I'm so sorry everyone!

I know I haven't updated in forever and there is a good reason for that…I just have to come up with one and then I'll tell you.

Mostly it's been a really bad case of writer's block and a lack of interest. Once my muse dries up its very hard for me to restart something, nearly impossible as my Death Note fanfic readers will tell you from experience.

But I'm going to try, I know how much people like this story and are waiting for an update and I promised myself when I started this that I wouldn't let them down.

So without further ado, this was squeezed right out of my dry husk of a mummy muse. Enjoy

This has not been betaed, will maybe do that at a later date.

The house was completely silent as Harry knocked for a second time. It had only been a few minutes since he'd knocked the first time but surprisingly no one had come to answer the door.

Harry leaned forward and pressed his ear to the door, straining to hear any sign of movement. He could vaguely hear the sound of the dishwasher turning but other than that nothing, no t.v. no radio, just nothing.

Harry jumped a little as a hand suddenly appeared in front of him, he turned his head a little to see that Jack was reaching for the doorknob. His hand barely seemed to touch it before the door silently swung open. The hallway in front of them was empty.

Harry shivered as a feeling of uneasiness overcame him.

I don't like this, not one bit. Where the hell is everyone? By this time of the day Vernon would be watching the telly, making comments about how pansy the world has become…and Aunt Petunia would be in the kitchen banging pots and pans together, but I don't hear anything…where are hell are they?

"Harry stand behind me."

Harry turned around at the sound of Jack's voice, a protest dying on his lips as he saw the gun in the man's hands.

Now where the hell did that come from?

"Jack what-?"

But Jack was already in front of him and walking down the empty hallway.

Harry stood stationary for a moment longer before hurrying after the man.

It has to be Death Eaters but how did they find me? I thought the blood protection was absolute…wait no that's not right. Dumbledore thought the blood protection from my aunt was absolute and he's been known to be wrong before the old goat. But that just it…even if the Death Eaters are able to get past the blood wards…the question is-how did they find me in the first place?

Harry stayed behind Jack, even though he wanted to be the one up front. It wasn't just that he was the one with the wand and experience if the threat was death eaters…no it was because he had the insane urge to be the one who leads…not be leaded.

The house was silent as they walked down the darken hallway. The door leading to the kitchen was closed so they walked passed it towards the living room.

If it is Death Eaters…where the hell is the Order? The Dursley's probably haven't been home for long so they might still be alive. But where is everyone? If the Death Eaters are really here then why didn't they ambush us at the door?

Harry reached into his pocket and gripped his wand tightly, he considered just bring it out in the open but he didn't want Jack asking him questions at the moment.

They passed the stairs and for just a second Harry gave the cupboard a glancing look. He hated that cupboard as much as he loved it.

It had been the only thing in this entire house that had belonged to him when he'd been younger. The Durselys of course hadn't allowed him toys or anything like that so the cupboard had been the only thing that was his.

Harry turned his eyes away from the cupboard and looked at Jack. He was relieved to see that Jack hadn't noticed his slight wandering attention.

They made it to the living room door without any kind of trouble. It was enough for Harry to start to doubt if they was any danger to begin with. But it was clear to him that Jack was also feeling uneasy, hence the gun.

"Hey Jack? I just wanted to say be careful and don't let your guard down…you may see a few things that won't make sense but…well…just don't get hurt."

Harry could have kicked himself, here he was stammering and making a fool of himself. Jack probably thought he was crazy or something.

Well at least he wasn't the one with the gun.

Jack smiled at him though instead which did little to calm Harry's nerves. He'd seen that smile before on Sirius face. Nothing good came from that smile. It was filled with reckless confidence, the kind that usually got that person or people around that person hurt.

However before Harry could voice his concern Jack was already on the move, standing in front of the door to the living room with his gun held high he opened it.

"Freeze muggle!" A shout came from the corner of the room and a strike of red light came not a second later.

Harry didn't have the time to think, if Jack got hurt then it would be Harry's fault for leading him in here in the first place.

So before the stun spell could hit him Harry threw his whole body at Jack's back causing them both to stubble and fall onto the ground, allowing the stun spell to sail over their heads harmlessly.

"Sirius!" Harry shouted from the ground, his body still covering Jack's protectively.

Harry was angry to say the least.

"Shit, Harry is that you?" Sirius's voice suddenly called out from the corner, concern clear in his voice.

"Yes it's me you idiot! What the hell up with the stunner? I didn't know you had a dislike to muggles." Harry slowly got up from his crouch but placed his hand firmly on Jack's back when the man tried to get up as well. He didn't know who else was here and he'd rather Jack stay on the ground where there was a less chance of getting hit by a stray spell or hex.

Stay down Jack, please. Harry knew that Jack couldn't hear him but he hoped that he could feel Harry's intent at the least. Thankfully Jack seemed to get what Harry wanted because he stopped pushing back against his hand and laid there still on the ground.

Once he was sure that Jack was staying put Harry finally looked up to see what the situation was.

There were a group of people scattered around the room, one quick glance showed that it was the Order of The Thanksgiving Meat-heads.

Harry began to greet each member with wariness.

"Tonks, Fletcher, Moody, Remus, Mr. Weasley, Shacklebolt…Sirius."

Sirius winched visibly when Harry got to his name, the verbal reproach in his voice rang loud and clear.

"Harry…" Sirius tried to explain himself but was interrupted.

"Potter what is the meaning of this?" Moody barked out, demanding an answer.

Harry turned his attention away from his ashamed godfather and looked at Moody who was clearly waiting with impatience for Harry's answer.

"Meaning Moody? I have no idea what you're talking about but while we're on the subject I have a few questions myself like…what the bloody hell are you doing here in my house!"

"Language Harry." Mr. Weasley astonished, Harry didn't even spare the man a glance as he glared at the ex-Auror and now full time member of Dumbledore's bird cage.

"I ask the questions here Potter! Now tell me!" Moody barked out, it was clear that the man wasn't in a good mood, but hey, nether was Harry.

"Maybe I'll answer if I knew what the hell you were asking me!" Harry growled out.

Before Moody could retort Shacklebolt answered.

"Harry what Moody was trying to ask you was where you were have you been since yesterday? After you left your guard for the evening went straight to the order telling everyone that you have left the protection of the house. You know you're not allowed the leave this area."

Harry grinded his teeth together in order to try and stay calm.

"What do you mean I'm not allowed to leave, I was with the Durselys for crying out loud! I wasn't kidnapped nor did I just decide to leave on my own! You can't honestly tell me I'm a prisoner here! This is summer not the school year and the order doesn't control where and when I go somewhere. Dumbledore is not my guardian the Durselys are and if they take me somewhere then I'm going to go whether you all like it or not."

"I'm sorry Harry but that's not how it works." Shacklebolt's patronizing tone was really starting to piss Harry off.

"Prey tell than, how does it work?" Harry snarled out.

Before Shacklebolt could dig himself any deeper on Harry's shit list a loud cough echoed in the room.

Harry looked down at Jack, who was still laying face first on the ground, he felt a rush of shame that he had forgotten that Jack was even there.

"Hey Harry? You think I could get up now that it's been established that you know these guys?" Jack asked.

Harry flushed and quickly nodded. Jack leaned back and sat on his knees, his face had an easy smile on it but Harry saw the seriousness in his eyes as he took in the situation. The gun had disappeared but Harry didn't doubt that Jack could produce it at a moment's notice.

"Harry? Why don't you introduce us to your friend?" Remus asked placidly. A knowing smirk growing on his face as he gazed at Jack.

"Right…Jack, meet Remus Lupin, he's a good family friend…my real family that is. That's my godfather in the back over there sulking, his name's Sirius Black. The lady over there by the couch is Tonks and the creepy man beside her is Moody. Then there's Mr. Weasley and Shacklebolt."

Jack nodded to everyone as Harry named them off, the easy smile still on his face, covering the sharpness and alertness the man's body was giving off.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Jack Harkness." Jack introduced himself smoothly with a wink to Tonks. Causing the seasoned Auror to giggle, this from what Harry could see pissed off Moody big time. The man's face was turning a sort of plum color which reminded Harry absently of his uncle.

Speaking of…

"Where are the Dursleys?" Harry asked. Not because he was concerned for their health or anything but if the order did something to piss off Vernon then Harry was in for some rough next few days.

Sirius finally perked up from his sulk, he rushed over until he was only a few feet from Harry, ignoring the amused Jack near his feet. Jack hadn't stood up yet but was instead kneeling on the ground, either to make himself a smaller, forgettable target or just because he didn't feel like like getting up all the way to his feet.

Harry really couldn't figure the man out, it would just gave his a headache if he tired.

"Well that's kind of why we're here Harry, as you know your birthday's next week and I finally got Albus to agree that you can come to headquarters for the week and celebrate. We were planning on picking you up tomorrow but when Shacklebolt came to the headquarters and told everyone that you had left we decided to speed up the day. We were waiting for you to come back but when the Dursleys arrived without you we got worried. Don't worry about those…people Harry, their upstairs sleeping, thanks to the help of some well placed sleeping powder. We didn't know what to expect so we were kind of laying in wait. There is another team searching for you in London right now. I guess we can call them off but Snivellus is on the other team so we can always tell him later."

Remus tried to reprimand him for saying such a thing but Sirius just waved it away with a mischievous smile and a wave.

Moody interrupted before Sirius could continue.

"Well now that you know why we're here Potter maybe you can be kind enough to tell us where in Merlin's balls you've been!"

Harry frowned but decided to cooperate…for now.

"As you know I left with the Dursleys yesterday. It was Dudley's birthday and Aunt Petunia and Vernon wanted to take him to some amusement park, they wanted to take me along but I didn't really want to go. They didn't feel right leaving me all alone so they took me to a museum, which is something I agreed with. They dropped me off and picked me up that evening. We stayed in a hotel and because I hadn't seen all that I wanted to see in the museum Aunt Petunia allowed me to go back while the Durselys left to go back home. She gave me some money to take a bus ride home after I was done. So I don't know why everyone's panties are in a twist but everything is fine. Oh and Sirius? I would love to go back with you only…I wouldn't want to be a burden to the order or anything if I went back to your place."

Harry managed to twist enough of the truth to make his story sound true and if most of it was a bald faced lie well…that was too bad for them. It wasn't like he could tell anyone the truth.

Well he had told Jack the truth though he hadn't thought it would come back to haunt him this way. He hoped that Jack didn't say anything to contradict his story.

"Harry you are never a burden and if your worried about the order, don't. I told Dumbledore that for this entire week my house will not be used for order business. Instead I want to spend it with just you, and any friends that you want to invite over. I've already got your birthday party plan so you have to come." Sirius said seriously, then he added. "Please for me." Which was cheating as far as Harry was concerned. But he didn't want to disappoint Sirius so in the end he agreed to go back with him to the Black House.

"Well…what about this Muggle? Why's he here and how much does he know? We're going to need to obliviate him either way though." Moody grumbled out peering suspicious at Jack.

Harry felt his insides freeze. He had known intelligently that the order would have to obliviate Jack but to hear it out loud caused him to feel angry…and scared which surprised him. It wasn't like he knew Jack well or anything. He had only just met him today and to feel this level of concern was frightening in and on itself.


For a moment Harry thought he had spoken then he realized that his mouth was still closed and the voice had been older and deeper than his. He turned his gaze at the person who had spoken. His eyes widening in surprise as he saw who it was.

"Remus! What's gotten into you? Do you know just what you are saying?" Shacklebolt ordered.

Everyone was staring in awe and confused as the usually mild mannered man became firm and determined.

"Just what I said, I will not allow you to obliviate this man." Remus leveled a glare at the gasping wizard.

"Remus…" the shock in Sirius's voice told everyone that Sirius hadn't expected this and was as clueless as the rest of them.

"Remus Lupin correct?" Jack's voice was quick and sudden, cutting through the confusion. Harry felt himself flush once again in shame. He hadn't even thought about what Jack was thinking about all this.

Probably all thought they were nutters and had been phoning the police and loony house while they had all been preoccupied with arguing with each other.

"Yes." Remus confirmed.

"Not to sound ungrateful or anything but I'm a little confused. Why would you stick up for me? Have we met? Maybe at a bar?" Jack teased at the end but otherwise he was serious.

Remus's lips twitched into a smile.

"No we didn't meet in a bar, to be truthful I didn't really expect you would remember me Captain but that's alright." Remus said smoothly.

"Captain?" Harry asked curiously. Jack hadn't identified himself as a captain but Remus clearly thought he was one. What did he know that they did not about the mysterious Jack Harkness?

The moment Remus called Jack captain any sort of parody of a smile was wiped clean off Jack's face. It was an oddly frightening thing to see happen. The man seemed to be made of stone now, his expression giving nothing away.

"Who are you?" Jack asked calmly his eyes flashing with a hint of the darkness that Harry had seen earlier.

"I told you my name, that is the honest to god's truth. However I did meet you before, just not at a bar. I believe I was…oh six or so when we last meet. You were friends with my mother. I don't know if you remember her, her name was Marigold Watson?"

Harry saw recognition shine in Jack's eyes, he must have really met Remus's mother.

"So what? You guys met when you were both little boys? Merlin Lupin that's no reason to leave a muggle with his memories intact. It's against the law in case your…condition made you forget." Moody said callously.

Remus had stiffen up when Moody had mentioned Remus's lycanthrope in such a way. Sirius growled a warning at Moody.

"Don't speak about what you don't understand Mad-eye." Sirius rumbled with spit.

Moody snorted. "I'll damn well say whatever I want, dog."

Before it could turn out into a brawl Harry decided to take control of the situation.

"Stop it you guys, your all acting worse than the Weasley twins, no offense Mr. Weasley."

"None taken Harry, I know how my sons can get and I have to say that your right. I wouldn't have suspected this amount of immaturity from the order." Arthur both reassured and astonished at the same time. It must have come from raising a bunch of children because Harry didn't know of anyone else who could have done that.

"Now Remus I am curious as I'm sure everyone else here is, why do you think we shouldn't erase Mr. Harkness memories?" Arthur asked.

"Well for one thing I know it wouldn't work, I'm sure that the Captain knows this as well or else he would have already tired to make a run for it and for another…when I first met Captain Jack Harkness I was a boy that much is true…but he was already a full grown man. In fact Jack I don't think you've changed a single bit in over two decades. You're even wearing the same great coat that you wore back then."

Silence filled the air as everyone tired to comprehend what Remus was saying.

Wait-what? What's going on now? Harry turned his confused gaze at the grim faced Jack.

"…Jack?" Harry asked timidly. He didn't know what he was asking but he knew that he needed the answer.

"Heh, its interesting luck you have kid, that you know someone who has met me before and that the only moment they would met me they were somehow here. Oh and Mr. Moody was it? There is no reason to erase my memory because while I may be deemed a muggle by your standards I am not unfamiliar with the Wizarding World although I seldom reenact with it."

Dropped jaws and wide eyes seemed to be a trend these days.

Harry though adapted well, he was amazed and in a kind of a time delayed shock mixed with disbelief, Sirius too seemed to accept what was happening with grace, which couldn't be said for the rest of the order.

"W-what?" Several voices rang out at once.

"I believe what Jack is trying to say is that he already has permission from the Ministry to know about the Wizarding World, right Jack?" Harry said, trying not to show how worried he truly was. He hoped that Jack was smart enough right now to agree with him, even if it wasn't true. At least that way he would have enough time to make a run for it and hide when the truth came out.

Harry didn't know why he was willing to place his trust in Jack, he didn't know him and from he was able to interpret from Remus's story, Jack hadn't aged at all in the last two decades. That left a lot of things Jack could be but a normal human wasn't one of them. He was placing a lot of trust in a man he barely knew.

Jack nodded, "Harry is correct, I work for the non-magical government and I have high enough clearance to know about the Wizarding World. But since the previous war I have stayed out of their affairs. I'm guessing I should have picked up a Daily Prophet every once in a while huh?"

Oh Jack was definitely enjoying himself now, he seemed to like it when he shocked people around him. He seemed to get over whatever inner demon that had overtaken him when Remus recognized him which was good because Harry wouldn't know how to deal with the situation if Jack got offensive.

Just because the wizards had a wand and magic didn't mean that a muggle gun wasn't a deadly weapon to them. Harry was glad that they wouldn't have to see which was faster today- a muggle bullet or a stun spell.

He knew that he wouldn't like the answer anyway.

Sirius clapped his hands together. "So does this mean that this handsome specimen of a man that my godson picked up is coming with us? Hey Remus it looks like I can cancel the strippers and prostitutes for Harry's birthday. He's already found some booty to plunder."

"…." Everyone was silent while Remus just let out a exhausted sigh, Harry felt like his whole face was going to combust from the full power of his blush.


Jack's and Sirius's loud laughter occupied the room and while Harry was trying to gain control of his blush one thought kept running through his mind.

Oh dear Merlin what have I done in allowing these two to meet!

What Harry didn't know was that Remus was having similar thoughts to his, only he was already planning on how to stay out of the two men's way.

The Order was in for a world of trouble, Remus thought with worry while Harry thought it with sadistic glee.

So…how was it? Was it worth the wait or did I just lose a bunch more readers?

Oh and if everyone's wondering about the glowing fob watch…it's still glowing in Harry's pocket. He'll notice within the next chapter, hopefully.

Sirius and Jack meet. Dear god we are all DOOOMED!

Make sure to review or I'll sic my lovely tricky boys on you! Cheers!