Where is the Monster?
Here is a oneshot that might entertain you guys
I dug it up a while ago, and never put it on.
It was the mother of 'I Heart You', 'Fight for your Right to Procreate', 'Laichzeit', and 'The Psycho-Path'
A Poem:
She cuddles her teddy, and glares at the door,
Mother kisses her on the cheek, and tries to assure,
"There is no monster, there's nothing to fear!
God wouldn't let any monsters in here."
The light dropped low, the air went cold,
Sand burst from the closest, with the gleam of gold,
He stepped out from the closet, a grin on his face,
Glaring Green Eyes, like a saucer in space
The Walls collapsed to the ground,
An orange sun casting dim light all around,
He pushed her from the bed,
and pulled the bow from her head.
She prayed for the police to liberate her from this world
The beautiful plants around, dried and their leaves curled.
He smiled, and swung his head to the side,
The Sheriff was bleeding out, the blood he cried.
He grabbed the girl and pushed her to the dirt,
He dragged her away, pulling by the skirt.
Desperately kicking and crawling,
weeping and bawling,
The Walls propped themselves up neatly,
her room faded in discreetly.
Open swung the closet door,
and the demon was no more.
The Morning star disappear in the light,
And The Girl was never again reminded of the night.
She was convinces the monsters were lies
Until she saw those Green eyes...
A bit dark, considering this was originally made before I became obsessed with Rammstein...
Oh yeah, new poll!
C u L