AN: ..I'm going to say sorry, even though you probably won't even want to talk to me, read this, or even remember this story. Yeah. Sorry. ! I really didn't mean to leave this for so long, but I had terrible writers block. Worst I've ever had. So it was put on hiatus. I didn't announce it, cause I just would've replaced the chapter, and I'm selfish and like reviews. Though if you guys don't review, yeah.. I won't blame you.
So anywho. I probably could have rushed this, and posted this, but I decided to spend a couple of days writing a super long chapter for you guys, cause I feel so bad for not updating in, well, half a year about..
I won't be adding any requests in here. Sorry guys! I'll probably just stick to certain characters I've written before, just to make writing this a little easier, and to get you guys a chapter faster.
Well, that's it. Once more, I'm sorry. I really do hope you guys like this. Enjoy! :)
Disclaimer: Despite everything and all this time, I still don't own a thing.
Court's POV
Quickly pulling on my grey sweater and lacing up my shoes while hopping on one foot with a bagel hanging out of my mouth, I almost feel like the character I play. I woke up late, confused about how I'd gotten back to my room, and my mind swirling with all sorts of memories from last night. Blushing for the millionth time as I remember falling asleep in Duncan's arms, I'm finally ready to start shooting. I probably look like crap though, with huge bags under my eyes. Making my way to set, I see that most of the actors, if not all of them, have bags under their eyes as well.
Our producer walks in, and frowns. He pulls out his megaphone, demanding our attention. When he has it, he announces the episode we'll be doing the hide and seek episode today. I blink, then groan when I realize I don't have to do anything, and that I got ready and rushed for nothing.
I feel an arm around my shoulder, and turn, expecting to see Duncan, but to my surprise, it's Trent. I blush.
"Hey beautiful. Looks like neither of us is working today. Maybe we could go hang out somewhere." His smile is confident. I'm racking my brain, trying to find a way to say no, when I see movement of fake green in the corner of my eye, and let out a relieved sigh.
"Sorry. I promised Duncan I'd watch him, and give him my opinion on how I think he's playing his character." Okay, that's a lie. But still. There was no way I was going anywhere alone with Trent. Being in the same room as him last night, even with Lindsay and Duncan there, made me nervous, and I didn't know why. I gently shrug out of his hold, and run over to Duncan. He shoots me a weird look, then protectively wraps an arm around my waist, and grabs my hand. I tense, then snuggle into him, trying to cover myself as much with him as possible. He shoots me another weird look, but I ignore it. He'd probably stop talking to me if I told him I think his brother was evil.
I watch as the guys film the scene where they make their alliance. There are only four of them left by this point, and I guess if this were real, they'd have a reason to be freaked. But since it's scripted, we all know Bridgette is going 'home' tonight, because she get's sprayed by skunks. The scene starts with Owen tentatively walking by a cave, which is really just a piece of cardboard that, surprisingly, looks really realistic, and Duncan pulling him in, as Owen screams in surprise.
Once that part is done, the cave entrance is flipped to make it look like they're inside the cave, and small walls are added, so that it looks more realistic, but it's still possible to watch and film. Duncan looks over at me while they're making the cave, and winks. He then quickly turns to pay attention to the director telling them that they couldn't afford to make a mistake. Geoff, DJ, Owen and Duncan look a little nervous about this, but they all nod. The director nods as well, goes back to sit in his chair and then yells action.
"Shh." Duncan tells Owen, putting his finger to his lips. Owen, of course, get's super excited.
"Hey guys! Great hiding spot! Yeah!" He whisper yells. I hold back a laugh, but can't hold back a huge grin. Owen's character is my favourite, because he's so enthusiastic. It just brightens my day. Then Duncan takes control. It still amazes me how well he can act.
"Listen up boys; we're in trouble, okay? There are six chicks on the island, and only four dudes."
"I know! Nice odds!" Geoff exclaims with a grin. Duncan slaps him, and I can't help but giggle.
"No, butt brain, bad odds! If I noticed it, chances are that sooner or later, they're going to notice it too. And when they do, they're going to pick us off one by one. We've gotta do something about it!" To further his point, Duncan glares and gestures with his hands.
"It's not like they're exactly getting along. Remember this morning?" DJ says.
"Cut!" They four boys turn to the director confused. "Excellent. You guys are doing great! When the cameras start rolling, pause a little. This is where we're going to add a flashback, and it'll help if we can add it on to the pause. It'll look smoother." They nod, and so does the director. "Alright, and, action!"
The guys wait a couple minutes, as instructed, and then continue.
"Uh, I don't know dudes." Geoff starts. "Bridgette and me, we kind of hooked up. I don't feel right about joining an alliance without her." It's sweet in a way, I guess, that Geoff doesn't want to make an alliance against Bridgette. Of course, because he's in character, Duncan has to ruin the semi sweet moment.
"Let me tell you the truth about woman. They're all sisters! And when push comes to shove, they're going to stick together! Haven't you ever seen a chick flick before?" At this, I burst out laughing. It sounds so strange coming from Duncan's mouth, especially when he's dressed as a big tough guy. I catch a small smile on his face when the camera turns from him to Owen.
"Well, yeah, but-" Owen starts to say.
"Look man, now's the time, while they don't see it coming, while we have the element of surprise." Duncan interrupts.
"Geez, I'm just not sure." Owen says. All four of them pause a little bit, smiling. They filmed this part of the episode earlier, with Duncan holding Owen by the ankles over a tiny little cliff that can really barely be called a hill. Even if it's just a fat suit, Duncan being able to lift Owen is impressive. I find myself blushing as I think that. Thankfully, no one notices.
"Good." Duncan starts, breaking the pause. "Now that we're all agreed, guys-unite-and-save-our-butts-from-elimination." He holds his hand out, palm down.
"Agreed." Owen and DJ say at the same time, adding their hands to the pile. Geoff acts nervous, and Duncan turns to look at him.
"Uh, are you in dude?"
Reluctantly, Geoff adds his hand to the pile, and the deal is sealed.
"Oh! I am so psyched!" Owen exclaims, as per usual. "A dude's alliance! I love it! It's so manly! Yeah! Come here!" He yells, while reaching over and grabbing DJ and Duncan, kissing DJ's head once, and kissing Duncan's head three times. They look both uncomfortable, and like they're about to burst out laughing all at once. They quickly put on creeped out looks, and Owen frowns, a rarity on and off camera. He then realizes what he's just down, and slaps his forehead.
"Alright, now clear out." Duncan says.
"What!" Geoff asks incredulously.
"I was here first dude. This is my hiding spot." Duncan says smugly.
"And, we're clear! Great job guys. Thanks for not screwing up." The director exclaims. Then he mutters under his breath. "Gives us more money for when Gwen makes mistakes." I just stare blankly at him, and he shrugs at me. I turn just in time to see Duncan run up to me, snake his arms around my waist, and spin me round. I laugh, and wrap my arms around his neck, accidently hitting one of the spikes on his dog collar thing.
"Ouch!" I exclaim, and Duncan puts me down.
"What? Oh, sorry. Forgot I was still wearing this thing. Is it bad that I'm starting to get used to it?" He asks me, while taking it off. I smile up at him and shake my head. "Okay." He says. "Good." He smiles at me, and my heart skips a beat. It shocks me, since it's never happened before. So then why is it happening now? Only one thought enters my mind. But it can't be. There's no way. No way at all that I could be falling for Duncan. Is there?
Lindsay's POV
I sigh, bored. I shouldn't be bored. I scream a lot in this episode, and I get quite a bit of air time. But still, while I'm watching the boys shoot the cave scene, I can't help but be bored. Unlike last night. Smiling, I think back to when Trent kissed me. That was the best part of the night. I sigh again, but this time, it's one of sadness. I'm not stupid, not at all. I know Trent doesn't like me. Not that way. Not that he's shown, anyway. He's playing Katie too. Or at least trying to. She has the brains to stay away. But I can't. Be in advanced classes in school? I can easily do that. Get a job on a movie or TV show? Yeah, I can. Be one of the smartest people of my age wherever I go? I'm doing that right now. But since the age of six, I've had a huge crush on Trent. We'd never actually met, but still. He just seemed so, cool and down to earth, and I was a geek. The director yelling clear, and telling Duncan, Geoff, Owen and DJ that they did a good job snaps me out of my reverie. It's time to shoot the group meeting, and the parts leading up to it. Great. It's time to play dumb again.
"I am so glad they included grapetastic pop in your reward last night Heather! It's totally my favourite. It's the only thing I've really been craving on the island." I gush, to my 'best friend' Heather, while holding a bottle of purple food coloring in water.
"I cannot believe that LeShawna shredded my clothes. She is so gonna pay for this." Heather says, while glaring at her top. Even after all this time, it's hard to see Heather acting so mean and bossy.
"Well, you did steal Gwen's boyfriend. That's pretty major." I point out, just wanting this to be over. I hear that I'm a good actor. This surprises me, because my heart has never gone into any of the things I've filmed.
"Shut up." Heather says, trying to put some snappiness in her voice. She only half succeeds. She then snatches the bottle right out of my hands, and I let out a surprised yelp. She takes a drink, and I feel bad for her. At least she gets to spit it out, because it looks like it tastes horrible. On cue with when she spits, I gasp.
"How can you drink this sugar water?" She snappily asks me, throwing the bottle away. I gasp again. As the bottle breaks, I gasp one final time. Then we stop. This is where they're going to add our confessionals, which we'll be shooting at the very end of all of this, along with all the rest of the confessionals of the season. Even though each episode only lasts thirty minutes, not even if you take out the commercials, the theme song and the credits, we put days into making them. It's tiring, but hey, it could be worse. I walk over to the dock set, and wait until everyone is in place.
"Today's challenge is a good ole game of hide, and seek. You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you. With his military background and advanced degree in man hunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game, excruciatingly, hard." At this, Hatchet pulls out a water gun and smirks.
"What's with the water gun?" Duncan asks, as a laser beam is pointed at his head and he crosses his eyes to look at it. I hold back a laugh. As according to the script, Chris ignores him for the time being.
"The life guard chair is home base." He continues. "When he finds you, Chef will try to spray you. If you escape his blast, you can try to run to home base. But if he catches you on his way, he'll douse you." By now, Hatchet has his water gun pointed at Duncan, who's smirking at it.
"Oooh, so we're going to get splashed by a bit of water, now I'm terrified." Duncan says, oozing with sarcasm. It's Chris' time to smirk.
"Why don't you demonstrate, Chef?" Chef pumps the water gun; still aiming at Duncan, then turns and blasts it on Chris. A jet of water streams out from a hose, and Chris is pushed back on a small square scooter. "Not on me, dude!" He shouts at Chef a couple miles away.
"So how do we win, this game?" Heather asks snidely. Chris walks back soaking wet, and not looking too happy about it either.
"You've got three options." Chris answers. "One, don't get discovered in your hiding place. Two, run to home base before Chef blasts you. Three, once you've been caught, help Chef find other campers. Do any of those and you win invincibility. All clear?"
"Uhh." I stupidly begin, putting my pointer finger in the air, as the stupid script calls for. I hate acting stupid. It creases me.
"You get ten minutes to hide. Go!" Everyone runs off, but I have to stay there, a stupid look on my face, my finger still in the air. Keeping the stupid look on my face, I look around to notice everyone gone. Then I start running and screaming my head off. I should scream like a maniac is after me more often. It's a great stress killer.
Izzy's POV
Step, step, step, cue, hide, finger gun, step, step, step, cue, hide, four steps this time, cue, hide. I've never had this much fun since I was five. That's one of the upsides to the character I play. Right now, she's mimicking chef like the crazy person she is, but she always hides on time, every time Chef turns. I'm loving this, so much. We continue this for much longer then will actually be shown on TV, but neither one of us is complaining. Yet.
"Perfect! We'll continue in a few minutes. For now, everyone take five!" All of us gladly take the time we've been allowed. It's a rare occasion here getting a break while we're filming. Especially in this case, where we're filming more than one thing at once, such as Chef and me, LeShawna's water scenes, Bridgette being sprayed and different versions of how Heather and Lindsay being in the same hiding spot could go.
I walk over to the refreshment table, pop a tiny cookie into my mouth, and then wash it down with a water bottle. Turning around, I look around, trying to spot different couples. I watch as Lindsay tried desperately to keep Trent's attention on her, and I feel a pang. Poor girl, she deserves better than this. Trent keeps staring in the same direction, and he looks mad. I follow his gaze, and let a grin break out on my face. Courtney and Duncan are together, flirting, though I doubt either of them realizes it. It's cute really. I hope they get together. Off to another side, I see DJ holding Geoff back, as he heatedly glares in Bridgette's direction, where she's scolding Heather for no doubt a stupid reason. I swear, if they started to film how we actually interact with each other, they'd probably find a lot more drama, and a lot more romance. I then made the mistake of starting to think of the end of the show, and how everyone would take it. I shook it off though. Now wasn't the time to start thinking about that. Because despite how much I can sometimes hate this show, I'm still going to miss it, and all the people here. I sigh.
"Attention everyone! We will be starting to shoot inside the girls' cabin as they're deciding who to vote off. Then we shoot the ceremony. Then you can all leave. But stay close, I might make you guys shoot a bit more today. Does everyone have it? Good. Now, go!" I head over to the cabin set, and stand near the inside one. Considering the fact that we lay on the beds a lot, they actually had to have real beds. No one was too pleased about this, because thanks to the budget, the mattresses are lumpy and stiff. It makes acting the scene easier though. They aren't supposed to be comfortable. Soon enough, Izzy, Heather, Gwen, LeShawna and Bridgette are all here, while the guys are down at the pit, and we're all ready to shoot. We all take our places. I'm laying stomach down on the top bunk, with Heather, Lindsay and Heather sitting underneath me, and Gwen standing beside LeShawna. Bridgette is alone on the set beside us, while we pretend she stinks.
"And, start!"
"Can you hear us okay out there Bridgette?" LeShawna asks.
"Yeah." Bridgette responds with thinly veiled boredom, and she's lucky it can be passed as annoyance.
"Sorry we had to keep you outside girl. We just can't stand that smell."
"That's okay, I understand."
"The guys are teaming up against us, and as much as it makes me want to yak up my lunch, we have to vote as a group, if we want any chance at winning." Heather takes the lead.
"Well, I say we take out Duncan. He's mean, and I'd tell him that to his face." Bridgette puts out.
"Sounds good to me." LeShawna says. "I don't trust that little criminal."
"Speaking of trust," Heather then starts. "I don't trust that Owen." I have to hold back a growl at that. "He's always happy and smiling, it's creepy and unnatural. I say we lose him. Lindsay?" Lindsay looks up from doing her nails, which in all retrospect aren't as great as the character she plays would need to have them.
"Owen, yeah." She says, nodding and smiling, as if she had every clue, and none at all in the world, about what was going on.
"But Owen is like, the nicest guy on the island." And on the set, I mentally add. "And he plays a mean game of canasta. Have you guys ever played that? It's so fun!"
"This is an elimination game, not a dance! We have to vote someone off, in order to stay in the game. Hey! Why don't you vote with us Izzy? We'll be like BFFS!" Heather exclaims. I swear her character is bipolar. Lindsay looks up shocked at such a suggestion. I look down at her confused, even though I know what it means. Best female friends or best friends forever, duh!
"Best female friends." Lindsay clarifies, sounding nervous with a smile to match.
"Okay!" I yell out, excited. I hate thinking of how I'd have done the same thing if this wasn't just a TV show.
"You know she'll just dump you after the vote." LeShawna states.
"It's true. She will." Lindsay says, still bored, and still painting her nails. Heather turns to glare at her. Its weird watching her glare at anyone, and you'd only be able to tell if you're this close, but the glare isn't full-hearted. It's a good thing though. If it was, it'd be even weirder. She then lightly elbows Lindsay lightly, and Lindsay throws herself off the bunk, dropping her nail polish, and we all watch as it leaks all over the floor. Lindsay lets out a deathly gasp. Personally, I'm confused. Sure, it started leaking the minute it hit the floor, but why didn't she just pick it up; before it was all gone, if it was so important to her. Then again, her character isn't very bright.
"You with us?" Heather asks Gwen and LeShawna, who glare and shake their heads no.
"No!" Bridgette firmly says. I look shocked, and thankfully, the others do to. I think we all forgot she was part of this scene.
"Fine! Then let the chips, fall where they may." Heather says, walking away, as the rest of us meet everyone else's eyes.
"Fine!" LeShawna shouts out angrily."
"Cut! Okay guys, minor change in plans. Girls, to the ceremony set. Boys, to the dock. We'll get your elimination out of the way now, so we don't have to do it later. You have two minutes. Go!" I sigh in relief; get off the bed, and stretch. I slowly walk towards the next set, and think about what I should wear on my date tonight.
Duncan's POV
Great. More acting then I was supposed to do today. This means I'll be here longer than expected. I bite my lip, hoping it doesn't interfere with my plans. Courtney and I are supposed to hang out tonight. I guess you could call it a date. I smile at that. I'm starting to crack through that quiet shell of hers.
"What's on your mind, man?" I hear Geoff ask me. I just shrug. He smiles knowingly.
"I'll do my best not to mess up." I smile and nod.
"Thanks. Now, let's get this show going." We walk the rest of the way to set together in silence, and then wait for our cue. When we get it, I start. I love that I'm basically in charge of the alliance in this show, even though it isn't real.
"So, it's agreed." I start with a smirk, as if we've been having this discussion for a while now, and I'm finally getting my way. "We vote Bridgette off."
"No! Wait! She could still be an asset to us." Rushes Geoff, smiling nervously. I can't tell if it's cause of the scene we're shooting, or cause he hates sticking up for Bridgette, but either way, it fits.
"Oh really?" I ask, already knowing the answer, and not just because of the script. "You dig the way she smells right now?" Geoff bites his lip and looks away from us, and we pause. The directors say they're going to add a clip of Bridgette waving. I sure hope so, for Geoff's sake, so he doesn't look like an idiot, as he nervously smiles and waves at nothing. Then, he gets a not so bright idea. I swear his character and Lindsay's character could be long lost siblings.
"Why don't we vote Heather off? She's got dirt on all of us dude." He's got a point. But still.
"Because we can't. She's got invincibility again. Besides, everyone likes Bridgette," Lie. "And she's great at sports." Another lie. "We might not get another chance dude. All in favour of booting Bridgette." Like earlier, I put out my hand. DJ adds his hand to the pile reluctantly, and Owen slowly follows. Geoff grabs his face looking nervous. Still, majority rules. "That settles it. Here's to the guys alliance." I then pretend to notice Geoff hasn't added his hand to the pile yet. "Geoff?" He looks back to where Bridgette is supposed to be, then at the pile of hands, and finally adds his to the pile. Finally, we can head back to the campfire set. When we get there, however, Heather is in tears, and is being comforted by Lindsay, while Gwen looks upset, and Bridgette is seething, while LeShawna and Izzy glare at her. Girls.
"Alright! Five minute break! Get yourselves together, and let's shoot this thing, so that we can all leave." The director yells. The girls all go their separate ways, and by the time they're finally ready again, it's been about half an hour. We sit down to film, and it takes another ten minutes to film it with no mistakes. Of course, even though we got it perfectly, the director wants another perfect shot, just in case.
Owen and I grab our noses and lean away from Bridgette, who's looking sullen. Chris holds up the little blue tray and frowns, while everyone behind him smiles, because they're still in the game. Well, their characters are, anyway.
"There are only two marshmallows left on this plate." Chris begins. "You each racked up a lot of votes. One of you is going home tonight. And cannot return. Ever! The next marshmallow goes to." He pauses for effect, as Owen and Bridgette fake nervousness, and I fake boredom. "Owen." He flicks the marshmallow to the fat suit wearing teen, who then catches it in his mouth, chews and swallows, still looking nervous. It quickly changes though, as a huge smile appears on his face, and he starts cheering, in the way he is famous for.
"Whoo-hoo-hoo! Alright!"
"The final marshmallow of the night goes to." Chris gets ready to flick the marshmallow with a serious look on his face. "Duncan." He flicks it at me, and I catch it, stare at it unamused. Everyone gasps, and Bridgette looks shocked. Yeah, turns out, the script says no one was expecting me to stay in the game. I eat the marshmallow, and smugly lick my finger.
"Okay. That was a shocker." While saying this, Chris throws the tray away. "Even I'm shocked, and I knew the answer." Technically, we all did. We then walk to the dock, to say farewell to Bridgette. I can't stop looking at my watch every few minutes. Okay, every few seconds. But that's not the point! The point is, I can't be late for this date. Not the first time.
Bridgette sadly walks down the dock, then turns back, and of course, Geoff speaks up.
"Bridgette, I'm gonna miss you!" He says, taking some steps towards her, and raising his arm.
"Me too!" She says back, smiling and turning to face him. "So you didn't vote me off?"
"No way!" He shouts back. I fake a glare.
"You didn't!" He cringes, but continues.
"I could never vote you off babe! You're my girl!"
"Aww! I believe you!" They both start casually walking towards each other, huge grins on their faces. I hope the editors are good, cause from where I'm standing, both Bridgette and Geoff's smile look forced. They lean in, and just as they're about to kiss, Geoff's eyes shoot open and he registers the smell. He then runs for the hills, hides behind a rock.
"Uh, okay. Bye!" He shouts out, waving to a disappointed Bridgette a thumbs up. Is it just me? Or does Bridgette actually look a little disappointed? DJ shoots me a look, and I shrug. I guess it isn't just me. Finally though, it's time to leave. Or, at least, that's what I think. The girls are dismissed, but they need our voices. And they need Geoff, so they can tie him up in a sleeping bag and hang him in a tree, for having not voted Bridgette off. I'm anxious. At this rate, I'm never going to get to Courtney's on time.
"Good night guys!" DJ says.
"Good night." Owen and I say together. "Sleep tight Geoff." From his place in the tree Geoff answers.
"Oh, hahaha, yeah. Goodnight!" And we're finally done. The minute we're dismissed, I'm out the door faster than you can say go. I glance at my watch and cringe. Stupid over time. I'm five minutes late. I just hope Courtney doesn't kill me for this.
Courtney's POV
I'm going to kill him! Whoa. That was weird. For a minute I sounded like the character I play. Sighing, I take my earrings out, and brush the curls out of my hair. So much for my first date with Duncan. I understand that he needs to shoot, but being a full hour? What is he, a girl? Getting frustrated with my hair, I just tie it into two braids. With my white, v-neck tee and pink, white and red striped pj pants, I look like a little kid again. Just then, I hear a knock at the door. I open it to see a sheepish looking Duncan, holding a movie, chocolate and flowers and wearing his pj's.
"So uh, the filming ran later then it was supposed to, mostly cause Bridgette feels the need to make Heather and Gwen cry on a daily basis, and by the time I was dressed and showered for our date, it was already almost an hour past the set time, so I just grabbed some random pj's, picked a random movie, then stopped and got you flowers and chocolate to say I'm sorry. I was kind of thinking maybe we could have a movie date here?" He says in one breath. He looks so sorry and hopeful, but it's the movie he picked that seals the deal.
"I forgive you." I say, taking the flowers from him. "But only cause that's my favourite movie of all time." He looks down at the case and laughs, before going over and setting it up. He skips through all the previews, as I bring the chocolate and some chips over, before I drop onto the couch. Duncan pushes play, and drops down beside me, and then rests his arm around my shoulders. I snuggle into him as the theme song for Pirates of the Caribbean blasts out the speakers.
Izzy's POV
I run back to my room, shower, get dressed, do my makeup, fix my hair, sprits a bit of perfume, put on heels that make my legs look good, add earrings and a necklace and done. I look myself over in my full length mirror. My hair is done up in an elegant bun, with little strands of hair sticking out at different places, so it's elegant, but not too serious. My earrings are simple white gold hoops, and my necklace is silver with my name on it. My dress stops mid thigh, exposes a bit of my back, is strapless, and black. It hugs my curves in all the ways I like. My heels make me look taller, and make my legs longer, but they're not so high that they'll make me taller than my date. My perfume is vanilla, but I only put enough on, that it would be barely noticeable. I can't believe it. My first date on this film. It's always my favourite part. I hear the door bell go, and I grab my match black purse, before opening the door. I look up and smile. Tyler smiles back.
"Ready to go?" He asks, holding his arm out for me like a true gentleman. I nod then smile big.
"Born it." I say confidently, taking his arm in mine. He grins at me, I lock the door, and we set off, for what is soon to be the worst date of my life.
Bridgette's POV
I can't believe this! I can't believe him! I can't believe, well, me! For falling for him. Tears are falling from my olive green eyes in self pity. I hate myself, for ever falling for him. He can't stand me. I can tell. Everyone can. It's written in his eyes. His beautiful, baby blue eyes, that light up when he grins that childlike.
No! Stop it! I will not let myself think like that. I don't like him, I don't think he's hot, and I definitely was not disappointed when he followed the script and pulled away from our supposed to be kiss. I am Bridgette, a famous movie star, a girl who is always on top of the situation, who always knows what she's doing and who never, ever, falls in love. I make the mistake of thinking of Geoff again, and break. I guess they were right when they said there's a first time for everything. But that doesn't mean I have to like it, and it doesn't mean I have to show it.