This is my new story. It's all human. Characters owned by Stephenie Meyer.

What the hell happened to me? I couldn't remember much but all I could remember was that black van that came down the alley I live at.

I don't have a home or really anything for that matter. When I was nine years old my mom and dad were in a car accident while I was at elementary school. My parents had no siblings and my dad's parents lived in a retirement home and were to old to take care of me. My mom's dad, my grandpa Charlie, was the only one that could take me in. My mom's mom, my grandma Renee, died from breast cancer when I was six so Charlie was the only family I had left.

I lived with Charlie for nine years till I turned eighteen. The day after my graduation was a day my life changed forever. After the graduation ceremony I was waiting on Charlie to take me home. Then a police deputy came to my high school and told me that Charlie was shot on duty and bleed to death. I lost all of my family and had nobody. I couldn't even go to an orphanage because I was legally a adult.

After that I tried to look for a job to support myself but almost all of the jobs were taken because of the crappy economy. Also the government and bank took everything Charlie owned when he died. His house, clothes, everything. I was homeless with nothing but a car, cell phone, laptop, and clothes. But I had to sell all of my clothes, car, cell phone, and laptop to a pawn shop just to get cash for food to eat and a hotel room to sleep at.

Two weeks I lived in a shitty hotel room living off cheap food. Until I had no more money. I then started living on the streets with just the clothes on my back which was a black jacket, red shirt, and denim jean, and tennis shoes. I needed the jacket because it was freezing in Forks and I needed something for warmth and the jacket was all I had. Even when it rained.

I lived on the streets for two months. Eating out of garbage cans, sleeping in a box, and asking strangers for change. Some people would try to help me out and by people I mean pimps and by help I mean make me a prostitute to get them money. I would refuse all the time. But on the street you had people trying to get what little you had and also the homeless rapists so I would usually defend myself. I got really good at kicking some ass when it was necessary.

But one day when I was looking for some food from a trash can, I remember seeing bright lights than a black van pulled up. I thought it look suspicious so I ran away. But I didn't get far till I was grabbed. I tried to fight them off but they were muscular and there was about six of them. Usually on the streets I had to fight just one person at a time. Then I remember something hitting my head really hard and passing out from the impact.

When I opened my eyes I wish I hadn't. I was blinded by light that made my already throbbing headache even worse. But then when I looked around I found out I wasn't in my usual box. I was in a bed. A white, fluffy, queen size bed. I looked around me saw I was in a bedroom to. The walls were a light yellow and the room had wooden floors. How the hell did I get in here?

"Your finally awake." a voice said.

I turned to see a guy with a wide smile on his face. He was hot, no, not even that, beautiful. He had russet colored skin and was taller than a NBA player. He had on a white button down shirt and black dress pants on. Even through the white shirt I could see that the guy was ripped.

I looked under the blanket of the bed I slept in and saw that I was naked.

"What the hell did you do with my clothes!" I yell at the guy.

He frowned at my sudden outburst. "They were dirty. So threw them away."

"Who the hell are you? Where the hell am I? And what the hell happen to me after those guys from the black van?" I said in a rush.

"One I don't know about any guys from a black van, two your at my apartment, and three my name is Jacob Black." he said while walking over to me.

"Why am I here?"

"I bought you." he said with a shrug.

"What?" I screeched.

"You probably don't remember. You were asleep the entire time. I bought you at an auction. You were the most expensive I have to tell you. A lot of men really wanted a beautiful creature like you. But I had to have you so I went as high of a price as I could and I won." he said softly. He sat on the bed next to me and reached out to stroke my cheek. I slapped his hand away and moved as far off the bed as I could so this hot psycho wouldn't see me naked which was stupid because he probably already had.

"Look you sick perv I don't know what kind of disgusting auction you went to to buy people but I'm not going to be some sort of sex slave or one of those other slaves that has to lick you shoes whenever you walk through the door—" I was cut off by his hand over my mouth.

"I don't want you for a sex slave or anything." he told me while looking intensely in my eyes.

"Well then why did you buy me." I said buy me with as much disgust as possible.

"I had to. I couldn't have you taken from me buy other fifty to sixty year old men that would really use you as a sex slave."

"So you saved me?" I asked surprised.

"Well...yeah. I don't want anything from you. Especially sex. Not unless you tell me. Then I would be more than willing."

"So how much did you buy me for?"

"Um..." He looked embarrassed.

"Tell me." I persisted.

"Fifty million." he said quietly.

"WHAT?" I scream. Hell I wasn't even worth a penny let alone fifty million dollars.

He sighed. "Look I know you probably have a lot of questions for me just as I have a lot of questions for you but I think you should have something to eat. I'll get you something." He gave me a smile before walking out the door and leaving me in this room alone.

What just happened? I was kidnapped one second then I find out that I was bought at a fucking auction. I wonder if this Jacob guy has other girls here. If he's like Hannibal Lecter and buy's people and then eats them. God I hope whatever he's getting me to eat isn't a person, I would rather eat out of my trash cans than eat someone.

I still can't believe this guy spent fifty million dollars on me. He's probably got money out the ass if he can spend that amount of money. But why would he want me, a poor, homeless girl with no family? I still don't believe that this guy doesn't want me as a sex slave. What do I have that would interest him other than a vagina?

While lost in my thoughts Jacob comes in with a tray of food. Eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. I've haven't had a breakfast like this since I was nine. Charlie didn't really know how to cook so I always ate cereal for breakfast.

"Eat." Jacob commanded.

I look at him unsure if I should but I haven't eaten anything like this in years so I grab the fork and dig in. It was fucking delicious! I start inhaling my food and crying at the same time. Eating this brought all the memories of my parents back to me. My mom smiling at me when she saw the look on my face when I saw my favorite breakfast in the morning, my dad reading the paper and drinking his usual morning coffee and giving me coffee breath kisses on the cheek before he went to work. I never thought about my parents in a while because it was to damn painful to think about.

"Hey are you alright?" Jacob asked next to me when he saw me crying while shoving as much food in my mouth as possible.

I just nodded, without stopping.

"Take it easy. If you keep stuffing food in your mouth like that your gonna choke." he told me softly.

I was already done. I was still chewing the food in my mouth and trying to swallow it all down. But the tears kept falling. When I finish swallowing all of it I bury my face in my hands and sob.

I felt the tray being lifted off the bed and a new weight next to me. Then warm muscular arms warped around me. I look up and see Jacob looking at me with soft, sympathetic eyes. I loose it and wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder. He's frozen for a second before wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me.

A cry for I don't know how long. It could have been hours and I wouldn't know. After my sobs turn into sniffles I pull away from Jacob. I look at him and see he's focused on my chest. I look down to see I'm still naked.

"You pervert!" I yell at him and grab the blanket to cover myself.

"I'm sorry. I—" he starts but I stop him.

"Oh yeah right your sorry! Just get me some damn clothes already!"

He sighs and walk to the closet that's on the right wall of the room.

"I don't have any clothes for you. Your other clothes were dirty and had rips on them so I threw them away. I'll have to let you borrow some of mine." he said while looking through the closet.

"Just give me something so I can get out of here." I hiss.

He looked at me with a confused expression.


"Yeah, leave. I'm not staying here with you."

"I bought you. You have to stay with me."

"I don't have to do anything. I'm leaving and calling the cops on your ass."

He looks pissed at first but then the same bright smile he had when I first saw him appears.

"Okay. I'll let you leave but on one condition."


If his grin got any bigger you think his cheeks would hurt.

"You pay me back ever dollar of the fifty million I spent on you." he says triumphantly.

"Are you out of you damn mind! I'm poor! I can't even give you a penny."

"Well I guess your going to be here for a while. Here put these on. They might be big but there the best I can do for now." he said. He threw a black tee shirt and a pair of boxers on the bed and left.

I put the shirt and boxers on and sit on the bed. How the hell am I going to get out of here?

A/N: Review if you like it.