Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers

Please R&R

( In response to SavvyEnigmaxBanditgal's question about how long this will continue for: I am aiming at ending it just after the first movie but who knows it could go longer is the inspiration takes me.

Enjoy the next chapter!)

The words 'I've Sparked' are the two most damning in the Cybertronian dialect to a Decepticon. At least in Barricade's opinion as he stood gaping at Shivershot in his recently found office. The femme held her helm high as his processors struggled not to crash, his Transformer sized stylus dropping from his fingers and rolling off the desk.

The sound of the stylus hitting the floor brought him out of his shocked stupor and he finally managed to croak out an angered "What?"

"I have Sparked" the dark blue and silver femme repeated as if he were a sparkling himself. "Two deca-cycles along."

"I hate you" Barricade said finally leaning back in his chair with a disturbed look on his face, his ruby optics flickering everywhere but at the stubborn femme in front of his desk.

"I'm asking as a friend Barricade" Shivershot snapped back shortly

"And I'm giving advice as a 'friend'" Barricade snarled "I say get rid of it"

"I say go stuff that suggestion up your aft!" the femme growled advancing on him making him immediately think of the deca-cycle before when Shivershot had ripped Shockwave a new aft after the innocent comment that her report was not written well enough. "I'm asking for help, the least you can do is help me!"

"I'm already on the rocks with Megatron as it is!" Barricade finally growled getting up to stalk his office, accidently knocking over a few data-pads with a curse "First Blackout's training gets handed over to me and now this? Why doesn't Primus just shoot me!"

"I'm taking my Sparkling to the Autobots" Shivershot said "I came here to see if you wanted me to take Blackout too"

"Frag no" the Shock Trooper rumbled "You're going to get caught if you do this, executed and that Sparkling along with you. Who's is it anyway? Last time I heard you were on a mission undercover in the Autobots for nearly half a vorn!"

"The father is an Autobot" Shivershot confirmed looking down guiltily

"Blast you to the pit Shivershot" Barricade growled savagely "Why in the pits did you even interface with one!"

"It just felt right okay!" she shouted back at him "He was kind!"

Four ruby optics flared wildly in rage before suddenly dimming "Fine then" Barricade rumbled appearing to come to a decision. "What do we need to do"

"I just need out ASAP" Shivershot said "I'll take Blackout as well Barricade. He'll be happy with the Autobots, he'll get the childhood he has dreamed of. Though it's funny he acts like you are his creator or older brother sometimes, though the last time I saw you with him it was more along the lines of creator and creation"

"Is there a point to your monologue?" replied the assassin "I have a patrol shift in four breems and I'd rather not be late"

"I'm saying that you should be mech enough to let him go" Shivershot said calmly "He doesn't belong in an army Barricade. He watches the world with closed optics, what do you think is going to happen once they are opened to the things that goes on beyond this base?"

"And the Autobots won't show him the same thing when he's old enough?" Barricade hissed back his optics surging as he automatically defended the youngling that had somehow wormed his way into his spark

"That is not the point and you know it" the femme said softly. The interceptor sighed in return leaning back against the wall as he stared at the femme. Shivershot was the only other Cybertronian that he could say that was actually his friend, besides Frenzy and Blackout if he really wanted to push it. She had been his acquaintance since he had joined the Decepticons, recovering from a Processor wipe under theā€¦ tender mercies of Hook, sarcasm fully intended. Nobody could tell him where he came from before he appeared in the base; as far as he was concerned it just added an air of mystery around him. Shivershot had been the first to approach and 'make friends' as it were and Barricade had held her in high regard ever since.

"Then give me an ultimatum Shivershot, as you are so often fond of dishing them out and making people squirm. Why should I be any different?" Barricade grumbled crossing his arms with a frown.

"Very well" the Femme said "Help me to get to the Autobots or I'll just walk out this door and try and do it now"

Barricade scowled "Fine, I have contacts. Give me an orn"

"Half an orn" Shivershot demanded

Barricade slammed down his taloned fist on the desk, leaving an impressive dent "Don't push your luck femme" he rumbled, his voice like thunder. "Now get out. I'll come to you"

Shivershot glared at him and stomped towards the door "And Blackout?" she asked with a frown turning back as she raised her hand to open the door.

"He can make his own choice. I'll bring him along" Barricade snapped as the Decepticon femme left. As the door shut he growled getting up and pacing as Frenzy fell through one of the ventilation shafts on the left wall. "Where have you been!" he demanded stamping a pede near the hacker's small frame making his partner give a shriek of surprise as he groaned and grumbled on the floor from his fall.

"p-pe-pestering S-s-scr-screamer" the spy grumbled offering one of his fingers up to the larger mech that had fallen off. "P-p-plus bad j-jo-joint"

"I need to get your vocaliser fixed " Barricade sighed rubbing his lower two optics as his top two narrowed at the hacker "I need you to get me an Autobot frequency"

The hacker stared up at him with a spluttering yowl of shock "W-why 'C-cade?"

"A favour that someone has called in" replied Barricade crouching down to glare at his partner "If I hear that this has gotten out you are going to the smelter. Even if it'll hurt me when the partner bond snaps are we clear?"

The Spindly spy frowned but nodded "fine. Wh-which one?"

"I don't care. Just get me one" the interceptor snapped picking up his stylus and slumping at his desk again. "Now go away. I'll fix you later. Go annoy Blackout in the medbay or something"

With a spiteful hiss Frenzy scaled the wall and clattered down the vent leaving the assassin to brood in his dark office.