A/N: I decided that I hadn't written a Jim and Jean fic for a while and I really wanted to do one where Jim proposed. This based loosely on PJ's proposal to Maggie on Blue Heelers and the location is based on a comment Jean makes (thanks to beautywithin22 for reminding me about it! :D). Hope you enjoy.
We Can't Go On Like This
"We can't go on like this."
Jean sent a startled look in the direction of her companion, Jim Taggart.
"Today I realised that there are some things you just can't put off," he continued, seemingly oblivious to her confusion.
All at once Jean realised what he was trying to do and she looked away, determined that he wouldn't see her cry.
Today had been one of those days where everything had gone wrong, ending with them being stuck in a bus shelter in the rain. And just when she was beginning to think that things couldn't possibly get any worse, Jim was going to break up with her.
She bit her lip. He had been acting different around her all day and now she knew why.
"Jean I love you more than anything else on earth," he told her seriously, she nodded briefly waiting for the inevitable 'but.' "Which is why I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he finished.
Jean's head snapped up and she stared at him.
He smiled at her uncertainly, "I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you this all day, Jean," he looked deep into her eyes, "will you marry me?"
Jean felt her eyes well up and cursed herself for such an emotional display but she couldn't help it, she nodded, "Yes," she managed to squeak out.
"I don't have a ring...I...I couldn't afford one," he continued on, as though she hadn't spoken, "I know you deserve to have this done properly but I couldn't wait I-did you say yes?" it was his turn to stare at her in shock.
Jean let out a short laugh through her tears, "Yes." She wiped away her tears with the back of one of her hands, "And I don't care about a ring, I love you," she said simply.
Jim smiled and kissed her.
They broke apart as the bus pulled up and as they climbed on board, hand in hand, Jean reflected that perhaps it wasn't such a bad day after all.