I was "inspired" to write this little diddy because of a customer at work doing the same thing with his daughter. (I'm a grocery store cashier). I will do a series of OneShots all based after my story Coming Home. So if you haven't read that, be sure to, because it will make a little more sense. Hope you enjoy. I was kind of iffy about this one, but hey, I'm posting it anyway.

"Let's see how much Lila costs!"

"Booth, children are not objects to be sold."

"Mommy's being literal again, isn't she, Lila?" Booth baby-talked to the eighteen month old child in his arms.

"Stop talking for her, you don't know what she is really thinking." Brennan snapped.

"Mommy's cranky, isn't she Lila-bear?"

"I am not cranky, I've just had a long day and being stuck in line at the grocery store isn't making the day any better." Brennan stated.

"I know you've had a rough day, I was with you through most of it." Booth said, talking normally. "We'll be out of here in no time and then we can go home, I'll make you dinner and we can relax in front of the TV."

Brennan sighed as she watched her husband of a year make faces at their daughter to try and make her laugh, but she hid her face in her daddy's shoulder instead. Brennan approached the pair and put her hand on the little girl's tiny back as she tried to get her attention, her head still buried in Booth's neck. Lila lifted her head briefly, saw her mother's smiling face and attempted to hide her reciprocating smirk by returning her head to the crook of Booth's neck. "I saw that smile, Lila." Brennan teased.

"Hello, did you find everything okay?" the cashier interrupted.

"Yes, we did." Brennan said quickly, as she approached the register.

Lila had decided to pop her head up and was beginning to lunge herself toward the conveyer belt. "Do you wanna see how much Lila costs?" Booth began the baby-talk again as he stood his daughter up on the now stopped belt. "Is she $2.99? Or is she $6.99?"

"Booth, get her down from there before she gets hurt." Brennan insisted.

Booth ignored his wife and held his daughter's hand as she began to toddle down the belt toward the cashier. "I know how much Lila costs! She's priceless!" Booth exclaimed.

Brennan, getting frustrated with Booth, swooped in and took her daughter from atop the conveyor belt and rested Lila on her hip as she attempted to pay for that night's dinner.

"Oh come on, Bones, I was just having a little fun with her."

"At the expense of her safety." Brennan stated, as she was handed the change from the cashier. She turned to where the food was sitting and started to bag one handed.

"Bones, let me take her." Booth offered, holding his arms out to receive the little girl. Brennan turned away from him to keep him from taking her. "Honey, she wasn't in any danger, the belt wasn't even moving."

Continuing to bag, Brennan said, "I don't care, it made me uncomfortable, Booth." Brennan stopped bagging and glared at her husband.

"I'm sorry, Bones, I won't do it again." Booth apologized. "Let me do the bagging then." he said taking over, throwing the food into their recyclable bags.

Brennan stood off to the side, Lila still on her hip with her head resting on her shoulder. Brennan dropped her head so it was resting on top of her daughter's and she gently swayed back and forth to lull the little girl to sleep.

"You ready to go?" Booth asked, approaching Brennan with two bags in his hands. She pursed her lips and turned on her heel toward the exit. "Bones, are you still angry at me? Stop making this into a big deal." Booth called, walking directly behind her.

"We will discuss this later."

The drive home was tense with Brennan still angry at Booth and Booth unsure what the big deal was. Booth parked the car and Brennan jumped out and opened the back door to get a sleeping Lila out of her car seat. "Come on, baby." Brennan said in a soothing voice. "Time to get up, Lila." Brennan stroked the little girl's golden brown hair as she unbuckled the seatbelt. She carefully lifted her out of the seat and cradled her in her arms again. Booth, having already grabbed the grocery bags, stood at the trunk of the SUV waiting for Brennan before they headed to their apartment.

"Bones…" Booth began as they were in the elevator.

"Shh, I said later!" She snapped in a hushed voice.

"Bones, I don't understand what is making you so mad at me!"

Brennan sighed deeply, "I don't even know anymore. I've just had a rough day and the pressure of being a mom and a wife and an anthropologist is just wearing me down lately. I'm sorry I yelled at you. It wasn't you, it's just everything else."

"It's okay, honey." Booth responded, approaching his family as he dropped a kiss in his daughter's hair and another to his wife's temple. "I'll make us some spaghetti and we can sit down, watch a movie and cuddle." He smiled. Brennan smiled back, liking the idea of being enveloped in his arms. "I love you, Bones."

"I love you more." she said, as the elevator door opened to their floor and they headed toward their apartment.