Summary: When you are a human, and adopted into the Cullen family, what's it like? Being raised by vampires is tricky business. One chapter for every year of Kendra's life. I will switch POV from chapter to chapter.

"Rose, are you sure you want to do this? She could get hurt," Carlisle told Rosalie as they flew towards Russia. Rosalie was going to adopt a little girl by the name of Kendra. She had never wanted anything so badly, and was not going to give it up.

Carlisle on the other hand was worried that Kendra might get hurt. His adopted kids, and maybe even his wife, might not be able to handle it if she cut herself. On accident, think straight here people! Anyways, Rosalie made a good point though. It could help them keep control. Carlisle just didn't want to hurt a little girl.

"Yes, I'm positive." Rosalie finally replied. She had her doubts with Jasper, but she felt like she needed this baby to be happy. Emmett had gotten cold feet, (you see what I did there?) but Rose was sure that this little girl would be perfect for them.

Carlisle sighed, "But what if-?"

"Nothing will happen on my watch," Rosalie interrupted the doctor. "Besides, I think we can control ourselves pretty well. I think Jazz is the only worry. Even then, I think his subconscious will prevent him from hurting a baby."

Carlisle knew at this point, Rosalie wasn't going to give. She wanted this baby more than anything. Rose and Esme had practically made a pact against him to get it, too. Women and their babies, it made no sense to him.

When they landed at the airport in Moscow, they rushed outside to go get a taxi to the hospital. Rosalie had gotten a phone call saying that Kendra had been born. "We need to hurry before her mom decides to take her!" Rosalie exclaimed.

Carlisle rolled his eyes. Even if her mom did want her, the papers were already signed. Kendra was theirs for the taking.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital. Rosalie walked straight up to the reception desk. She asked where they had the babies were (in Russian) and the nurse led them towards that…room…thing…with all the babies? You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, that one.

Anyways, Rosalie searched up and down for the name tag that said 'Kendra'. When she spotted it, she looked at the small baby. It was adorable. It had a little black tuft of hair at the top of its head. It was a little chubby, and had snow white skin. One of the nurses walked up. "Which one is yours?"

Rosalie was surprised that she spoke English, but answered. "Oh, I adopted the little one with black hair over there." She pointed towards Kendra.

"Do you want to hold her?"

Rosalie smiled, and if she could cry, she would. "Please," She said in a whisper.

The nurse beckoned for Rosalie to follow her. Rose did, and was let into the small room. She resisted the urge to run and pick up Kendra. The nurse handed her the baby.

Kendra was no longer sleeping. She was awake and looking right at Rose. She had the biggest, greenest, eyes that Rose had ever seen. The baby smiled and gurgled, seeming pleased with her new mother. "Hi baby," Rosalie whispered.

Kendra reached up to grab a strand of Rosalie's hair. She yanked it. Of course Rosalie couldn't feel it, but she said ouch anyways.

Carlisle watched from the window, and laughed a bit. Kendra was very cute, and now that Rosalie had her, she was going to be spoiled to death. Despite his earlier worries, he was happy that they had a new addition to the family.

A/N: Hello! I had this idea cooking in brain, so I served it. This isn't a romance, like my other Twilight story. This is very much a friendship and family story. This was just the prologue and I will have year one out soon Leave me a review and tell me what you think!
