So this is a sequel to Baby Boy, because someone requested that Gideon meet his son and I thought, "What the hell?"

Disclaimer: No claims here.

Gift from God

Spencer smiled at thirteen-month-old Matt as the baby gripped his Daddy's fingers, walking around the great room. Every so often, Clooney would crack one eye to monitor the baby's progress, then fall back asleep. Baby and Daddy were getting nothing but a lot of walking done.

Matt giggled and stopped in the middle of the room. He bent his head back to smile widely at his Daddy. Spencer bent nearly double to kiss Matt's nose. "Are we done for the day?"

Matt grinned and wrinkled his nose. He let go of Spencer's fingers to reach up, making a grabbing motion. Spencer scooped him up and balanced him on his hip as the doorbell rang. Expecting it to be Haley dropping off Jack, he called. "It's open!"

Jason Gideon nervously ran his fingers over the letter he carried. He had read it at the cabin and at every stoplight since then. He still could not believe…

Gideon, I don't know how else to contact you and I hope you find this letter. I pray that you find this letter.

You have a son. Another son. When you left, I was pregnant and coming out to the cabin to tell you.

There is so much I have to tell you that I can't put in just a letter. But I hope that you come find me and the baby when you get this.

By the way, I never felt you abandoned me.


Spencer had been pregnant and he just left. What had he done? Who was with him? What did the boy look like? Thankfully, Spencer had left an address on the back of the letter, and Gideon had taken off once he finished reading.

It had taken him five minutes to get out of the car, another three to go up the driveway and another ten to finally ring the doorbell.

His heart froze when he heard the familiar voice, "It's open!"

Holding Matt, Spencer turned, thinking Haley would want help with Jack and ten minutes off her feet. It wasn't long ago that he had been seven months pregnant and his feet hurt so badly that standing still hurt.

He clutched Matt to him when he saw Gideon in the doorway.

"Is that…?"

Spencer relaxed and nodded. "This is Matt. He's thirteen-months."

Matt stuck his tongue out at the new person and held his Daddy. Spencer smiled and patted Matt's back. "He's a bit shy around new people."

"I… I got your letter." Gideon swallowed. "How are you doing?"

"Much better. With Matt, I do a lot of consulting, and local cases and interviews. I don't travel with the team anymore. Well… I'm not really part of Hotch's team anymore."


"The fraternization rules."

"Because of me?"

"What?" Spencer shook his head. "No. Don't you recognize the place?"

Gideon glanced at the address again and glanced around. He saw the golden retriever lounging on the floor, the familiar cars in the driveway and the name on the mailbox. "Morgan." He smiled. "You got what you wanted."

Spencer shrugged.

"Come 'ere."

Gideon hugged Spencer and Matt, gently rocking both of them. "I'm happy that you got what you really desired."

"How did you…?"


"Dee? Who dat?" Matt pointed.

Spencer hesitated. Matt knew that he was Daddy and Derek was Papa. Both Gideon was Papa too, in a way, just not that same way as Derek and still, he wanted Gideon to be a part of Matt's life and…

"I'm Uncle Jason."

"Oh." Matt held onto Spencer's shirtsleeve and leaned forward. "Pres?"

"Matthew!" Spencer stared at his son. "I'm sorry, just about everyone brings him something when they visit. But he shouldn't expect presents from everyone who walks in the door."

"He's pretty advanced."

"Oh, he's just showing off. He knows Dee, for Daddy, Papa, Who's that? And of course, present. It's his favorite word."

Gideon grinned and gently tugged Matt's fine brown curls. "He looks almost just like you."

"He does," Spencer sighed. "It thrills Derek. He loves calling Matt my Mini-Me. Tries to get him to quote statistics." He frowned. "Sorry, I've kept you standing here. Would you like anything?" He went into the kitchen, Matthew clinging to him like a baby monkey.

"No. I just… I needed to see you and baby."

"You're not staying."

Gideon shook his head.

Spencer sighed. "Well, don't stay away long. I do want you to be part of Matt's life."

"I already was," Gideon smiled. "Gift from God."

Spencer pushed Matt's curls behind his ears. "I know I claim to stick to science, but with Matt… I just can't believe that there isn't a higher power out there."

Nodding, Gideon kissed Spencer's cheek and Matt's forehead. "Take care of yourselves and Derek."

Spencer bounced Matt on his hip. "We will."

He stood in the doorway as Gideon walked back to his car. "Wave bye-bye."

Matt waved enthusiastically. Gideon waved back and got in his car. He watched Spencer smiled and kiss his son's temple, holding the baby close as Gideon drove away. Just as Gideon turned the corner, Haley Hotchner pulled up. She hauled her seven-month pregnant body out of the car. "Hey, Spencer. Sorry I'm late. We had a slight meltdown."

Spencer smiled and went to help her. He definitely believed in a higher power now.