{I never know what to call Zombie =n=; I don't wanna just call him {...}, so I call him Zombie and the zombie all throughout this story Dx But I don't really like that either =n=...Ah well...
Here, have some quickie Hanna/{...} Fluffy-ness. There's IMPLIED sexually-natured things, but there's nothing really HARDCORE in here xD; I like this pairing because of how cuddly sweet and bromantic they are xD; Might make this an actual chaptered story and shit, but I dunno for sure :c Writing for {...} is harder then I thought it would be Dx
Hanna and {...} aren't mine! They belong to the ever-wonderful Tessa Stone~ Thanks for reading c:}

The zombie stared at the bathroom doorway, his glowing orange eyes half-lidded and his face unchanged from it's usual stoic expression. He sat on the couch, his hands resting beside him. Hanna had placed the remote on his leg and told him to find something interesting to watch while he was in the shower. Naturally, Hanna could only afford basic cable, so there wasn't anything interesting on. The zombies eyes wandered back to the digital clock flashing atop the television. Hanna had been in the shower for an unusually long time. Knowing the boy, he might have slipped on soap and could be passed out now. The thought hit the zombie as a joke, but as more minutes flew by, he began to become a little concerned.

Getting up from his seat, he quietly made his way over to the door. He stopped and listened. The shower was on, but other then that there was no sound. Raising his hand, he prepared to knock.
"Gnee..." The sound floated up from under the rush of the shower and the doorway, hitting Zombie's ears. It didn't sound pained. It sounded...excited? Like the noise Hanna usually made when he'd discovered something he considered good. Zombie lowered his hand back to his side and felt something inside pulling at him. He shouldn't meddle in Hanna's business. Showering was private and Hanna didn't sound like he was in danger and in need of any assistance. Zombie turned away from the door, but felt his legs stay rooted in place, listening to the small noises coming from inside the room behind him.

It's true that he didn't remember what it was like to be alive. He couldn't recall his name or the things he did in his spare time, yes, but he wasn't stupid. He knew how people behaved and the things they did. It was some sort of ancient wisdom that couldn't be forgotten. He knew that Hanna ate, and slept, and why he did those things; right now, he knew why Hanna was making those noises, and why it was taking him so long to finish his shower. It was true that he couldn't feel things the way he used to...having his arm ripped off recently had felt like a simple ant bite and it hurt even less when Hanna had sewn it back on. He wondered if other things were as minimized as pain seemed to be, and for a moment felt himself longing for some sort of human emotion to wash over him. He leaned his tall frame back against the bathroom door, careful not to make a sound, and closed his eyes. He listened to Hanna's muffled moans and sighs, and felt a small twinge in his stomach. He did his best to imagine what Hanna might look like, face flushed pink, glasses off, eyes screwed shut tight, and his mouth open wide in a silent moan. The twinge came again, stronger this time, making what was left of the zombies insides do flip-flops. It was an amazing feeling. Like small bursts of life exploding through him and making him wish he still breathed, if only so he could gasp and release some of the pressure building up inside him. Hanna made another small noise behind him, and Zombie's body twinged again, almost like a reflex. He opened his eyes, bathing the small walkway in a soft orange glow. He seemed to be gasping, his chest moving up and down slightly, though no air came out. He had felt this feeling before and it seemed his body remembered how to react on it's own. He heard Hanna release a louder moan and closed his eyes again, letting his body react to it. He tightened his hands into fists and allowed his mouth to hang open, pulling in non-existent breaths. It was exhilarating, the feelings running through his body. Things he hadn't felt in...forever it seemed like. He couldn't put a name to this feeling, it had been too long. Behind him, the shower turned off. Zombie walked back to his seat on the couch, being careful to sit in exactly the same spot. He picked up the remote and placed it back on his leg, staring back at the clock atop the television. He had been gone only fifteen minutes, but it seemed so much longer. For once in his undead life, time had slowed down instead of moved faster. Moments later, the doorknob to the bathroom turned and Hanna stepped out into the cool hallway, wearing a baggy shirt and some boxers.

"Oh, hey! You didn't find anything to watch?" Hanna asked, motioning to the remote still resting on Zombie's leg.

"Nothing interesting..." He replied back. Hanna plopped down next to him smiling.

"Yeah, guess not. You didn't have to just sit here and be bored though. You could've...I dunno walked around or whatever." Hanna added, trying to untangle a grocery bag from a new bag of chips he had just found. Zombie shrugged, taking the item from Hanna. He untangled the bag, letting it fall to the floor, and pulled the chips open. Pulling one out, he popped it into his mouth and chewed.

"What's it taste like!" Hanna asked, his usual curious grin plastered across his face.

"Nothing...as usual." The zombie replied. Hanna's face fell and he looked saddened.

"Oh...well that sucks. What made you want to try and eat anyway?" Hanna asked, taking the chips from his companion and grabbing a handful out, throwing them in his mouth.

A small smile played on the undead man's lips.

"I just felt...a little alive, I guess." He replied. Hanna smiled at him, processed powdered cheese around his mouth.

"Hey, that's a good thing right!" Hanna said, his tongue darting out to try and lick the cheese off his face.

The zombie looked him over slowly, his smile growing a little as he reached a hand out to wipe the cheese from the corners of Hanna's mouth. Something inside him felt warmer as Hanna continued to smile up at him reassuringly. Hanna made him feel more like a person, not like a walking cadaver. He appreciated that about Hanna, and was thankful to be around him.

"Yeah...It's good." He replied, his hand still cupped to Hanna's face. He slowly let his hand fall away as Hanna grabbed the remote off his leg and flicked the television on.