A/N - I do not own 'Hellsing' that is owned by Kohta Hirano. I also haven't read the last book in the manga. I'm supposed to be getting it in the mail soon but in any event it doesn't matter because I might keep some characters who die alive and some who are alive will die. So if you guys read this please review and let me know if I should keep going. This is my first Hellsing fic. - A/N

Money from multiple Western European countries floated in the smoke-filled air, raining down on her like confetti. Crates of furniture, paintings, and porcelain dishes lay tossed about like toys. It was the other things she saw that made her chest hurt almost as much as the fumes.

Pocket watches, family photos, jewelry, a doll with what looked like real hair that was smoldering nearby. Rings and even a box of what looked like gold and silver teeth made the bile rise into her throat.

But it was the man who stood in front her, head cocked to one side almost no expression on his face who made the fear turn into panic. He paused in front of a huge red flag with the Nazi party's symbol, a huge black swatzika almost as if he were posing. But she knew he was just waiting for her next move. Drawing in a deep breath, she restlessly let the black shadowy tendrils of her missing arm hide her face while she peered at the man.

Blood dripped down her chin from her nose, and her gray Hellsing uniform was saturated with it. The man in front her had no scratches or acted as if he had sustained any injuries.

'E probably 'asn't either, don't let 'im get any closer zen zat. She smiled, hearing her new familiar's voice echoing in her head. Pip Vernedead, commander of the Wild Geese had become her first and only since she had drank his blood and become a true nosferatu.

Now she found herself, Seras Victoria, once a simple police girl who through fate had met the vampire Alucard in a small village called Cheddar one hellish night, fighting for her life against a man she was pretty sure she could not beat. Seras also wasn't sure he was even a man. No, the silver haired man had definitely just turned into a wolf and then back again after giving her a good thrashing.

Cocking his head, the man let a smirk slide onto his face. If it wasn't for the fact that he was trying to kill her, Seras would have thought he was gorgeous. He wore WWII military issue pants that fell low on his hips and boots having long ago discarded the bulky great coat and cap that usually kept him covered up but for his face. Now there was just a broad expanse of muscled chest adorned only with silver dog tags. His light brown eyes were coming back from the almost black color they had become when he had shifted. And he just stood there and watched her.

Seras was trying not to hyperventilate. Crouching low, she worried her lower lip with a fang. Pip was in her head trying to encourage her to get her shit together and kick the man's ass. Wiping blood out of her red eyes that were normally blue, she squared her jaw and looked up.

'Look out! Jump to ze left!' Too late, the man's booted foot crashed into Seras' chin. She felt herself flying into a stack of crates and go down hard. The man walked over, another small smile on his otherwise expressionless face and Seras scrabbled around on the ground for a weapon, anything.

Two gloved hands lifted her into the air, bringing her level with the man's stoic, hard face. Brown eyes looked into red for what seemed like minutes but were in reality seconds. Then the man took her head into a firm grip and began twisting. Seras' fingers clamped down onto his wrists, drawing blood, but the man didn't flinch. One of her thrashing feet caught him a glancing blow, and his grip shifted but only enough for her to grab his neck.

Rearing back, she felt her mouth widen like a snake's and she paused briefly. The man had frozen, the smell of fear wafting off of him reaching her nostrils.

'Police Girl! Don't do it, don't bite him! SERAS!'

Not being able to pull back in time, Seras didn't heed her Master's warning and filled her mouth with the coppery, warm, heady taste and fragrance of blood. Something was wrong however. Instead of the man's heartbeat slowing down, it sped up. And instead of him getting lethargic, he began bucking and clawing at her shoulders.

Then she felt him finally slump back onto the ground as if accepting his fate. Drawing away, she licked her lips and smiled into the darkness while Pip made gagging noises in her head. Feeling a burning on her arm, she noticed that she had ripped open a gash on her wrist. Shrugging, she stood up and looked down at the man. He had blood around his mouth and nose and his eyes were half-open. Feeling a sense of pity, she closed his eyelids with a finger and then ran off to find her Master's Master, Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and do away with the wretched Major once and for all.

It was sometime later, in the dark, alone except for faint gunshots and the burning mementos of a fallen regime, that the man awoke. Blinking once or twice, he reared back his head and screamed into the inky blackness.

A/N - Uhm okay that was it so far. Let me know what you guys think. I'm still not sure of where it's going but I'll figure something out. Thanks! - A/N