Octavius awoke to see a new display across the room from his own.
"What on earth...?" he asked aloud. "A new exhibition?"
"Hey, Octy!" came a familiar cry. He smiled and looked down the edge of the wall.
"Greetings, Jedediah! Are you aware of the new display across the way?"
"That's why I came o'er!" the cowboy shouted. "I dunno who they are!"
"Would you like to go find out?"
He smiled. "I'd like that very much."

"Hey, you newbies!" Jed shouted, glaring at every citizen he saw. "Do ya think you can just strut in here and take over or somethin'?"
Octavius placed his hand on his shoulder. "Jedediah... calm yourself."
"How the hell am I supposed to calm down?" he hissed. "We're being invaded, Octy!"
"How do you know they are hostile?"
"I just got a feeling, okay? I just know..."
"Are you even aware of what language they speak?"
"I don' care! I already have to deal with you and them Mayans; I don't plan on dealing with someone else!"
"Do not assume, Jedediah," he warned. "I shall go speak with the royal family."
"Well you ain't going alone!"

"Excuse me!" Octavius announced, walking into what appeared to be the housing of the royal family. "Is anyone here? We mean no harm."
A door opened a crack at the end of the room and out stepped an old couple.
"Hello?" he called.
"Qui êtes-vous?" the woman asked.
"Excuse me?" Jed asked, stepping forward.
"Stay. I believe they speak French. Allow me." He pushed past the cowboy. "Mon nom est Octave, et je viens en paix avec mon ami."
"What'd you tell 'em, Octy?" he whispered.
"I told them my name and that I come in peace with you."
"Où es-tu?" the old man asked.
"Je viens de Rome et mon ami, Jedediah, originaire de l'Ouest ancienne des États-Unis d'Amérique," Octavius replied.
He seemed to nod in approval.
"Êtes-vous de la famille royale?" the Roman asked.
"Oui," they replied simply.
"Êtes-vous le droit d'auteur seulement?"
"Non, notre fille vit ici aussi. Souhaitez-vous des soins à sa rencontre?"
His eyes brightened. "Oui!"
They turned to a dark cherry door. "Clara, sortir, mon chéri."
"What's going on?" Jed hissed.
"We are going to meet the princess."
"L'introduction, la princesse Clara de la France!" the couple announced.
Both men turned their eyes eagerly to the door, which began to open slowly. The clack of heels on the marble floor was heard as the princess stepped into view. Long blonde hair flowed down her back, decorated with a small golden crown. Clothed in a long, red dress and cape while adorned with golden earrings and necklace, she smiled.
Jed and Octavius melted at the sight. She was the most beautiful thing their eyes had ever seen.
"Bonjour," she giggled.