Sorry about the wait you guys but I've been having issues with internet but I hope this chapter will suffice my absence. I hope you guys enjoy it!
I don't own Ouran High School Host Club it belongs to Bisco Hatori
After scrambling around tending to what each customer needed, it was finally time for them to leave, much to my relief. I waited for the last few girls to make their leave. I suspected that they hung around to gawk at my dress some more and make snippy comments about how jealous they were of me, but it didn't really faze me. I just waited for them to walk out of the club room so I could get out of this dress. They finally left chattering excitedly to themselves and I shook my head, who knew that most of the females here could get impressed so easily? I shrugged about to head to one of the many changing rooms, but I was blocked by two devilish gingers. I turned to look at them suspiciously, my arms crossed over my chest.
"What is it now you two?"
They both grinned at me and held a camera in front of my face. As they did so, each of them took a hold onto one of my shoulders successfully steering me away from my destination.
"Aha Naomi-chan, you aren't getting away that easily! We haven't even taken pictures yet!" they both replied with grins on their faces as they lead me over to where the rest of the Host Club was waiting.
"Oh no no no! Let me go you two!" I protested scrambling to get free of the twin's grasp. They just grinned more and continued to push me in the direction of the others camera in hand.
I was soon tossed into Tamaki-senpai's waiting arms and he cuddled me much like my father would when he dressed me up. He doted on me as he rubbed his cheek against mine, while I just gave him a look of disbelief.
"Oh my darling daughter, you look absolutely adorable!" the blond gushed spinning me around in one of his twirl hugs and I quickly looked to Mori-senpai for help. He noticed my plea for help and nodded as he rushed over and plucked me from Tamaki-senpai's grasp, much to Tamaki's dismay. Mori-senpai set me down gently and I thanked him and he smiled ruffling my hair and walked back over to Honey-senpai. I glanced back over at Tamaki-senpai and discovered that he was sulking in a corner mumbling about how he was just being a loving father. I shook my head and sighed. He was so dramatic sometimes.
As I was in my thoughts, I felt someone tap me on the back, which caused me to jump a bit since I was startled. I turned to face the person who had wanted my attention and I was face to face with who I believe to be Kaoru. One of the main reasons why I thought this was that he looked genuinely sorry for scaring me half to death (I hardly think his brother would be the same way). I smiled at him to show that it was fine, but he kept apologizing for what he had done. I laughed a bit before cutting him off.
"Kaoru, it's fine really. You just caught me off guard is all." He seemed relieved when I told him this and then continued to tell me that he noticed someone watching from the far side of the room. This shocked me and sent shivers down my spine and I slowly turned towards the wall that was behind me and noticed that an ornate black door was there, which I didn't think was there before, and slunk over there before Hikaru or any of the others could notice that I had left. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute as my hand slowly inched towards the golden door handle. I finally gripped the handle and swung it open only to be greeted with empty black darkness. I braced myself and quickly looked behind me. So far, no one had seen me open the door so I hesitantly entered into the strange room.
It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the inky blackness, but eventually my optics became accustomed to it. I glanced around taking everything in. Surprisingly, the interior of the room was much bigger than it appeared to be. Many shelves were around the room containing hundreds of books, potions, and what seemed to look like jars with some unknown fluid. I shuddered to think what that might be. I moved my gaze to fix on another part over the room and noticed that there was a table in the far left corner with a few small candles giving off a dim light. I decided to try and make my way over to said table without tripping over anything. I kept glancing around the thought of that person watching me in the back of my mind. However, no one was to be seen which I thought was odd. I just hoped that I wouldn't run into the weirdo that was watching me for who knows how long, but knowing my luck I probably would.
I hadn't noticed that I was about to step onto a jar that hadn't been picked up yet and began my descent towards the floor but not before letting out a strangled scream. I shut my eyes tightly not wanting to see when I would painfully hit the cold ground. However, after a few minutes I noticed that I hadn't fallen as much as I thought. In fact, I seemed to be held by someone and quickly snapped my eyes open to get a good look at who saved me. To my surprise, I recognized him as that Nekozawa boy that had helped me find my sister. I suddenly remembered that Haruhi had said something about a Dark Magic Cult or something along those lines and gulped. Had he been the one watching me in the Host Club? I tried to speak but it felt like my throat was clogged with cotton so I couldn't get the words out to ask him. He took his right arm and lifted his hood off from his head revealing his jet black hair. I saw a gleam and noticed that they were his eyes, which were a stark blue. I hadn't realized I gasped and he let out a dark chuckle. "I'm glad I caught you when I did, Fujioka-san, you could have had a nasty injury." He let a sly grin spread over his pale features and it sent a shiver down my spine, which I was sure he could feel. All I could do was nod as he set me back onto my feet and let out another chuckle.
"So what brings you to my club, Fujioka-san?" he inquired with that grin still upon his face. I paled quickly thinking over what I should say. Should I lie and said I stumbled here by accident? Or should I go one step further and say I would like to join his club? I reasoned with myself that the latter was the most logical choice and mentally let out an exasperated sigh and prepared to tell him the lie I had made up. "Oh, um that is, I heard about your club through passing today and I was… curious so I came by to see if I could join." Well, it wasn't far from the truth. I had heard it from Haruhi and I had been curious. Once I had spoken these words, he practically beamed from ear to ear and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Is it true, Fujioka-san? Have you really come to join?" Once again I could only nod and he quickly released my shoulders and shouted a quick "I'll be right back." before he scurried off to a long hallway I was sure wasn't there before. I let out another sigh and tried to relax as much as I could. He seemed alright after all. How bad could his club be?
Soon Nekozawa returned with what looked like a replica of his Bezleeneff doll. He presented it to me, once again, grinning. I forced a smile and took it, looking it over. The doll was pretty simple for the most part, it looked like it was made out of a cream colored felt and had a small pink mouth and large blue cat eyes stitched onto it. I looked back up at Nekozawa wondering why exactly I had the doll, but none the less, I thanked him. As if noticing my question, he began to explain. "You see, Fujioka-san, Bezleeneff is giving to each new member of the Black Magic Club as a trinket of sorts. It signifies that you are a member of this club." I blinked a bit before looking at him again. "New members? You mean there are others?" This excited me. Maybe I could ban together with the other members and make this a little bit easier. He looked at me as if he was embarrassed and smiled at me sheepishly. "A-ah actually—" Uh-oh that didn't sound good. "—you're the first person who said yes." I was a little shocked at this new information. It was just him? I wondered how long he had been alone like this and how many people he asked. I imagined they had looked at Nekozawa in contempt and blatantly refused the offer. All the things I had been feeling up to that point, fear, confusion, and a little anger, suddenly disappeared into sympathy for the black haired boy. I gathered myself and smiled at him a real smile this time at him. "Well then I'll try and be the best member I can be to you, Nekozawa-san." Before he or I could say anything else, the door swung open letting in the light from the Host Club into the room. Nekozawa let out a blood curdling scream and said something that sounded like "You murderers!" and ran to cover himself, while I was grabbed by Hikaru and Kaoru and lead back into the Host Club room.
Once we had reached a safe distance from the other club room, the two gingers set me down and began to survey me over. "Hm it seems like she's alright, Kaoru, but who knows what terrible things he could have done to her in there." Hikaru said in a dark and foreboding tone. This, of course, alerted a certain blond to rush over yelling at the tops of his lungs to where we were. "What has that awful monster done to my lovely Noami-chan?!" I huffed out and sigh and glared at my senpai. "He didn't do anything. Not one thing." The trio gasped and began running around the room frantically screaming "Oh no it's worse than we thought!" I just shook my head and began to head to my original destination, the changing rooms.
I had finally gotten back into my original clothes and I looked at the puppet I received from Nekozawa. I shrugged and decided to put it onto my right hand and exited the changing room. It looked like everyone had finally calmed down and I figured that this was the perfect time to start heading home. I gave Haruhi a glance and she nodded following me to the large exit doors. We both said our goodbyes to the Hosts and exited the school after a few minutes. It was then Haruhi turned to me.
"I see you got one of Nekozawa-senpai's puppets. So you joined his club, then?" she asked producing a small smile on her face. "Y-yeah so what if I did? It's not a big deal! And quit smiling, Haruhi!" She chuckled at me. "The fact that you are getting angry like that is telling me that you did. Anyways, let's get home quickly. Dad'll be worrying." I nodded and we picked up the pace towards our apartment complex.
Little did I know that my adventures in the Black Magic Club were a really big deal especially around Ouran Academy.