It had been a long day, and Zim wasn't feeling good; all he wanted to do was take a nap. The day had started much like this:

Zim woke up, not feeling good. He had a Squeedly Spooch ache, his head hurt a little, and he was tired. But of course, his Irken-pride made him go to skool and ignore the fact he was getting sick with something.

At skool, Dib had tried to expose him, and kids made fun of Zim being green, and Dib having a big head. The lunch had tried to eat Zim, and a few of the kids started a food fight, and of course, Dib had thrown food at Zim, along with a few other kids who just moved to the town and believed in aliens.

Bitters had babbled on and on about rabid mice and how everyone was doomed to a life of utter doom, and it was a field trip day. they were going to a waterfall. The bus ride was bumpy, not to mention the fact that Bitters had told Zim and Dib to sit in the same seat, and they had the tire-seat, making it extra bumpy, and causing Zim to feel even sicker.

Dib had teased and annoyed Zim the whole bus ride, and once they got to the waterfall, Dib had tried to push Zim into the running water. Though Dib utterly failed, he did manage to team up with the new alien-believing kids and splash Zim, making his skin burn.

By the time it was time to get back on the bus and back to skool, Dib had made a new friend, and Dib and his new friend, Bod, both sat in the same seat as Zim, squishing his against the window, and making it very warm, which made all three boys sweat, though the human sweat also burned Zim.

Dib and Bod were playing 'rock, paper, sisors' and each time someone lost they jump a little in the seat, making Zim almost go flying out of it.

A few times Dib's hair would poke Zim in the eye. And Dib's hand would reach back to look for his backpack, and he would end up hitting Zim in the head, giving Zim a pounding headache.

When they got back to the skool, Zim was the last one off the bus, and he had a raging headache, his Squeedly Spooch was killing him, and he was tried enough to fall asleep on his own feet. But, he fought the urge to fall asleep, made it through the rest of the day with people throwing paper balls at him and few pens, and a couple rocks.

For some reason, everyone was teasing and annoying Zim more then they would normally annoying Dib today. Dib and Bod had followed Zim home, and kept talking to him saying things like,

"Hey space-boy! Why don't you show me and Bod your base!"


"When do you plan on talking? Dib says you normally say things like 'im normal!' and call people 'pig-smellies'!"

and at one point,

"Hey space-jerk! I heard Old Kid loves you!"

that had made Zim almost puke.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Zim had screeched, turning on his heels and lashed out toward the humans, his eyes flashing red under his contacts.

Dib and Bod seemed surprised but, still annoyed him.


Zim slammed the door behind him, but regretted it as his headache got worse.

"MASTER! You're home! Want some waffles?" Gir screamed.

"Gir, quiet! No, I don't want waffles. Leave me alone tonight." Zim snapped. Just then, Dib and Bod burst through the door.

"C'mon Zim! Show us the base!" Dib yelled.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Dib-filth. I have no base. This is my house." Zim growled.

"Yes you do, Zim! I know you do!" Dib snapped.

"Just go away, and leave me alone, Dib. You and your filthy friend, get away from me." Zim hissed.

"Not 'til you show us the base!" Bod declared.

"Even if I was an alien, I wouldn't show you a 'base' of which you speak of." Zim crossed his arms. Dib then kicked Zim in-between his legs, sending pain through Zim's whole body. He yelped and let himself fall to the floor, but only for a second.

Angry and tired, Zim pushed Dib and Bod away from the door and further into the house, and slammed it behind them, flinching as his headache intensified.

He turned back to the humans, and his spider legs sprouted out his PAK. Bod's eyes widened as Zim pealed off his contacts, and pulled off his wig.

"If you filthy humans don't get out of my base right now, you'll both be fed to my robot." Zim growled, pointed at Gir.

"Yeah, but when Tak was invading, you said that once we got rid of Tak, you would feed Gaz's and mine brains to Gir, but you never did." Dib pointed out.

"I never got around to it….uhh…but I will." Zim hissed.

"But why won't you should us your base, if you show us your true alien form?" Bod asked.

Before Zim could answer, a loud growling noise came from his Squeedly Spooch, loud enough for Dib, Bod, Gir, and Computer to all hear. Zim antennae went back in embarrassment as Dib, Bod, Gir, and Computer all burst into uncontrolled laughter.

But suddenly, Zim's eyes widened a great deal, and he pushed past Dib and Bod, making them both stop laughing and look confused after Zim.

Zim broke down the bathroom door, sense Gir locked it for some unknown reason, crouched down next to the toilet, and puked out whatever there was in his Squeedly Spooch.

Dib and Bod peeked over the pieces of door that lay around and watched in utter shock as Zim got sick. When Zim was done, not only did he look worn out, but be felt even worse. he had never felt such pain in his Squeedly Spooch, not sense before Impending Doom 1, when he had the Irken Flu.

Oh, don't tell me I'm getting that again! How did I get an Irken illness when im on Earth! Zim thought, dismayed.

"Ewww! Ok, and I thought that molt you went through on the Equinox was nasty! This is just plain disturbing and disgusting!" Dib exclaimed.

"Just go away, Dib. Take your little friend and leave me alone for once." Zim moaned as he sluggishly pushed the human boys out of his way and walked over to the couch.

"So that's it? No, 'Get out of my house and leave me alone, filthy-earth-human-beast!' rants or saying I have a big head!" Dib exclaimed, rather shocked by Zim sudden change in mood.

"Just go away. I'll make fun of your head later, or I'll just make Gir make you his soapy-waffles." Zim yawned. It was strange how whenever he would get sick enough to throw up, he would become too tired to do really anything, when if he just didn't feel good, he could anything and not feel tired.

"Your moods change quickly." Bod observed. He had some kind of accent that sounded like he was from a different country.

"Try living with him, and knowing everything that happens in every room, all the time, with no break!" Computer snapped loudly.

"Who said that?" Bod asked, looking around.

"Zim has a computer look after the base." Dib explained.

"Hey, computer! Can me and Bod go to down to the base!" Dib asked.

"Sure." Computer answered at the same time Zim said, "No!"

"Computer! I said no! the humans aren't allowed to go into the base, and you're not the one who makes the decisions!" Zim snapped.

"Too late." Computer beeped. Grumbling to himself, Zim slid off the couch and over to the humans.

"Don't. touch. anything. And follow me!" he hissed, then turned and walked toward the kitchen. He took the trash-can-elevator and waited at the bottom for Dib and Bod. Once they got there, they silently followed Zim, each of the human boys still shocked by Zim getting sick so suddenly.

It took about 2 hours, but Zim had rushed the humans through, not giving them anytime to mesmerize the passage ways of his base. They got back to the elevator, Zim ready to fall over with exhaustion, while Dib and Bod were babbling on and on about how big the base was.

"Now, get…away from…me and leave…me…alone." Zim panted.

"Uh…one more question: can you call your leaders and let us watch?" Dib said excidedly.

"No. now…just leave. Me. Alone." Zim growled, glaring at Dib and Bod. Bod took a step back, yet Dib stood his ground.

"Please? C'mon show us your leaders! I promise to leave you alone after that!" Dib pleaded. Zim swallowed the bile he felt rising, and answered,

"I said, no. cant you leave me alone for once, Filthy-Dib-Worm?" Zim snapped.

"But…it's opposite day! and you said 'no' which means 'Yes'!" Dib lied.

"And you said its opposite day when its opposite day isn't until what you humans call Christmas. Besides, if you don't say it's opposite day, then it is." Zim said, using his 'opposite day' skills. On Irk, every Gehunmer 60 –which is December 25 on Earth- is opposite day, so every Irken is talented when it comes to things like that.

"What?" Dib was confused.

"Figure it out. Somewhere else other then here!" Zim snapped, pushing Dib and Bod into the elevator with the last of his strength.

"Hey!" Dib protested. Bod put up more of a fight, putting his hands out in front of him to resist going into the elevator. Zim Squeedly Spooch gave another loud growl to warn them all that Zim was about to get sick again a moment before it happened.

"EWWW!" Dib and Bod exclaimed at the same time.

"Uuuugggghhhh. Don't yell…go away and leave me alone." Zim moaned. He didn't need a doctor to tell him he had Irken Flu.

"Ahhh….c'mon just please let us watch you call your leaders!" Dib pleaded, though he sounded less sure now. Does this human ever know when to stop! I don't feel good, and want to be left alone! Zim thought.

"Dib-monkey, just leave me alone! I don't feel good, and want nothing more then to lay down. Im not calling the Tallests tonight, nor will I be planning anything. Just go away!" Zim sighed.

"….fine, Zim. I'll leave…for now. But when you feel all safe and…uh….comfortable, I'll be there messing stuff up and uh…something!" Dib hissed before the elevator took Dib, Bod, and Zim back upstairs. Bod stood in the middle, though he was slightly leaning away from the alien.

Zim remained standing until he was sure Dib and Bod were gone. Dragging his feet, he made his way back to the couch, sense he didn't feel like going all the way back to his underground base to get to his bed.

As he lay down, Gir came rocketing out of the kitchen screaming at the top of his….uh…vocal box.

"GIR! Be quiet!" Zim snapped.

"Awww….but I wanna scream." Gir whined.

"I don't feel good, Gir. Be quiet." Zim hissed as he snuggled into the couch seeking warmth.

"Awww…Master, do ya wanna blanky? I get you one if you want one, Master." Gir offered. He seemed to understand what Zim was saying for once. Before Zim could answer, Gir flew off and returned with a big, fluffy, red blanket. Gir wrapped it around Zim gently and quickly.

"Thank you, Gir." Zim yawned as he fell into a deep sleep.



Red paced back in forth. The servants were late. They should have been here with healers by now. Purple was suffering, sick with some unknown illness the struck a bad time. (Red only thinks of Purple as a friend and co-leader! This is not a RAPR!)

Suddenly the door burst open and healers raced in. they stopped when they saw the Red standing there, his face twisted with rage. Tallest Red was one of those Tallests who don't like people being late.

"Uh….My Tallest, its my fault we were late….entirely!" one of the healers stammered.

"If Tallest Purple wasn't on his way to his deathbed, and I wasn't as fair as a leader as I am, I would have had you exiled now. I don't care if you have to work overtime, just fix Purple!" Red snapped.

"Yes sir!" all the healers said at once, and ran off to do what they could to ease Purple's pain, and help him live longer.



After a short nap, Zim woke up in more pain then before. If his Squeedly Spooch ever hurt more, then he sure didn't remember it! It was killing him! He was positive there wasn't a more painful pain in the pain filled world. He yawned and pulled the blankets closer to his face.

"Gir, I need you to get me one of those water bottles that are next to the fridge. Make sure it's the Blue-Raspberry-Banana. The other kinds make me sick." Zim requested. There was no answer.

"Gir?" again, he was greeted by silence.

"Computer, where's Gir?" Zim asked.

"Dib and Bod got in again and took him." Computer sighed.

"Ugh." Zim groaned as he pulled himself up and walked into his kitchen. He was about to grab a water bottle, when he remembered this stuff makes him fall into the deepest sleep imaginable. He sigh, and turned around to the trash-can-elevator where he got dressed in warmer cloths. He was freezing.

He was so cold; he had goose-bumps and was shivering. His teeth chattering, he walked back outside his base. It was about midnight, and h had to find Gir. If this case of the flu was as bad as the one he had around Impending Doom 1, he would become to weak to get out of bed, and if that happened, he needed as much help as he could get from. Computer wasn't enough.