Summary: It has been four years since the digi-destineds defeated Lucemon, but now a new danger has formed and it will be up to them, along with some new friends, to save the world.

Author's Note: Hello, as you probably figured out from the title, this is a return to the Digital World...I hope you all enjoy reading it, as much as I like writing it :-)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the Digimon Frontier series or any of the characters. I only lay claim to any Oc's, digimon or attacks I have created. Standard disclaimer applies for every chapter.

Digimon Frontier: The Return

Chapter One: Late

It has been four long years since the digi-destineds, who possessed the Spirits of the Legendary Warriors, returned to their world and continued with their everyday lives…Though for us Digimon, the time has been much longer, since the two world's realities are very different. Just a few months in the Digi-world, could be mere minutes in the Human.

I, Bokomon, who dedicated myself to immortalising the children's story, write this now...Though the children saved our world, like countless other digi-destined before them, I fear that we may need them once again. Chaos spreads throughout the land, telling whispers of an unknown entity; a being that is enslaving my fellow digimon, while slowly destroying parts of our world. The Celestial Council has made the decision and many of us agree; we need the children...Less the Digi-world fall to this new threat after all their hard work...I only pray we will not be too late…

Takuya Kanbara awoke sleepily, to the sound of his alarm clock, ringing…rather noisily. He grumbled and murmured curses, groping at the small table beside his bed to switch the annoying machine off before glancing at the bright red digits with narrowed brown eyes.

Yawning, he ran a hand through his disarray of hair, and then blinked once before abruptly sitting up straight with a strangled cry.

Mrs. Kanbara was humming softly to herself, as she usually did while washing the morning dishes. The light-hearted woman almost dropped a cup she had been rinsing, when an awful cry erupted from the vicinity of the bedrooms, making her jump slightly.

Suddenly, her eldest son skidded to a halt in the kitchen, pulling an orange T-shirt over his head in the process. Heaven forbid, if he should wear any colour that did not match a fire, she thought vaguely.

"Mom! Why didn't you wake me?" The sixteen-year old shouted, running fingers through his hair brusquely as if that would neaten the mess.

"I wasn't aware that you wanted me to." Mrs. Kanbara answered levelly.

Since it was school holidays, Takuya had only been surfacing from the bedroom after ten, and any time she had tried to get him up early, the attempt had met with failure. Therefore, rather than waste her time, she had given up.

"Do you realise what time it is?" He proceeded to say loudly.


Her son, however, did not wait for a reply as he was already half-way out the house and yelling a hasty goodbye.

"Be careful." She shouted in return, though was unsure if he heard or not.

"Remind me again, where exactly he came from?" Her youngest son Shinya asked from his seat at the kitchen table where he was eaten a piece of toast. The thirteen-year old, had watched the scene with amusement, since it was he who had reset his brothers alarm. However, there was no way he was going to tell his mother that tiny detail.

"Shush, Shinya." The reprimand was half-hearted considering the amused smile that played upon the woman's lips.

"Sorry." Shinya muttered sheepishly before he tilted his head thoughtfully. "But even you have to admit that Takuya is a bit odd."

Mrs. Kanbara shook her head a little and went back to her dishes.

"Finish you breakfast." She said sternly.

"Yes mom." Shinya replied with a cheeky smile.

Mrs. Kanbara could only sighed softly as she placed the last item on the rack to dry, before grabbing a towel to wipe her soaking hands.

Takuya sped down the street, cursing himself inwardly for sleeping in yet again. He was so sure that he had set the alarm for much earlier. Oh well, he could ponder that mystery later, since right now he was on the verge of being incredibly late.

The brunet arrived at the park, breathing heavily, despite the fact that he regularly played soccer and baseball. He glanced around wondering if his friends had left without him, or if maybe they were still around somewhere.

"Oh man..." He whined, unsure of what to do while looking around helplessly. There were people everywhere, but none that he recognized.

"Heya Taki!" A voice suddenly called.

Takuya turned towards the sound, a slight glare forming on his face, though secretly he was jumping in relief.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that, J.P?"

"You did." The once chubby boy said happily. "I'm just choosing not to listen."

In the last four years, J.P had lost a considerable amount of weight. Though still a big person, it was now mostly due to how tall and muscular he had become. Takuya often felt slightly jealous of the burly seventeen-year old.

"What happened? Did you sleep in?" A familiar voice asked from behind J.P.

Takuya stuffed his hands in to his pockets, while glancing at the shorter boy.

"No Tommy, I did not sleep in." He replied levelly, though he could not stop his neck from burning with embarrassment.

Tommy smiled mischievously, though did not comment on the obvious lie.

He had also grown in the last few years, even though he was only thirteen. The boy had also taken an interest in sports, playing soccer with Takuya now and then and sometimes baseball, but his true passion would always be games and computers.

"Is anyone else here?" Takuya asked, in an effort to change the subject.

"Nope, Z is still on her way. She said something about a family crisis, though that could mean anything. Koichi phoned and they're also busy with something, but I didn't get a chance to find out what."

"Then I'm not late." Takuya muttered, huffing slightly.

"No. Everyone else seems to have a valuable excuse." J.P said with a large grin. "You, on the other hand, slept in."

"I see Zoe!" Tommy suddenly exclaimed, cutting off whatever retort Takuya was going to say.

"Where?" Both older teens asked in unison, looking around.

"Here." Came a feminine voice from behind them and they jumped in surprise. Tommy was laughing at the display.

"That-That was not funny." Takuya told the blond girl, attempting to slow down his beating heart.

"I thought it was." She replied with a giggle, giving Tommy a hug, then Takuya and finally, J.P.

"You would." J.P mumbled darkly, earning a mock-glare from the girl as they pulled apart.

"Don't be such a baby, J.P."

Since the return to the real world, their relationship had also changed. J.P's crush had transformed in to a sort of brotherly affection and Zoe had accepted him as her brother in a way (since her actual one did not feel up for the job). The last few years had been difficult for Zoe, and all of them did their best to support her, especially J.P who probably understood Zoe better than anyone.

"Where are the twins?" Zoe asked casually, though she felt a little disappointed that they were not here yet. The golden blond had not changed very much in the past few years (though her friends would gladly beg to differ if she ever suggested such a thing). Her hair was down to her waist and she was a bit taller, but the boys still towered over her, with Tommy quickly catching up.

"They're on their way." Tommy informed her, while J.P mentioned his previous phone call with Koichi.

Zoe glanced at Takuya, who had suddenly gone unusually quiet. He was staring at something as if he could not believe his own eyes. Zoe turned curiously to see what it was. At first, she thought it was Koichi, but then she recognised the annoyed expression and smiled.

"Hey Koji."

"Hi Zo."

Zoe mentally blushed while trying to remain impassive. He was the only one who called her that, though she did not think the quiet boy had noticed this simple fact.

Koji was staring icily at Takuya, Tommy and J.P, who were all trying desperately not to pack up laughing.

"I thought you were never going to cut your hair?" She asked, ignoring them.

"I wasn't." Koji replied shortly. He was still eyeing the others, as if daring them to laugh so he could have a reason to vent his anger on them.

Zoe used this moment to get a good look at the new hairstyle. Koji now looked almost exactly like his twin, except his fringe was slightly longer (pieces of it framing his dark blue eyes) and his hair was messier, as though he had recently climbed out of bed. Zoe thought it looked rather nice.

"Why did you cut it?" She decided to ask, since it seemed to be a serious issue for the dark-haired teen. Koji was about to answer, when his twin came running up to them, looking very pleased with himself.

"I convinced Mom and Satomi, to let you have this back." He announced, holding out a black and blue bandana.

Koji snatched it quickly, as if his two mothers' would suddenly appear and change their collectively devious minds. Meanwhile, Koichi turned his attention towards Zoe and the others.

"Hey everyone, sorry about us being late."

"Don't worry about it." Zoe said, while they all exchanged greetings, then she turned back towards Koji. "So, you were going to tell me why you cut your hair?"

At this, Koichi smirked while Koji's scowl deepened.

"Mom and Satomi ganged up on him." Koichi said cheerfully.

Koji crossed his arms, staring at his brother coldly.

"Not to mention the fact that you helped them…Traitor."

Koichi shrugged, effectively ignoring his brother's death glare.

"They're our Mother's. What did you expect? Besides, Satomi can be scary when she's angry, what with her imbalanced hormones and all that."

Both the twins referred to Satomi as their second Mother even if she was only their step-mom. The adults did not mind though, because it actually made things easier for their complicated situation, and Satomi was currently eight months pregnant with a little girl. Everyone was excitedly waiting for the new addition of the family to arrive and Tomoko (Koji and Koichi's real mom) had already been named the child's Godmother, which Zoe thought was nice. Divorce was a sad thing if people could not move on afterwards and she was glad that Koji and Koichi's family had been able to.

Koji simply scoffed and turned away, not choosing to comment on what he deemed as disloyal behaviour from his own twin.

"Aren't we meant to be eating, right about now?" Tommy asked, reminding them all about their plans.

"Yeah." Takuya agreed, grinning widely. "We can discuss hair problems later."

"Or why we shouldn't sleep in when we have somewhere important to be." J.P reminded him smugly and Takuya's grin instantly disappeared.

J.P and Tommy laughed, telling Koichi the whole story while following the irate brunet. Zoe smiled and shook her head slightly, before turning back to Koji. The boy was running a hand through his hair and looking rather depressed.

"For what it's worth Koji, I think your hair looks good." Zoe told him quietly, attempting to cheer her friend up.

Koji glanced at her with a slightly doubtful expression.

"Are you sure?"

Zoe nodded shyly, hoping that there was no blush on her cheeks.

"Suppose its okay." He muttered softly and started to tie his bandanna around his neck. When he saw Zoe's surprised and questioning eyes, he said. "I don't like how the bandanna looks with short hair."


"Thanks Zo." He said quietly, avoiding the blond girl's eye. He felt a little embarrassed about how he had been behaving. Having short hair really was not something to be so worked up over. After all, it would grow back.

"That's alright. What are friends for?" She answered with a bright smile, hiding the definite colour that was now forming. "Come on, we'd better catch up with the others."

Koji nodded and set off after her, watching her with an odd expression. He could have sworn that she was blushing, but then again, maybe he had imagined it because it had not lasted more than a few seconds. The dark haired teen quietly touched a piece of his now short hair and smiled slightly.

If Zoe liked it, then he guessed he could live with it.

A/N: Please review. Comments are appreciated.