A/N: okay... let s give it a try :)...

First of all, I want to say a HUGE thank you to XxxCherikxxX for her support and help with the story :D.

Summary: Christine decides to offer help to her dear friend Meg that has problems with her fiancé, Raoul. The plan was to try to seduce him and make sure whether or not he's faithful to her friend. The problem was ONE... she had never seen him and would try to spot him only by Meg's descriptions. Erik Destler is her new boss and after a little misunderstanding, he believes Christine is a prostitute. WHAT is going to happen when he will take advantage of his position and force Christine to play the role of his fiancée in order to escape an arranged marriage? And moreover, HOW is he going to react when he will find out that the seducer he believes Christine is, proves to be one totally innocent and romantic girl?

The rating will change to M.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN PotO nor the main plot of the story.


Judging by the cover

Chapter 1: Helping a good friend

"A quarter to four..." Christine exhaled sadly as she walked towards the exit of the company where she had been working for the past one and a half years. It was already too late, and that's why she didn't stop when the lady at the reception told her, behind her desk. "Lucky you! You're leaving earlier today, huh?"

Erik after hearing the receptionist's comment frowned angrily. He was standing at the hallway and was waiting for the lift used only by the company's bosses. The girl that was departing so furiously, obviously hadn't seen him, but he had the time to scrutinise her.

She was a magnificent brunette with a beautiful slender body. Her chocolate curls were bouncing as she was running and this gave her an ethereal and angelic form. Immediately he changed his dangerous way of thinking. An emotional involvementwas the last thing he needed this period.

The wrinkle between his eyebrows grew deeper while entering the lift. Since the time he had convinced his grandfather to withdraw from their music company, which he now lead, the old man was desperately trying to convince him to marry one of his cousins. This marriage would be ideal, according to his grandfather's point of view.

Fortunately, Erik knew that his grandfather was much softer than what he dared to admit. Only the fact that he took Erik under his wing when his hateful alcoholic parents hurt and scarred his little body because of his deformed face, confirmed the gentleness of his heart.

Erik sighed and adjusted his half mask while clearing his throat from a big lump that was caused as a result of thinking his lonely and full of hatred childhood.

At the meantime, the lift had reached the last floor.

The door opened slowly without making any noise and Erik started heading to his office, knowing that it wasn't the best moment for his personal issues.

One way or another, in a few weeks he had to attend to a family event at his grandfather's house, where he could also discuss few things about the family-company, so he had to prepare himself.

Theoretically, he was expected at the main office the day after, but he decided to arrive earlier. Something good for him, as he had discovered one of the reasons the company was not efficient... the 'bad' habit of some employers to leave early their positions. Such as the gorgeous girl he had seen...


"The only thing that I'm not used to, is leaving my job earlier..." Christine thought angrily while trying to make a cab stop.

She was at her position since half past seven in the morning, like all the company's crew did the whole last month. Nobody abandoned his job, not even for lunch break. And that's because they had been informed for the recent 'boss-change'.

The next day, the new boss would come and Christine was anything but happy about that. There were too many things heard around him and his 'ruling' politics.

"The old man was known for being simply strict... his grandson, the mysterious Erik Destler, is even worse..." one of her co-workers had stated.

"They both passionately support the idea that nowadays the quality in music industry is rare, and that is exactly what they gave to the public... quality... So, nobody should wonder why their company is one of the most known."

Her cab stopped exactly in front of the restaurant where she was to meet her two friends. Christine paid they driver and rushed to the grand hall.

"Oh! Christine, at last! We were afraid that you wouldn't make it." Meg, Christine's best friend said.

"Yes. Sorry for being late." She replied while sitting on her chair "But I have too much work lately. Tomorrow the 'big boss' is arriving." She rolled her hazel eyes while speaking her last sentence. "But now tell me, what is going on?" she asked concerned.

"Right now, I was telling to Hilarry how nervous I am." Meg said and looked the third person of the group.

"Eeer, nervous?" Christine repeated confused.

"It is about Raoul." Meg explained with a slightly trembling voice.

"Raoul? I thought that you were going to announce your engagement."

"Yep... but I... I mean us... Anyway, Raoul wants to..." Meg's voice broke and Hillary continued for her.

"Meg believes that Raoul is cheating on her." She said laconically.

"Meghan Giry, this cannot be true." Christine stated stubbornly "You used to tell me how much he loves you!"

"That's what I thought." She admitted "Especially after asking me to marry him. However, suddenly he started receiving some strange calls and every time I answer the phone, no one speaks. This happened three times this week. And each time I ask who it was; he replies that they made a mistake."

"He may be right." Christine supported Raoul. "Raoul is not like this, I know... trust me..."

"No, I don't believe that he tells me the truth. All daylong he's over the receiver. Yesterday night he was speaking on his mobile phone and when I entered the house he ended the call."

"Have you talked to him about this?" Christine's voice was full of interest.

"Yes. And he answered that I'm imagining things." Meg replied sadly.

"Classical man-reaction!" Hillary stated while making a disgusted face. "My ex, made everything possible to make me believe that I was paranoid, and what happened next? He left me so he could live with his lover!"

"The only thing I wanted was Raoul to be honest with me..." Meg's eyes began to water "If there is another one... I won't... I mean, I cannot believe he's doing this to me... I thought that he loved me!"

"I am sure that he loves you!" Christine raised her voice.

Of course, she still hadn't met her best friend's fiancé, but from Meg's descriptions and comments for the past few months, she had become sure that Raoul was the ideal guy for her friend.

"There's only one way to find out..." Hillary announced with a smirk "Recently I read an article in a magazine about an office where you go when you doubt how truthful or faithful your 'better half' is... People there sent to the guilty-guy a woman who tries everything in order to seduce him. I think you have to contact them." She gave Meg a meaningful glance.

"NO WAY! I can't do it!" she sniffled.

"Maybe, but you have to!" Hillary insisted "It's the only way to find out if you can trust him. If only I had done this thing before I got married. You have to!"

Christine's heart turned into a knob. She didn't have anything against Hillary, on the contrary she really liked her older friend, but she just hated it every time she became manipulative and acted like she knew everything. She actually believed that her character was one of the main reasons that her marriage was ruined. But for now, Christine was starving, so she took the catalogue and started reading.

"What you're saying is plausible, but I highly doubt if there is an office like the one you mentioned here."

"And who spoke about going to this office?" Hillary disagreed "What you need is a charming and gorgeous friend that Raoul have never met, who will seduce him. If he responds..."

"A gorgeous and charming friend? You mean like Christine?" Meg asked without thinking.

Christine was nailed by two pairs of eyes, by the time she was surrendering to her hunger and bit a little piece of bread.

"Exactly!" Hillary shouted smiling. "Christine is perfect for this."

"I beg your pardon?" Christine choked at the bread. "You can't possibly be serious! No way!" she tried to make the other two see reason, alas...

"But it is absolutely crazy, don't you understand? Meg you wouldn't do such thing to Raoul, would you? YOU LOVE HIM, GIRL!"

"And how can she go on with him since she does not trust him, pray tell?" Hillary mocked her. "Okay! It's done!" she said when she saw Christine considering it for a few seconds "What we have to do now, is find out when is Christine going to meet Raoul so we can start with our plan."

"Tonight he'll go with some of his friends in a bar that recently opened. One of them knows the owner."

"But I cannot do it!" Christine said for the thousandth time "Meg, I'm sorry..." she gave an apologetic look at her friend.

"I believed that you wanted to help your best friend" Hillary spoke again "Especially after what she did for you..."

Christine bit her lip and guilt filled her. At this point Hillary was right. A year ago, that she had to work twenty four hours per day, her beloved grandmother, who brought her up after the death of her parents, was deathly ill and Meghan stayed by her side through her whole recovery, while losing all of her free time.

Christine shivered at the thought of what would have happened to her grandmother, or to her job, weren't for Meg. She definitely owed Meg a lot...

"I know that it is not like you, Christine." Meg began "But I believe it is important to find out whereas I can trust Raoul or not..." her soft cheeks were stained with tears "You see, it means a lot to me. He has everything I could possibly ask from a guy. But... before moving here, he had a lot of lovers. He ensures me that none of those affairs was something serious and that he truly loves me, but..."

Staring at her friend's teary face realised that she hadn't another option than to agree with Hillary's plan.

"Ok...Fine! I'll do it." She sighed "But, before, you have to describe Raoul to me with every detail, I don't want to do any mistake. Hmmm... Do you have a photo of him with you?"

Meg looked in her bag "I'm afraid I do not, but don't worry... It will be really easy to spot him. He is handsome, with dark thick hair and the most beautiful lips you have ever seen. He will wear blue shirt, to suit his eyes. He always wears blue shirts… I bought them for him." she said with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"What time do you think they'll arrive there?" asked Christine.

"Around eight thirty." Meghan replied.

"So, we'll meet at Christine's house at eight o'clock, show her a photo of Raoul to avoid misunderstandings and then I'll drive you to the bar." Hillary announced.


Ten minutes before eight, the bell at Christine's apartment rang. "Thank god grandma has visited a friend of hers and will be gone for some days." She thought and opened the door.

Of course it was Hillary who informed her that Meg was not able to come. "Damn it! I forgot Raoul's photo at Meg's apartment and... Is this a joke? You absolutely cannot meet Raoul wearing these" she pointed at Christine's clothes "You seem too serious, and there's no way for him to approach you. You have to make him believe that you want him... Also your lipstick is not proper for the situation. Perhaps a deep blood-red would be better."

Without another word, Hillary pushed a wide-eyed Christine into her room and started looking in her wardrobes.

"You have to wear something sexy...For Meg's sake." She finally said.


After quite some time and a few disagreements they left Christine's apartment. No need to say that Hillary had won at the end and Christine was fuming. She was really angry with her 'transformation'.

"We are here!" Hillary broke the silence and stopped the car in front of the bar "I'll be back at eleven o'clock to take you back. Till then you have much time to... attack. Oh! And remember... this is for Meg..." with that, she sped the car and left.

A couple of whistles were heard from a group of men nearby.

"Perfect!" Christine thought and tried to pull down her revealing black dress and hide as much of her décolletage was possible.

Then she turned resolutely to the bar's entrance and straightened her shoulders while walking.

Hillary had given her a thousand advice, which she would not follow. She couldn't actually flirt boldly with a stranger.

She sighed and... "Deep breath and... I'm in..."

With that she entered the bar...

Erik saw her immediately and couldn't take his eyes off of her form...

A/N: so, how was it? just let me know :)...