A/N: Hello everyone. =) This is the beginning of my oneshot series. As I've mentioned before, I have lots of oneshot ideas rolling around in my head, and I also have several people who have made requests for different oneshot topics. So this is where I'll be posting those.

This first oneshot is a B/B friendship story. So fair warning, don't read this expecting kisses and relationships at the end. It's just a sweet moment I envisioned. =) That being said, I hope you still like it! If not, stick around, maybe you'll like the next one better! =)

As always, Hannah Taylor1's assistance and beta-ing is much appreciated. If you haven't read her story, "Problem Solving, The Booth and Brennan Way," you are missing out on one of the best stories around here. So go read it and let her know what you think. After you let me know what you think about this oneshot, of course. ;-)

Disclaimer: I do not own Bones or Booth or Brennan. I asked nicely, but apparently I can't be trusted with them.


He stormed into his office, nearly slamming the door in her face as he strode towards his desk. He fell into his chair and focused his eyes sternly on his computer screen, staring pointedly at absolutely nothing, waiting for her to just go.


"Bones, I do not want to talk to you right now."


"I mean it." He dragged his hand over his face before holding it out at her to keep her away. "Not now."

"But I don't understand." She said in a rush, trying to get out the words before he interrupted her.

"I know you don't understand, Bones. You never understand and that is why we end up in these situations." He snapped at her, finally making eye contact. "Could you just leave?"

Her face was stunned as she stared back at him. "Booth, I'm sorry…"

"Go, Bones."

"But nothing happened."

He slammed his fist on his desk. "Because you got lucky. You got lucky and didn't die. This time. And what happens next time you don't listen to me when I tell you to stay where you are?"

"Your phrasing was unclear and you were in danger." She defended herself, her hands settling on her hips as she glared at him.

Frustration rose within him and he practically shouted at her. "No, my phrasing was not unclear. Any normal person would have known exactly what I meant and would have had the sense to stay put instead of charging into a room with an armed maniac." Booth stood back up, glaring right back at her. "But no, Bones, you couldn't be normal. You couldn't just behave normally for once in your life, could you?"

She had started to interrupt him, but as he finished his rant, her mouth snapped shut. He watched as she straightened, visibly stiffening and the first twinge of guilt broke through the panic that was still lingering and consuming his emotions. Then with a swift turn on her heel, she marched out of his office and down the hall without another word.

Sighing, he sat back down in his chair and rested his forehead in his palms. That woman was going to be the death of him if she wasn't the death of herself first.


It was past midnight when he knocked on her door and he waited anxiously to hear her footsteps heading towards him. He heard nothing, but suddenly the door opened, revealing her in pajamas and bare toes with her hair tied up out of her face. The sight of her bare face with slightly red-rimmed eyes tugged at his heart strings and the guilt he'd been feeling all day washed over him again. She drove him crazy sometimes, but she didn't mean to. She never meant to.

"Were you sleeping?"

"No." She didn't invite him in.

"Bones, I'm sorry."

"There's no reason to be sorry." She looked at him blandly and shrugged her shoulders.

"Of course there is. Look, I never meant to yell at you like that. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You just… scared me. That's all." He offered her a hesitant smile. "Don't be mad."

"I believe that statement is ironic, given your earlier behavior."

He sighed and ducked his head. "Look, Bones, I acted like a jerk. I know that. When you ran in that room and that creep aimed his gun at you… I've never been so scared in my life. That's the only reason I yelled." He glanced up at her. "I brought a peace offering."

"I am a normal person, Booth." She said, ignoring his attempt at reconciling. "I think and feel and behave in many normal ways. I am not some… anomaly."

His heart hurt as he remembered his harsh words. "I know, Bones, I know. I promise I know, ok? I didn't mean it."

Slowly, she opened her door further, inviting him in silently. He took advantage of her offer and darted inside, closing the door behind him.

"Can I hug you?"

She looked at him warily and he decided he'd be here for a long time if he waited for her permission. Stepping forward, he circled his arms around her and drew her in, boldly pulling her flush against him and kissing her hair before releasing her.

"Booth…" She protested, stepping away from him.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly. "Can we sit or something? Maybe score a couple of beers? I'll get them."

"They're in the fridge." She called after him as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, I kinda figured, Bones."

She was sitting on the couch, legs tucked beneath her, when he returned and he joined her, handing her one of the beers.

Smiling at her, he tried to make conversation. "Missed you today in the final interrogation. I called but…"

"I presumed that only normal people should be present. At least, on your side of the desk." She kept her blue eyes on him and the hurt evident in them punched him in the gut.

"Bones… come on, I said I was sorry. I don't know what else I can do." He sighed and took a sip of his beer before glancing back up at her. "I think you're perfect, just the way you are. Normal or not normal… no one is really normal, anyway, Bones." He stared back down at her carpet, not knowing if he'd found the right thing to say.

A long silence ensued, and then he heard, "I'm sorry that I didn't do what you asked and that I scared you."

He looked up at her, smiling in relief. "I know, Bones. Just… next time, if I tell you to wait for me, wait for me, ok?"

She nodded. "And perhaps we could also agree that the next time you become frightened you will not yell at me. I found that very unpleasant."

He reached out and took her hand, squeezing her fingers. "I promise, Bones. I really am sorry." He flashed his charm smile at her. "Forgive me?"

Her answering smile reassured him. "Yes, I forgive you." She squeezed his fingers back before releasing his hand.

He waited, but she appeared to be done. "And I forgive you…" He finally said, unprompted.

She frowned. "I think you have less to forgive considering mine was an honest mistake…"

He held up his hand. "Woah, hold it right there, Bones. On second thought, let's not even get in to all that, ok? We're both forgiven, we're friends again, yadda, yadda, yadda."


"Great." He reached into his pocket and pulled a small box that he'd hastily wrapped in newspaper. "I got this for you today. It's sort of a make-up gift." He shrugged and handed it to her. "It's nothing big."

She frowned, looking at the box. "You bought me jewelry?"

"What? No!" His eyes darted up to hers. "No, that's just the shape of the box, Bones. I got you something you've wanted since the moment I met you, but I haven't ever been able… or willing… to give you. But here it is."

She looked puzzled as she carefully opened the box. Reaching her finger in, she hooked the gift, pulling it out of its confines. Hanging from her finger was a key chain with small plastic gun attached to it. She stared at it.

"You got me a gun." Her eyes moved to his and held his gaze.

"Yeah, well, I was thinking about what happened today and how much worse it would have been if you'd had a gun and then I was glad that I never gave you a one." He smiled at her, shifting closer. "And then I really, really wanted to give you a gun because I knew you were mad at me and that would make you happy again…"


"But I actually literally cannot give you a gun because you become completely unstable when you have one, so I went out and found you this." He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving hers. "Do you like it?"

"Very much." She smiled softly and cradled the gift in her palm. "I like it very much. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

One moment they were smiling at each other, eyes locked, and the next he had an awkward armful of Bones as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him.

He laughed and set his beer down on the coffee table before hugging her back. "Oof, Bones, careful." He warned her as she shifted and nearly knocked him over. "Maybe I should have saved this for the next time I really mess up if this is what it's going to do to you."

"Thank you, Booth." She pulled from his arms, pressing a kiss on his cheek as she drew away.

He sucked in a breath. "It's just a plastic gun, Bones."

"No, no it's not. I believe it symbolizes your regard for me. That means a great deal."

He stared at her. "Yeah."

They sat for another moment, eyes locked, before he stood. "It's late. I should go… let you get some sleep."

"Yes. "She nodded, standing up too. "I guess I should get to bed."

She walked him to the door and held it open for him. He paused before leaving, pressing her hand with his once more. "We good, Bones?

She nodded. "Yes, Booth. We're very good."

"That's what I like to hear." He turned his mega-watt smile on her. "See you bright and early. Get some sleep, ok?"

"I will."

They shared a look before leaning in and pressing kisses on each others' cheeks, lingering very briefly.

"See ya, Bones." He said, and then he was gone.

She closed the door behind him and walked back over to the couch, picking up the key chain and looking at it. She ran her fingers over the plastic and smiled, shaking her head at her own sentimentality. On her way to her bedroom, she fished her keys out of her purse and took off the key chain she'd had for years. The one with the anatomically correct skeleton.

Still smiling, she placed the gun key chain on instead and put her keys back into her purse before heading to her bedroom. As she closed her eyes, his face floated into her view and she curled in to her sheets replaying his visit in her mind again and again.


Again, I hope you liked it. I would be probably do a private happy dance if you left me a review right now. Seriously. I probably would. Also, if you leave me a review right now, I might be inspired to get my next oneshot up tonight and it has lots and lots of kissing in it. ;-) How's that for inspiration?

Thanks for reading, guys! Oh, and if you have oneshot suggestions, feel free to let me know. I love doing prompt writing and there's not much I won't at least attempt. Just keep in mind the T rating!

~Elle 3