AN: HEY GUYS! So, this is NOT a one-shot, for the first time in, well, a while. Haha. It is a multi-chaptered story, and I'm not sure how long it'll be. Before I go any further, I need to give credit where credit is due, and explain a little bit. Okay, so I love DA (deviant art) and there is a lot of really cool TDI art on there if you have the patience to go through all the OC's and couples you don't like and whatnot. ANYWAY! So I was browsing the DxC fan pics and stuff, and stumbled across this one: moonlitromance(dot)deviantart(dot)com/art/Hey-there-Co-worker-169862654 (erase the dot and the () and put an actual '.' ..uh.. without the ') If it dosn't work, search up 'Hey There Co-Worker' with TDI infront or something, and the one by moonlitromance is the one your looking for. Anyway, I'm the type of person who reads the AN's, both here and on DA, and for this particular picture, the artist had an idea, that with so many reality shows being fake and scripted, why wouldn't/couldn't TDI also be scripted (you know.. in cartoon world.. haha) that inspired the picture. That got my pathetic little brain going, and little bursts of sentences and words popped into my head. Of course, since it was not my idea, I asked if I could turn the pic into a story, and she said yes! So, go check out the picture, cause the discription there is much better than mine. Also, a huge thanks to Moonlitromance for letting me use the idea :) It is greatly appreciated, and I hope this story dosn't suck too bad. And for all you readers who went to see the pic, go check out the rest, they are amazing!

WARNING!: Complete OOC unless the characters are on camera, and all that is basically explained up there ^

On that note, I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but it is just the prologue, and honestly, it's my first time ever DOING a prologue, so again, I hope it dosn't suck!

Well, I'll end this ridiculously long AN. Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. At all.

Courtney's POV

"Fine. Enjoy your peanut butter-less life."

"Thanks. Enjoy prison."

"I will."

I turned, grabbing Duncan's face in my hands and began to lean in as he fakes a shocked expression.

"And, cut! That's a wrap. Great job kids, take 5." The director calls. He looks around the set, beginning to look aggravated. "Where's Harold! We need him for his part in the confessional!" As the red head ran up, putting his fake glasses on, I let my hands fall from my co-workers face.

"Great job." He says, winking and walking off, no doubt to wash the green and gel from his hair, as my face goes red. Maybe I should explain. I'm Courtney Davis, and this is my first acting gig, while almost everyone surrounding me have been in the buisness for years now. We're filming a half real reality show. The reason I say half real, is that the director decided to use our actual first names, giving us less to learn, which is a relief, seeing as none of us as actors match our characters personalities at all. It amazes me how the people around me can put themselves into character so well. I turn when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I smile when I notice it's Katie, the only other first time actor, and my only friend on set.

"Come on. Let's go get something to eat." She suggests. I smile and nod. See, unless we're filming, I don't talk much. As Katie and I pass Duncan and Trent, I cath Duncan watching me. He smiles, and I blush. Just another day on set, of Total Drama Island, the not so real reality show.

Duncan's POV

"Fine. Enjoy your peanut butter-less life."

"Thanks. Enjoy prison."

"I will."

Than, Courtney turns me around and starts to lean in as I put on my best shocked face, which isn't really all that hard, considering it's always shocking when Court talks. She's always so quiet off set. The director yells something, and Courtney let's my face go.

"Great job." I say, winking than walking off. And I meant it. You'd never guess it was her first time acting. I walk over to my non-identicle twin, Trent. I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Duncan Evans, and I've been acting since I was four. This is the first time I've ever filmed a reality show. Yeah, some reality show, the only real thing about it is our names.

"Dude, that was awesome." Trent says when I sit down beside him. I watch Katie ask Courtney something, who nods and smiles. I keep watching and catch Courtney sneek a peak at me. I smile at her, and laugh as she blushes and looks away.

"Thanks, man." I say to Trent, finally giving him my attention. Hey, maybe filming Total Drama Island won't be so bad.