House: Gryffindor!

Pairing: Ron/Justin

The red-headed Gryffindor glanced across the Great Hall in annoyance, scowling at any poor fourth year that dared to meet his gaze. Yes, Ronald Weasley was in a bad mood, and he wasn't doing much to hide the fact. His scowl deepened as his eyes stopped their restless searching on a pair of seats at the Hufflepuff table. Only his friends could note the sad, slightly even forlorn, look in his eyes for a second, before just as fast as it had come, it disappeared His gaze turning hard, and his eyes seemingly frigid with hate.

"Ron?" Harry questioned, noticing with surprise that his gaze had landed on Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Ernie Macmillan. "Stare any harder and you'll burn a whole through Ernie's head."

"That's the general idea." Ron grumbled.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, genuinely worried when he noticed that his friend hadn't even touched his breakfast, something that was very unusual for the Gryffindor.

"What's Ernie ever done to you?"

"Stole something that was mine." Ron said bitterly, clenching his fists tightly against his robe covered knees.

"Who stole what?" Hermione asked, as she sat adjacent to the two boys, blocking Ron's view of the two Hufflepuffs.

Harry glanced at Ron, who fixed Hermione with a slightly annoyed look, before he shrugged, and began to viciously tear into his breakfast.

"So, what are all those books for, 'Mione?" Harry asked, changing the subject much to Ron's relief.

Ron ignored his best friends and girlfriend's conversation as his thoughts strayed to the hazel eyed brunette he had been staring at.

Justin and the golden trio had never exactly been the best of friends, despite Ernie, Justin's friend having apologized for believing that Harry was the Heir of Slytherin. But, during sixth year when Harry had his slight Malfoy obsession, which still seemed to exist given the two were now in a relationship, he had spent some time studying with the Hufflepuff while Hermione was angry at him, which seemed to happen a lot that year.

Ron, frustrated and confused, and Justin hurt by the seemingly unrequited feelings he had for his best friend, had begun a sort of relationship, though the term "relationship" was a bit of a stretch. It was a stress relief, and Ron had constantly made the brunette aware of that, and the Hufflepuff hadn't really complained. It had been an on and off thing, one coming to the other when they needed it. They had said that it wasn't serious, and they could stop whenever they wanted, but it later proved to be wrong with red-head.

They, of course, had stopped during their seventh year, but after the war when Justin needed a shoulder to cry on, they had picked up where they had left off. But, something was different, Ron had began to miss the quiet brunette more and more when they weren't together, and had started to initiate even more of their '"meetings". But, what was worse, Ron thought bitterly, was that he hadn't even felt guilty for cheating on Hermione.

He looked over at the girl who he had been friends with since first year, marveling at how much his feelings had changed for the bushy haired girl. His feelings for her hadn't changed much, he still liked her, but those feelings had been greatly overshadowed for those he had slowly developed for Justin.

He closed his eyes tightly as the memory of that day came back to him.

Justin lay on the ground of the astronomy tower, his head in the Gryffindors lap as Ron lazily carded his fingers through the brunette's soft hair. After a few minutes, he stood, prompting Ron to do the same as he began to pace back and forth along the tower.

"Ron," He said softly, his voice containing an odd mixture of happy and sad. "We can't do this anymore."

The red-head stared at him blankly, before he snorted in amusement, "Right, just like you said we couldn't do this in sixth year, or even two weeks ago. It's just a release Justin, stop over thinking it." But, the words sounded hollow and false even to his own ears.

Justin smiled grimly, "Last year ,or two weeks ago things were different. Ernie . . . he said he loves me, as more than a friend, he has for a while. . . I've just been too dense to see it apparently. He wants to be with me, and I told him to wait, because it wouldn't be fair to start something serious with him without properly ending . . . this." he finished lamely, gesturing between the two of this.

"And, what is this?" Ron asked bitterly, crossing his arms, and narrowing his eyes at the man in front of him.

"Just a release." Justin said coldly, viciously throwing his words back at him. "Even if it meant nothing to you, Ron, it helped me. And, I want to say thanks, for everything."

"I wasn't doing you a favor." Ron said darkly, "But, whatever, I guess I'm happy for you."

Justin didn't quite believe him, but he smiled slightly anyways, walking over to the red-head and giving him a feather light kiss on the lips, before leaving the astronomy tower with a quiet, "goodbye, Ron."

Ron's eyes snapped open as his hand was softly intertwined with Hermione's warm one under the table. And, he wished that he didn't so desperately long for it to be Justin he was holding hands with instead of his girlfriend. As his gaze fell over Hermione's shoulder, he briefly locked eyes with Justin's smiling ones. He quickly looked down to resume is glaring at the table. He supposed he should move on, and he would try, for Hermione, though he knew he would never give up the memories he now treasured, of the semblance of a relationship he had once shared with Justin. He just hoped Ernie and Justin were happy together, though from what he could see, he knew they were. Maybe, if he tried really hard, and forgive and forget, he could be too; even if it meant putting on a false pretence and getting that "happiness" with Hermione.

At least one of them got a happy ending.

AN: So I can't believe this is the last challenge! I know this probably wasn't my best entry, but I tried, and I hope you liked it! Oh, and if you haven't already, go visit the Drarry Awards! The address is: http : / forum . fanfiction . net / forum / The Drarry Awards / 76446, just take out the spaces =)

Reviews are Love! =D

And go Gryffindor!