A/N: This was going to be a one shot, but i'm going to make it into something more. First fic and all that, i really hope you enjoy it :)

Just a note though, it is a femslash so if you dont like that then dont read it.

Disclaimer: I am not the brilliant J.K, if i was do you think i'd be writing fics about my own story? Nope xD No, i am not Jo Rowling, and therefore none of these characters belong to me.

Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age was thinking about doing something extremely stupid. She was sat in the comfy armchair near the fireplace in the red and gold common room of Gryffindor, one of the 4 founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hermione was a third year and stressing over exams (as per usual) but tonight she was reading up about Hippogriff trials so she could help Hagrid win his case against Lucius Malfoy and his govenors. They were so prejudiced against Buckbeak. Stupid Draco for being such a stuck up, slimy little git. Anyway, what with her extra classes and arguing with Harry about that stupid Firebolt that had obviously been sent by that killer, Black, and being insulted by that idiot Ronald over his silly rat she was having a rough time of it this year and wasn't sure she could get enough information for Hagrid. She must concentrate. But what the heck, Crookshanks didn't even do anything. Ron was just being prejudice against her cat and that was it. That rat probably died of old age anyway. It had been in his family for years, and just because he didn't like Crookshanks for jumping on his head in Eyelops Owl Emporium he was blaming her dear cat for the death of his animal. Well, Ronald you can shove your rat up your bloody-

"Hey Herm, you okay?" A female voice drifted through her silent reverie, shattering her distracted thoughts. The brunette looked up from her half finished Defence against the dark arts homework and at the red head in front of her.

"Oh, hey Gin. Yeah I'm okay, I just got a little bit distracted" she said, a little flustered

"A little?" The second year scolded her "It's 1am Herm" She laughed

"Oh my, uh, I'm sorry Gin, I didn't realise the time!" Hermione rubbed her eyes and started to gather her things. The redhead helped her to grab the many school books that Hermione seemed to be pulling around with her all of the time this year. As they both rushed to clear up the older girl's schoolwork, their hands brushed against each others. Hermione stopped in her frantic cleaning and looked down at where Ginny's hand had touched hers with wide eyes. Her hand tingled and a shock made its way through her body. She looked at Ginny who was mirroring her actions. Staring at the redhead, thoughts began to form in her head. Indeed, Hermione Granger was thinking of doing something extremely stupid. She took the redhead's hand in her own, ignoring the shock that ran through her body and held the front of the young girl's top with the other, pulling her closer and closer.

"Umm Hermioneā€¦are you going to do what I'm thinking you're gonna do?" Ginny whispered as Hermione stopped pulling the redhead closer, her face almost inches from Ginny's. Hermione looked Ginny in her eyes and realised what she had almost done.

"Uh, I don't really know what that was about, I'm sorry Gin" She apologised before letting go of the girl and grabbing her things. She rushed up the stairs to the girl's dormitory, brushing away tears that she didn't know were falling. What had just happened, and why now?

So, did you like? This is only chapter one. Please review? It is only my first fic and I would love some feedback =) Thanks again

~ Perita-BrightEyes ~