Andromeda excused herself, as she would have to apparate to the ministry to retrieve Amelia.

The occupants in the house heard the crack of apparition, but only two of them knew what that meant.

"What was that, I have heard it before at the Cauldron?"

"That Harry was the effect of someone apparating, it cause a crack in most people, some can do it almost silently, but that is rare."

"Okay, what is apparating?"

"Oh sorry, you seemed to know a lot about our world already I forget you were muggle raised. Anyway, apparition is the term used for when a wizard uses magic to travel from one place to another. It feels as if you are being squeezed through a pipe to small for your body."

The three made small talk about sports, as Ted was a football and rugby enthusiast. Harry explained how it took him forever to accept the American term of football.

Soon they heard three cracks signaling Andromeda had returned.

"Harry, I would like you to meet Amelia Bones, she is the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, or DMLE."

"A pleasure Mr. Potter, I knew your father very well, and was friends with your mother as well, it seems that we have some issue with illegal memory charms, or that is what I could get out of Andie here."

"Yes Ma'am it seems that a certain someone ignored my parent's wishes, and placed me in a place I should never have been. Then when Aunt Andie challenged the said person he charmed them to not remember how close they were to my family."

"Well that explains why Andy never wanted to go into details about you; I had figured Dumbledore talked her into placing him in the non-magical world for protection." A cough from the gentleman behind Amelia reminds her of her manners.

"Mr. Potter this is Kingsley Shacklebolt, he just transferred into the department from overseas. I asked him here to be an impartial Auror."

"Thank You Mrs. Bones for doing this, and please just call me Harry. We think a memory charm might have been used on you, as you were named to take care of me if Andromeda could not."

"I can say no memory charm was used on me, as of 3 months ago I put an old ministry law back in play requiring all junior department heads and above get a monthly check up for the imperious or memory charms, AS I have been seeing strange behavior in the ministry lately. As for being named I knew I was on the list, and Dumbledore himself approached me, mind you it was days after the defeat of the Dark Lord, and asked me if I was interested, as he had a home for you, but had to follow proper protocol. I was so busy between the ministry and trying to care for Susan, I know I could not handle another child."

"Proper Protocol my foot he knew you would say no, and that putting a memory charm on an official at your level would earn him some time in Azkaban."

"I am assuming you believe Dumbledore is responsible for the charms?"

"Yes Mrs. Bones, I have documented evidence he has done some things that while he may think is in my best interest, they are illegal. What I am doing is gathering the evidence, and plan on speaking to him, if he continues with his way of thinking I will be forced to file charges."

"Understood Harry, Auror Shacklebolt, please collect samples from all 4 of these people on any trace of memory charms."

Auror Shackle bolt pulled 4 glass containers from his robes, and opened the first one and pulled out a sheet of paper, he tapped his wand to it and then waved it over Andromeda, as she was closes to him, and he then tapped the sheet again, and asked him to touch her thumb to a particular spot.

After doing this he reviewed the sheet. "Director Bones, she has remains of a very specific and powerful spell."

"Continue Auror Shacklebolt."

He moved to Ted after placing the sheet back in the container and sealing it, and again he performed the test and nodded to Mrs. Bones. Again after sealing it he moved onto Dora, and again the nod and sealed the parchment. He moved to Harry and started the test and frowned.

"Mr. Potter has an extremely powerful memory charm placed on him, and it is breaking apart slowly, and the signature does match the remains left in the Tonks family."

"I would advise a trip to St. Mungo's, and having a healer look at this Harry, as the evidence Auror Shacklebolt has will be enough to convict who ever placed the charms on you."

"Thank You Mrs. Bones is there any way I can get a copy of those samples for my solicitor?"

"Yes that can be arranged, Auror Shacklebolt please make a copy of the results for Mr. Potter."

With a wave of his wand over the sample and a muttered phrase, Harry was presented with piece of paper with the results the Auror found.

"Well we will be going, Andie it has been a pleasure seeing you again, I do hope the new jobs last longer than normal."

"I believe it will Amelia." Andie smirked at Harry while saying this.

"Harry I know we just meet again, but if you and the Tonks would like to come to dinner next Friday I would be honored to get to know you again, and introduce you to my niece, whom you will be going to school with. I know you may not wish it, seeing as I was lax in my ability to take the responsibility your parents in trusted me with."

"No hard feeling Mrs. Bones, as you had your own wounds from the war and a toddler that you were charged with from a family member. It is understandable, and no ill will is held against you, as for the dinner invitation it is really up to the Tonks, as I am free that evening, or until the goblins inform me I am the rightfully ruler of all Britain." Harry laughed at his attempts at humor.

However the two newcomers were left in the dark, as his joke did get a chuckle from the Tonks's.

"I recently became the heir to quite a few families recently, and the goblins, while very helpful, I believe they get humor from watching our reactions, so I am always waiting for Warhammer to spring something on me."

"I can see where you could be waiting for that, especially if you are the cause for all the file clerks to be up in arms about having to rearrange all the family's files, as they were not too happy to have to re do their entire filing system, however it did clear out a bunch of family's that have been in limbo. Well we better get back to the ministry, and we will file these in a case file Harry, but just put it under investigation for the moment. I will have Auror Shacklebolt compare these samples to Dumbledore's."

Author's Notes: I do not like posting just an Author's Note instead of a chapter, so I compromised. Yes the chapter is short, yes I will add more to it at a later time, from this point on all updates will be 3-4 days. As was pointed out to me my last chapter was rushed and not to my standards.

I am in search of a BETA if you know of one, or are one let me know as I really need help in editing my stories. The main reason for the slowdown is I forgot about Harry's promise to Olivander, and will be rewriting a few chapters to correct that, also as much as I want the story to move on, I may redo chapter 7 and make the welcoming a little different.

So, I will be taking time to write the stories, and my muse has taken a short break, as it was hard to write this 1k word chapter, when the other chapter flowed, some of this as I am distracted because of my errors in the story, and the sooner I fix them the sooner I will be able to write again, hopefully.

Next update will be July 16