"Samantha Anne Forster!" Wyatt yelled from the ranch house.

"Coming!" Great. What did I do now? Sam thought to herself. Jumping down from the corral fence she ran to the house trying to recall all that she had done to get yelled at. So far she couldn't think of anything. As she entered the house she took off her boots and dark brown stetson that her neighbor and best friend Jake Ely had bought her for her sixteenth birthday. Slowly walking to her seat at the kitchen table she looked at her father, who by the way looked like he was going to blow a fuse, and sat down. Her Gram and Brynna soon followed.

Taking a deep breath Wyatt slowly came to the point of the meeting. "Samantha…" oh yea she was in trouble… "This can't continue. Last night, well it wont be happening again. If you so much as set foot outside of this house past ten, even a second past ten," oh so that's what this is about. Zoning out on her father's lecture Sam thought back to last night. Zanzibar, oh my beautiful Zanzibar! He is so perfect.. Wait, how did my dad know about… Jake! Oh how could he? Of course it was Jake who told him. It was always Jake! Ugh! Midnight was the only time her old horse Blackie aka Zanzibar, showed up. Occasionally he would let her get on his back and go for a ride. Which she was attempting to do before he showed up. Yep. It was Jake who told Wyatt. Ever since returning from San Francisco Jake promised he'd 'stick to her like glue' boy was he taking it to the extreme.

Coming back to the present time she found all three adults just staring at her, man was her father furious! "Where you even listening to me?" Wyatt shouted.

"Honey," Brynna interjected, "She was listening she just isn't arguing." what wasn't she arguing about again? "I understand Dad I wont leave the house again." I'm hoping that's what I was or in this case wasn't arguing about.

"See! She wasn't listening!" great well that wasn't it. "As of right now Samantha no more riding Ace for a month. You go to school. You come home. You do your chores with absolutely no complaint, you eat supper and you go to bed after you clean the kitchen. That's it!" With having said what he thought needed to be said Wyatt got up from the table and went outside. A…a month? Of no riding? Was he serious?

"Hahaha!" Cody her younger brother laughed from the top of the stairs.

"Go help your father Cody" Brynna responded to her son's laughing but not looking away from Sam. After Cody left Gram got up from the table sighing.

"Well Sam its your own fault for zoning out. You knew what was going to happen."

Sigh. This is going to be a long month. Sam thought to herself before excusing herself to go complete her chores.