voiced what I needed. "Should I guard them? Till you make a cell better…equipped for Miss Lang. My Power should be able to knock her out but I know you would rather her fighting than in the state I would leave her in." he said, glancing at me. His power, the fuck has he got?
"Yes, true. Just be sure to keep Mike in check. See you again Heather in a few hours." And with that Noah left with Justin. The Stranger turned around, Mike? Maybe that was the good version of him, all we had to do was wait it out for a while. I turned to Izzy and started to bang her head. Mal looked at me in confusion but questioned nothing but grinned at the violence.
"Branzilla!" said a professional.
"What do you know about that guy." I whispered, pointing behind me.
"Carbon life form known as Michael Roads, aka Mike, like my carbon life form he has developed multiple personalities to allocate the extra energy the power in his body. His power is most devastating known as personality suppressing. The Personality you see before you, known as Malcom, aka Mal, is Noah's henchman but currently, like myself, cannot control the body and the original persona has most control of the body. With a knock of the head you should be able to get back to Mike and Mal should be forced to the back for the time being."
I grinned, "Okay thanks" I raised my fist and hit her again. But before I hit her she said there had to be a better way to switch. I hope not, this was fun.
I hit again.
"Ugh finally! Okay, Izzy, we have to make a run for the exact place that guy's head meets the glass okay."
"…..Really, you're gonna do whatever I ask? Without question? I made you eat a poisoned taco."
She glared at me and pointed a finger, "I work with you, we don't speak of poisoned tacos, got it?"
"Whatever." I turned towards the glass and counted silently on my fingers, 3, 2, 1. We bolted and hit the glass with force. It wouldn't be enough to cause harm to anyone but to people like Izzy, it would be enough to send them and another forward. The guy in front of us gasped and looked around us in a panic.
"What am I doing here?" he asked around.
"Uh…" my mind blank, how exactly do you tell someone that their evil personality took over for months, has the power to do something evil and other immoral shit like that? "Look, can we explain later, just plug in the key code there next to the door."
"Wha-!" he said, "I don't know a key code."
Izzy jumped up and down, "Oh I do, I do! It's 39589!" Mike plinked in the numbers and the door swung open. "Oh yeah, break out time, part 5!"
"Oh jeeze."
"Hey, can you get us out?" Muffled voices came from across the hall and we turned to find Owen, Lindsay, Beth and many others I couldn't recognise. That's it! A break out! I was the most powerful in here but with so many others running around on the outside it will take forever for them to figure out which one I am, and if I got a few more friendly idiots as cover then Gwen and her loser friends will have to believe me. I ran over to the pad outside Owen's door, opened up the box, I pulled out one of the wires and connected it to the ceiling that connected the electrical mainframe to the other cells. Then fried that bitch.
The other cells flipped open and ran for it, Noah would have to wait, he was way to powerful, too powerful. I needed a plan before I came back here, preferably with gun. And…..I hate myself…..Gwen was going to be the best help I could get.
Dragging the losers behind me, Izzy, Owen, Tyler, Lindsay, Beth and I found a van and showed the other prisoners the transports, everyone booked it, we were on the open road for less than 10 minuets before someone spoke the first word and the flood broke.
"You need more proof than us." Izzy peeped over the back seat.
"Whhhhhhyyyyyyy!" I cried, banging my hands on the wheel. "I got, like, 4 of you losers. That should be more than enough."
"Hey, that's mean." Beth groaned.
I cried out, "What else could I possibly do to get Gwen on my side, that bitch owes me!"
Owen stuck his stubby arm up, "If you remember right though Heather, Beth and Lindsay were brainwashed to follow Noah for like a while last time and Izzy here is a little crazy. Sorry Izzy."
"It's okay!" She squealed.
I covered my ears with my spare hand and pointed to them in the rear view mirror, "You know what, shutup, and when you have a good idea you talk. No idea, you shut the fuck up because you guys annoy the hell out of me."
"Can we stop for food?" Owen asked.
"Yeah," Lindsay Agreed, rubbing her stomach, her figure looking unhealthy from lack of sun and food, "I'm dying for some salad and some, like, fruit. Thanks for getting us out of there like Helen but food is number A in my head."
Owen nodded his head, "Yeah, I could totally go for some Taco Bell right now."
Izzy's face darkened. "We don't mention Tacos in this car. And yes Heather, I have a plan, something I thought I should leave because they were better off but no, I'm about to screw over the universe because of this. You know what? Fuck tacos. And kindness. Damn you, Noah...damn you for making me hurt the ones I swore to protect. This time, it's personal. This time...it's for the tacos."
"You're weirdly personal about the Tacos aren't you?" I asked.
"Just stop at Taco bell and I'll take us where we need to go!" Izzy said, pointing out the front of the window, "We're going to save the world!"
I hope I prove my innocence before I die, and if I die trying, then god forgive me.
Hi….I'm sort of back. I went through depression and if you haven't gone through it, don't comment about why haven't just written before. It took me a while to write this because this was a little close to home but thankfully one of the next chapters is ready to go and the next chapter is already in production so maybe I might be back on track, hopefully I am. Anyway, love to hear what you guys think about Heather's change of heart and Izzy's obsession with Tacos. I also said earlier that I wasn't going to include TDROTI characters but I decided after seeing TDAS that some of them weren't so bad so some of them might be included in the future. Short chapter for here because this is just a filler.
Review and make a recently happy girl in Australia happy