Ok, so this is it. The last chapter of Redefining Limits. It has been a really great ride and I thank all of the readers that have supported me through this story and, of course, its prequel. This, as you will probably figure out by the ending, will be the last in this mini-series. I think that it wraps up pretty well, but if anyone thinks differently please let me know. I am working on another story for Star Wars, but that goes into my AU universe that was started in "Lost and Alone." It is a very long story and is in the process of betaed, but it might take awhile to get up. But just to reassure everyone, I have no intention of leaving the world of fanfiction, even if it may seem like it. Thanks again to all and I hope that you enjoy the final chapter of "Redefining Limits."


Three weeks and five days after first landing on-planet, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were planning to leave Dubellapperar. There had been a number of revelations for the younger Jedi on this planet. He learned why he needed to take better care of himself, why he did not need to be perfect and, most importantly, why Qui-Gon would always be there for him. It almost felt like he had figured out how he could be the best Padawan he could be. Prior to this trip, Kenobi felt like that meant that he had to be perfect. But now he felt differently. Now he felt like he was good enough.

The question was could he still be good enough when he went back to the Temple and was put to the test. That was what Obi-Wan had been dwelling on for the last two days, when Qui-Gon announced they would soon be leaving. It was easy to reach his potential when there was no pressure. But what would happen when he went back to reality? How would he cope? Kenobi learned that he did not need to be perfect, but he still wanted to make his Master proud. Somehow he knew that that yearning would never go away. Qui-Gon just meant so much to him and he wanted to make him pleased. Part of him knew that it would be okay and that no matter what, Qui-Gon would be there helping and supporting him. But the rest of him was terrified that he would not be good enough.

Trying to snap himself out of his preoccupation, the teen returned to packing up his clothes and other belongings. He did not have that much stuff so it did not take long to put everything into his survival pack.

Making sure that he had everything, Obi-Wan walked out of his room, shutting the door behind him. Qui-Gon was already waiting for him, his own bag on his back.

"Ready to go, Padawan?"

"I guess so, Master."

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes, Master"

"Okay, then. Let's be on our way." Settling a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder, the elder guided his child out of the cottage. After making sure the house was secure, the two Jedi made their way back to the ship.

Obi-Wan was trying to remember how long of a walk it was, but he could not. He did not think it was that long, but he had been so worried and weak when he first got here that he was not sure if it was accurate. Trying to relax and just let go of his worries, Obi-Wan started to walk with his Master. The hike kind of made the teen feel at peace. He was not the ball of scared energy that he was when he first got here. He was more…relaxed. This was a better way to live, Obi-Wan thought. He was no longer stressing about everything. Obi-Wan was happy.

"I am very proud of you, Obi-Wan. You have come a long way in a short amount of time."

"Thank you, Master," the student replied, shy pleasure lacing his voice.

"Are you excited about going home, Obi-Wan?"

"I guess so."

Qui-Gon stopped walking then and Obi-Wan feared that it was because of the uncertainty in his voice. He had tried so hard to be excited about going home, but he could not get rid of the fear that resided deep in his gut. The younger Jedi watched as his mentor sat on a nearby rock, a patient expression on his face.

"What is going on, Obi-Wan? Talk to me."

Obi-Wan walked over and sat next to his Master. He had gotten better about talking to Qui-Gon in the last three weeks, but it was still not easy and he often needed a few minutes to figure out what he was going to say. Qui-Gon had been very understanding in this and remained silent as his student pondered everything.

"Master…I guess…I am just nervous about going home."

"Are you nervous about anything in particular?"

"No. It's just everything. So much has changed and…I don't know…It's stupid."

"No, it's not, Obi-Wan. It is perfectly natural to have some apprehension after everything that has happened. But it is time to take that leap of faith. Time to trust in yourself."

"I guess so."

"Obi-Wan. Listen to me. You are ready to face this. We would not be going home if I did not feel that you were ready. You are back to your normal physical strength and you have a better understanding of how to take care of yourself. You know that you don't need to be perfect to be loved and you know that you have a special place in the Force. And in my life. The next step is to take everything that you have learned and put it into practice. It will be hard and you will not feel comfortable for awhile. But you made progress here and you will continue to make progress outside of here. But that is what I think on the matter. Do you have different feelings? Do you feel that you need to stay here longer?"

"I don't think so, Master. But I am still a little scared."

"That is normal. I would be concerned if you weren't."


"Go on, Obi-Wan. Do not be embarrassed."

"It is not for me to question you, Master."

"Padawan. If something is bothering you then I want you to question me. I want you to feel comfortable."

"Well, it is just…I was wondering if you had…um…spoken to my teachers yet."

"Ah. Yes. I did talk to your teachers and I worked everything out. From now on when your instructors give you an assignment they will send me a copy of it. You will also continue to check in with me so that our lists are the same. Any additional tasks that you do, I will need to sign off on. Hopefully that will stem any further problems, but if it doesn't then I expect you to come to me. I will work things out with your teachers. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Does that work for you?"

"I guess so, Master."


"But wouldn't my teachers be upset by all this."

"Probably. But it is not my concern. Or yours. My only concern is everything being fair and equal for you. And don't worry about your instructors taking their frustration out on you. I will take care of it."

"Shouldn't I be handling that, Master?"

"No, Padawan. You need to remember, you are only fourteen. You do not have to do anything on your own. Not yet, anyway."

"Okay. I guess I am still getting used to that."

"I know. Any other misgivings?"

""I don't think so, Master. I think that I just need to go home and try this again."

"That sound like a good idea. Just remember that things are different now."

"I know," Obi-Wan replied with a small smile.

"Good. Ready to go back to the ship?"

"Yes, Master."

With a smile, Qui-Gon draped an arm around his student's shoulders and led his through the woods. Obi-Wan was still nervous about going home, but he knew that it would be okay. His Master had done so much for him in their time together, especially in the last three weeks. The teen was still scared to go home, but he knew that he was as ready as he was going to get. He would just have to brave up and go for it.

Soon the Jedi arrived back at the ship that had brought them to this haven and was going to bring them back to their lives. The team boarded the ship and went into the cockpit. Qui-Gon took the pilot's chair and started take-off procedures. Obi-Wan belted into the co-pilot's chair and took one last look at the thick forest. Despite a rocky start, he had a good time here. Maybe one day they could come back for another vacation. That would be nice, to be able to spend some time here without the stressors of life. Yes, he would have to remember Dubellapperar when the word "break" came up again.

For now, though, he was going home. Going back to his life and all that that entailed. As the ship shot into hyperspace, Obi-Wan decided that he was ready to go home. This planet and all that he had learned here had prepared him for the future. And now with his Master at his side, he was prepared, willing and able to go back and be the best Padawan that he could be. Even if he was not perfect.

The End