Disclaimer: Not mine

Not entirely sure where this came from, except that I get like this every once in a while. And I've been listening to RENT on repeat for nearly four days, which is where the title comes from. And, for everyone who has been waiting, Spencer is going to be pregnant again soon. I'm thinking next segment.

Touch, Taste, Feel

Derek decided that he loved these days. Spencer went through days were he couldn't get enough touch. He had to be near Derek or Matt. During the day, holding Matt was enough. But now Matt was getting older (twenty months) and tended to wiggle out of Spencer's lap in search of more interesting adventures.

So when Derek got home, all Spencer wanted to do was curl up on the couch. His need for touch ranged from leaning close to having an arm around his waist. It was chaste, but it was the most intimate touch that Derek could think of.

Matt was the same. He reassured himself that Papa and Daddy loved him by constantly returning to them and hugging their legs. He went through "blue periods" where he clung to a leg. Spencer would literally walk through the house with Matt clinging to one leg.

Derek, who grew up with touch and affection, figured that it was Spencer's way of making up for what he didn't have growing up. When he suggested it to Spencer, the genius gave him a confused look. "That wouldn't explain Matt." Then he bent over to scribble in a visit to the pediatrician.

"It might be something else," Spencer suggested, wrapping Derek's arms around his waist. "Something related to being a carrier."


"Well, but touching you, I am getting your scent over my body and my scent is all over you."

"That's primal. Claiming."

Spencer shrugged. "Just a theory. And I've always been like this, but I was better at suppressing it before Matt." He grinned. "I got my fill of touch from Garcia."

"Yeah, Mama's good for a hug."

Spencer raised his eyebrows.

"Completely platonic," Derek kissed the genius. "I love you like this though. Touchy-feely."

"You like where it leads after Matt goes to bed."

"That too."