Title: Last Dance

Rating: M

Canon: Female Tabris/Leliana

Disclaimers: I do not own Dragon Age. Well I do, but the script belongs to Bioware. Anything that you don't recognize belongs to me. This story contains sexual scenes between consenting, same-gender adults. If that puts your pants in a wad, don't read it. There will be references to sexual abuse as it pertains to the two main characters – these chapters will always be labeled so you know when it is coming. Obviously, there are spoilers for the entire game in this story. Any and all song lyrics also belong to their respective writers. Angst Warning = high.

The Dance – Garth Brooks

Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared 'neath the stars above
For a moment all the world was right
How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye

And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end; the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance;
I could have missed the pain
But I'd have had to miss the dance

Holding you I held everything
For a moment wasn't I a king
But if I'd only known how the king would fall
Hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all

And now I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end; the way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance;
I could have missed the pain
But I'd have had to miss the dance

Yes my life is better left to chance
I could have missed the pain;
But I'd have had to miss the dance


Prologue: The aftermath

"Is she okay?"

"I am unsure. Physically, yes. She drinks, though not much. She eats when prompted. But she does not speak. And I have examined her from head to toe. She is not physically injured."

"Eating and drinking is good. Yet these things do not alleviate your concern. Why?"

"Because she will not speak – nothing. Not to me, not to the servants who attend her. Not even to Fynn, who has not left her side since well, when she died."

"And what is a bard without her words? I wonder...what of the king? I know he has come by several times. Has he spoken to her?"

"He has tried, on several occasions. He does what he can when he is able."

"He is, as you know, incredibly busy – and quite unaccustomed to all of this. It has been incredibly hard on him too."

"They both loved her deeply. We all did. Alistair mourns in his own way. I can see it in his eyes. But he tries to remain strong. For her, especially."

"He is terrified of disappointing her – as odd as that sounds, given that she is...well, you know. He is trying to live up to her example, a near impossible task, I'm afraid. I hope he has not set the bar too high. You Fereldens are finicky about change. I worry he might have a revolt on his hands if he is not careful."

"I had heard...is it true that he ordered new housing to replace those awful Alienages? And that he has instituted new laws preventing discrimination against any race?"

"It is true."

"She would be beside herself to know that. And to hear that her family was granted land and title? Alistair is certainly making a name for himself. He will be a good king, if an unconventional one."

"He has proven himself shrewd in his dealings with the nobility and his interpretation of Ferelden law. So far, he has managed not to push too far, though just. His status as a Grey Warden protects him for the moment. He is still one of the heroes who defeated the Blight. But to answer your question, yes. She was right about Alistair. I'll admit, Wynne. I had my doubts. But he is proving an able king, if a bit broody."

"Can you blame him, Zevran? He will never admit it, but he loved her. He never stopped, even when it was clear her heart was with another."




I open my eyes and you are not here. My heart breaks again.

I want for nothing more than to cry, but my tears are spent. The pain in my heart is so intense it feels like I am being ripped in two.

I whisper a prayer to Andraste, hoping again for the sweet relief of death, but it does not come.

A whisper of wind brushes against my neck – very much like the way your lips used to. I used to feel them, you know, in the still of night. It made me feel safe – protected.


They talk outside. I can hear them. Hushed whispers question my sanity. The servants are afraid to come in here. They think me mad. Isn't it funny the way things come full circle? They thought I was crazy then, too.

Wynne visits me daily – speaks with me. Tries to console me. She worries – the same way she used to worry about you.

I wish she would quit worrying. There is no use in caring for a soul that is already dead.


I sing to you of Kallian

The Elf, the Warden, the Hero of Ferelden.


The words feel hollow, empty. I set the quill down. Fynn looks up at me, cocking his head in that ever-inquisitive way. I wonder sometimes if you provided instruction for the Mabari to protect me. If you did, know that he has listened well. He rarely leaves my side. Wynne has been forced to bring him his dinner. And only our friends does he allow close. Even at night he stands guard, protecting me...

...the way you used to.