Magnus squinted at Henry's latest report, eyes straining to focus on the words as they blurred jaggedly across the crisp white page. Given the importance of their weekly meetings it was unusual for her focus to be so split and she couldn't find a hint of clarity in the sentences that smashed together. Unfortunately, Henry's verbal explanation was proving no more useful.
"Please forgive the interruption Henry-" she let the thin sheet fall to the desk, raising her hand in a silencing motion, "but I assume there is a point you're leading up to?"
The technician slouched, drumming his pen absently against the large wooden table with a sigh. It stood to reason that his reports weren't the most thrilling reads, Kate's teasing smirk was a testament to that fact, but he hadn't included any more detail than usual. In all honestly, he was a little miffed by his boss's reaction.
Trying not to appear offended -he'd learnt early on not to question when Magnus pushed for a quick answer- he did his best to simplify the problem. "There's been an eight percent increase in our expenditure that I can't account for. Near as I can guess we've got a fault line running through the heated enclosures but it's going to take some time to find."
Magnus nodded slowly, careful not to exacerbate her rapidly growing headache; which was the result of an oversight on her part.
In the end of month rush to review all their budget requirements, a task that extended to every Sanctuary in the network not just their own, she'd cut short her small but necessary sleep and nutrition requirements. It wasn't a practice uncommon to her but she recognised the tension brewing between her temples as an early sign of fatigue, an annoying reminder that her body was in fact still human and needed attention.
"Unfortunately time is a luxury we do not have-" she forced her weary gaze across the table, "see to it that becomes your priority. I'll inform London they'll just have to wait for their new security update."
He motioned in agreement and new pages rustled beneath her fingers as she found the next item on their agenda; a recent addition to the Sanctuary who had been engaging with Will in counselling sessions. Glancing quickly over the paper, she turned her attention to the astute psychiatrist. "It seems Marcus is adapting well to his new surroundings."
Will nodded his confirmation. The abnormal she was referring to was in his mid-twenties, human by nature but susceptible to high amounts of stress... not really surprising given his unpredictable ability to cause iron to spontaneously combust. "We're making progress-" he added, sifting through his own personal notes. "The emotional connection seems to be the key in handling his power but we're still a long way off finding a viable way for him to channel that energy."
There was a noticeable lull to her response and Will stiffened, wondering if he was the only one aware of the unusually slow pace surrounding them. Henry didn't seem bothered, too busy regulating the pen that moved in sync from his thigh to the table and Kate's head was lolling to the side, a clear indication she was bored with the proceedings. Across from him The Big Guy sat stoic as ever but occasionally his overly attentive gaze would wander towards Magnus.
Something was definately up.
He didn't know what exactly but the lines of exhaustion cresting her eyes were a dead give away and he lowered his voice gently, "Magnus... should I go into any more detail?"
Four sets of eye's leapt up in reaction to Will's concerned tone and she found her response with a renewed strength, "no, not for the moment but keep me apprised of the situation."
They all seemed to buy her quick cover and she was relieved, finding the topic was last on their agenda for the morning. "If no one has anything further to include I believe that's everything. We'll reconvene at the end of the week for a follow-up meeting."
Kate's chair was first to slide from the table followed closely by Henry but Will remained seated, offering a slight nod as The Big Guy rose hesitantly. He knew the abnormal was protective of Magnus but his decision to leave along with the others suggested her old friend had already tried and failed to get through to her.
Now it was his turn.
Taking a deep breath Will closed his fingers over the hard edge of the table and pushed himself up, "Magnus?"
She glanced across, surprised to see he hadn't taken leave with the rest of the group. "Will, was there something more you wished to discuss?" She fiddled idly with the papers in front of her, shuffling and arranging them in no particular order. It was a distraction, something to pull focus from the blinding headache and the concern radiating from his stance.
Will inwardly winced at the telltale professionalism behind her voice. It wasn't a particularly cold tone but he recognised it as a defensive tactic, one he knew from experience meant she didn't want to talk. However, deciding to remain ignorant of that fact he lowered himself to the chair beside her with a small sigh, "is everything okay, you seemed a little distracted this morning?"
Immediately her hands stopped fidgeting and she forced a light smile to surface.
If anyone was going to notice her slightly odd behaviour, it was of course going to be Will. He subconsciously picked up on minute details that would otherwise go unnoticed and she learnt long ago that while it was an advantage in their work, to her personally it could also be an inconvenience.
"It's just a headache Will-" she reassured, realising there was no point even trying to lie to him. "It's nothing to concern yourself with, really."
He paused for a beat, not at all convinced before stretching up and smoothing his fingers over her brow. She was warm, instinctively leaning into the cool touch and he frowned at the easy submission. "When was the last time you slept-" he jumped in quickly with an afterthought, "and twenty minutes here and there doesn't count."
The hint of judgement in his tone caused her to stiffened defensively as she guided his hand away. "The work I'm doing at the moment is of the utmost importance, I can't stress that enough Will." Perhaps to him it seemed like unnecessary paperwork but without budgeting precision all the Sanctuary's would fall at the hands of the economy, an end entirely unfit for it's preceding history.
"I'm not arguing that fact." He stated softly, hoping to appeal to her with reason, "but even you have to admit, in this condition you're prone to making mistakes and that alone could be costly. All I'm asking is you take a break, a few hours sleep, that's it."
She rubbed her temple tiredly, unable to flaw his logic.
He was right.
With the constant need to re-check her findings for fear of a mistake she was in fact wasting more time, a predicament that could be amended if she relented and took his advice. "I have a scheduled teleconference with London in an hour, after that I'll make a concerted effort to get some rest-" she gathered the papers spread across the table, hoping the compromise would satisfy him.
When he gave no indication of a protest she pushed herself up, taking in a sharp breath as the room tilted in response to the movement. Dropping the stack of reports, she brought her hand up as they fanned out across the floor.
"Magnus?" Will was by her side in an instant, concern playing openly across his features.
She winced trying to combat the rush of dizziness to offer reassurance but no longer retained the energy and when the room lurched again, she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist in support. "Will..." a flush of embarrassment covered her cheeks as she sprawled her fingers out over his chest, "I'm sorry, perhaps I shall attempt some sleep after all." Although her tone was light there was no amusement behind his gaze, just concern and the promise of a lecture poised on the horizon.
Magnus sighed, closing her eyes briefly. Without the energy to fight him on the matter there was no way even half of her allocated work load was going to get done.
She felt his hand slip from her waist and was about to use the opportunity to plead her case when it snaked beneath her legs, hoisting her up into the air. Instinctively, her arms latched around his neck despite her eye's snapping open in protest, "Will! What in god's name-"
"Ah!" He silenced her with a pointed look, "you think you don't have to listen to me, fine... but I'm not above using forcible action and I'm pretty sure The Big Guy will back me up on this one."
"You wouldn't dare." Her jaw set tightly, unwilling to involve any one else in his little charade but then the realisation set in; he was being entirely serious. "For heaven sakes-" she conceded, mustering enough strength to sound annoyed, "if it will end this ridiculous show I'll re-schedule my afternoon. Satisfied?"
Will considered the compromise, wondering how far he could push this spontaneous advantage. It wasn't often he had the upper hand and he fully intended to utilise it as much as possible. "Two days-" he shifted her gently in his arms, reaffirming that he had no indication of putting her back down.
Magnus had little choice but to tighten her grip in response. "Excuse me?"
"Clear your schedule for two days-" he explained further, "use the rest of the afternoon to catch up on sleep and then tomorrow I'm taking you out of here for a real break."
Her eyes widened slightly at the suggestion, "Will, I can't just-"
"That's my offer. Either that or I carry you out of here kicking and screaming and don't think for one second that I won't." He held her gaze determinedly, ready to follow through with the threat. Perhaps it wasn't the most conventional method of getting through to her but if she refused to listen then he was effectively left with no other choice.
Magnus bit down on her lower lip, sensing there was no point trying to argue. Clearly he'd made his mind up and as much as she wanted to protest his childish behaviour, she wasn't in any position to be commanding authority. "Fine.' She clenched her teeth, reluctantly agreeing to his request. "Would you kindly put me down now please?"
A smirk threatened his lips but he held it back, lowering her feet gently to the ground. When she wobbled slightly he straightened up, keeping his hand pressed lightly against her hip as all traces of amusement fell from his features. "Maybe you should sit down for a minute?"
Letting her hands fall from his neck, she brushed her fingers lightly over his chest feeling her frustration ebb as the need for support took precedence. "Will-" the room finally stilled and she suddenly became alert to their close proximately, something she was sure would've made him uncomfortable if he hadn't been so distracted by obvious concern, "I'm fine... you can release me now-"
A flicker of embarrassment crossed his features and he reluctantly stepped back. He hadn't even noticed how close they'd been standing but what was stranger was the sudden disappointment he felt at the loss of contact.
"I'll let the others know what's happening, will you be okay to get to your room?" Though he was hesitant to leave, the indignant look she shot him suggested he was already testing her patience and he held up his hands in mock defence, "okay, okay... but if I find you passed out in the hall I'm upping the deal to no less than a week."
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she watched him leave with the faintest tinge of warmth replacing her annoyance.
Whether they were valid or not his actions stemmed from concern and she wouldn't begrudge him for caring, not when that was the fundamental reason the Sanctuary existed. If more people were like Will in that regard there wouldn't be such a desperate need for refuge in the first place.
Mulling on the thought, she collected herself enough to follow in his footsteps. Tomorrow she might reprimand his choice of behaviour but for now gaining to strength to do so was her first priority.