Part Two

Starscream dragged into the mess hall with an ache in his processors and growing dread in his spark. Megatron had held a meeting of his high-ranking officers over the comm, and the Decepticon commander had been as imperious and idiotic as usual. All his objections to Megatron's plan for replenishing energon had been dismissed unheard - also as usual - and Megatron had signed off saying that the Combaticons were responding well to their new programming, but he'd be on Cybertron "road testing" the gestalt ream for a few megacycles more.

He sat alone at a table with his half-cube of poorly refined energon and studied the newest figures on the shortage. Starscream truly didn't think Megatron wanted his troops to suffer and rust. He simply just couldn't get it through that microchip of a processor of his that certain plans needed to be made to scale, not conceived in complete ignorance of their current situation or resources. The only thing that had gone right was that they'd not been drawn into any engagements with the Autobots, but Starscream knew that couldn't last. Sooner or later, they would have to tap into the Earth's resources to create energon, and the fragging Autobots would be alerted. In the state they were in now, a newly sparked jet could give them a good fight, to say nothing of Prime and his minions.

The Seeker dimly heard the pede-steps of his fellow Decepticons coming to collect their meager rations. There was not much chatter and he could hear the dullness in the vocalizers all around him. Glancing around, he saw the Coneheads huddled in one corner, the Insecticons were chattering in their odd language on the other side of the room. The Constructicons, minus Hook, were mumbling about how it was likely that their missing comrade was enjoying a cube of the finest high-grade right then.

Starscream's optics found his own Trine-mates, and he watched the two closely. Skywarp was talking a mile a minute and from what Starscream could gather, Thundercracker was giving only listless answers or short nods. His face plates looked almost white and even the tips of his wings looked heavy and lusterless. Obviously nothing had changed in the three or so megacycles since the blue-winged Seeker had confided his "problem" to him. Though he was still slagged off at the mech for the antics he'd pulled in his quarters, Starscream's spark went out to him. If Hook didn't return soon or if Thundercracker didn't find relief somewhere and somehow, there might not be any hope at all for him. Starscream wondered if he should sit with his Trine, even just for a moment, to show solidarity and to maybe indicate to Thundercracker that he wasn't as angry as he'd been. He was still thinking about it when he noticed the arrival of Soundwave.

He walked in studying the same data-pad Starscream had not taken his optics away from all day. He slid into a corner of the mess hall without saying anything to anyone. Starscream briefly wondered where the mech's trouble-making cassettes were and he figured they were housed inside the Communications Officer's data storage compartment. Maybe it was easier for them to absorb energon that way.

Abandoning the pad, Starscream slowly sipped his energon and surreptitiously studied the dark-blue mech. His faceplates, mainly covered by his visor and mask, were turned downward, fully concentrating on the information on the small pad. Starscream had noticed that Soundwave had little to contribute during the meeting, though Megatron had not seemed to care or mind. Neither had Starscream, to be honest. While he enjoyed listening to the TIC's tersely melodic-metallic voice, he also enjoyed watching Soundwave in the midst of thought. He looked utterly guileless, completely absorbed in his task. Powerful, yet with an odd vulnerability, somehow. Starscream was enraptured.

The handsome jet knew that he'd chosen an odd target for his passion. Flyers usually spark-bonded and interfaced among themselves. Starscream had not been very different in that regard in the past, and he generally did not find non-aerodynamic mechs very attractive, but there was just something about the stolid, dark-blue soldier that had tugged at his spark. Despite his unwavering allegiance to Megatron and his rather nonexistent sense of humor, Starscream sensed there was more to his colleague than met the optic, so to speak. There were the times that Soundwave let slip a cutting remark or glared at his subordinates with just the slightest glow of crimson behind that visor and immediately snapped them in line. Starscream had often wondered what the mech was like in a more intimate setting … did he remove his facial armor? In such an unguarded moment, did he allow a spark-mate to see his optics roll back in his plating as he reached the crest of overload?

Starscream was conscious of his intake becoming labored and his faceplates growing hot. He glanced over at his Trine-mate's table, sure that they had picked up on his gawking through the bond and were at present laughing their afts off. He was stunned, therefore, when he saw that neither of them were paying him the least bit of attention. Skywarp's usual good-natured expression had been replaced with one of extreme sadness and concern. He was speaking quietly, stroking one of Thundercracker's wings with a gentle servo. The blue Seeker, for his part, was almost hunched into the table, his energon ration forgotten, looking to be in an immense amount of distress.

Starscream's spark sped painfully at the expressions on his wing-mates' faceplates, though no one else seemed to notice. His previous conversation with Thundercracker looped through Starscream's processor, and he looked in the direction of the control room, where the main computer was located. Using his access code to download mech-interfacing footage would be the height of madness, Starscream knew. Megatron would undoubtedly find out and frag him for such an egregious use of resources. Also and it might not even work for the ailing Seeker - since war had broken out, Starscream had noted that pleasure-bot footage had been somewhat low-quality and only ludicrously arousing.

He suddenly caught sight of Soundwave collecting his ration of energon, and the SIC snickered in spite of himself when he recalled Thundercracker's suggestion that he wouldn't have been averse to seeing some hot, hard interfacing between his Air Commander and a certain Communications Officer. Starscream's quiet laugh deepened, and he shook his head. Well, that was as impossible as using his access code.

Or is it ..? Starscream glanced again at Soundwave who was on the other side of the mess taking slow, measured sips of his energon. He had not looked up from the data-pad he'd been studying when he'd first come in. A shadow of an idea began to process in his CPU and he felt his spark hammer in anticipation. It was an idiotic idea. It couldn't work. It might do nothing for Thundercracker. Soundwave might bring him to his knees – and not in a good way. There were millions of reasons why he shouldn't try it, but Starscream was already up and walking toward the Communications Officer, a coy smile playing on his lips. The things I do for my mechs …

Soundwave did not look up at his approach, which Starscream had half-anticipated. He wasn't sure if the dark-blue mech was simply that engrossed in his task or purposely ignoring him. It didn't really matter for what he had in mind, Starscream knew. His presence would be felt soon enough.


The TIC raised his head. "Starscream," he returned with even less emotion than usual.

Starscream hesitated, but he was there now. Might as well get on with it, by Primus.

"I have something very important to discuss with you." He spoke a shade louder than was necessary. "What I have to say is for your audios only, so tell your cassettes to run along and play while grown mechs have a … discussion."

Soundwave merely looked at him. Starscream had a felling that the optics behind that visor were glaring holes in his boron compressor, but he reveled in his status as ranking Decepticon officer and he smirked, folded his arms and waited. Soundwave held his gaze for a mega-klik longer, then his compartment opened as he intoned:

"Rumble. Frenzy: Eject."

The trouble-making twins transformed, landing nimbly on the floor. "Hey, what's going on? We were just getting comfortable!"

"Return to quarters," Soundwave said laconically. "Recharge: imminent."

"Already?"whined Rumble. "But we've got at least three billion more astroseconds -"

Soundwave looked at both of them, and Starscream saw his visor glinting a deep, hot red. Frenzy, being the brighter of the two just dragged his brother away and toward the Communications Officer's quarters.

"Laserbeak. Buzzsaw. Ratbat: Eject."

The flying creatures flew into the air and transformed, flapping off immediately after materializing without having to be glared at.

"Ravage: Eject."

The sleek animal transformed and ran off in the direction in which its creator pointed. When she had disappeared from view, Soundwave turned back to Starscream.

"Conditions for personal conversation: met. Proceed."

Oh, I'm going to proceed all right. Widening his smile, he rested a servo gently on Soundwave's shoulder and swung around so that he was standing behind him. He spread his thrusters a bit, so that he was nearly straddling the broad, blue plating. He pressed against Soundwave, and deliberately lowered himself until he was bending close enough to murmur directly into his audios.

"It would be bad for morale if the others heard this, so we must speak quietly." Starscream kept up the smile. "This plan of Megatron's … it's slag. You know it and I know it."

Soundwave didn't move and Starscream inched his dactyl sensors down the darker mech's chassis, draping them just above his storage compartment. A slight buzzing at the back of his processor caused Starscream to lose focus for a moment, but he smirked inwardly when he realized that it was a tug on the Trine bond. His wing-mates were taking notice of him and from what he could tell, the proceedings were of definite interest.

"We'll never get a drop of energon following this foolishness," Starscream purred, fanning his dactyls against the mech's compartment in a way that was almost a caress. "Even you know this. We cannot count on the Combaticons being under Megatron's control when they return from Cybertron. I built them, after all. I should know."

Soundwave stirred, but he did not attempt to dislodge the SIC. One would have thought he had plenty of experience with having an Elite Seeker draped all over him. That thought sent a delightful chill up Starscream's spinal connections.

"Plan to restore energon: acceptable. Provided Combaticons operate within .001 korlocks of normal range."

"And they won't. And you know why. It's the main, basic flaw in our mighty leader's plan." Starscream ran the tip of his glossa lightly over his lips, just enough for the others to see him doing so, before leaning in closer, huffing: "The energon. The amount of energon needed to sufficiently power the Combaticons would be enormous!"


Starscream stopped for a moment. It almost sounded as if there were a glitch in Soundwave's vocalizer, and Soundwave still had made no move to pull out of what was essentially an embrace.

"And Megatron has forgotten to account for an ambush by the accursed Autobots!"

"Incorrect: Contingency for Autobot attack – Combaticons will combine to form Bruticus. Reformatting should ensure allegiance to Decepticons."

"Hmm." Starscream hummed, letting the vibrations reverberate through his chassis. This time, the glitch in Soundwave's vocalizer manifested itself as a slight squeak. Starscream was stricken dumb for the briefest moment. The idea that Soundwave was enjoying any of this seemed impossible. It was more likely that he simply didn't want to expend the energy on a sonic blast.

Starscream decided to press his advantage and nudge the dial a bit higher. His servos inched down, lower and lower until they dangled right above the sensitive knobs and buttons of his cassette compartment, and Starscream rested his chin almost lovingly in the space where Soundwave's neck column bolted to his head casing. He could see the small, sturdy bolts there and wondered what might happen if he happened to somehow accidentally lick one. He dismissed the thought. There was no way that could "accidentally" happen.

The buzzing over the Trine-bond was growing stronger, and Starscream smiled dreamily as he cooed: "That's the problem. The amount of energon the Combaticons would need to consume is more than what we have now. Our leader wants us to count on a gestalt team protecting us that will be inadequately powered at the outset and therefore would not be able to protect us! And to make things worse, even if we diverted the rest of our energon stores to the Combaticons, it still wouldn't be enough and then we ourselves would not be able to put up an adequate defense!"

He delivered this impassioned argument while absently dragging his dactyls slowly against the sensitive dials. Starscream thought the objects were mainly decorative, but they seemed to hold another function, as Soundwave was discreetly, but certainly, rocking slowly in his seat. Not enough to dislodge the Seeker – in fact, if Starscream had not been plastered to the Communications Officer, he likely would not have noticed, but he could feel the slight movement. He increased the movements of his dactyls and the rocking sped up slightly. The Trine bond was crackling almost uncomfortably now. Starscream was reasonably sure that he and Soundwave were the focus of all the optics in the room, but he paid it no mind, enjoying the gentle motions of the stoic mech.

"Assessment of difficulties in current plan: acceptable." There was a pause, and Soundwave turned his head so that he was looking directly at Starscream. Their faceplates were nearly touching and Starscream could feel Soundwave's warm intakes puffing against his lips. If Soundwave moved a bit closer and retracted his face mask, their lips would meet. But even without that, in such a position, to the outside view, it looked as if they were having a much more intimate conversation than about military strategy. Soundscream shuddered in delight as Soundwave murmured: "Megatron made aware of logic contradiction. Response: Unclear."

Starscream grinned broadly. It was about as close as Soundwave was going to get to calling his dear Megatron a deluded, idiotic glitchridden tube of rusted bolts. It was music to his audios. He noticed that beads of coolant were snaking down Soundwave's faceplates. A reaction, Starscream reasoned, to the idea that Megatron's plan was moronic and that he'd known it all along, but it was delicious. It almost looked as if he were getting Soundwave immensely worked up in the diodes.


Starscream stopped smiling. Was this the moment that Soundwave was going to ask him why he was coiled around him, stroking his buttons like a 'face-crazed pleasure-mech. He paused in his movements and tried to look leaderly while still gazing tenderly at him. It wasn't very easy to pull off.


"Do you have a better suggestion?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Starscream wound his arms tight around the mech's neck plates and blew a breath across the bolting there. This time the shiver was so strong that Starscream could hear rattling, but he pretended not to notice.

"I tried to propose this to Megatron, but he was in such a hurry to get to Cybertron that he didn't have time to listen to how to save our army," Starscream gazed boldly at his colleague, sure the heat in his optics was enough to give off sparks and the longing he felt could be seen even on his home planet. Soundwave was looking back at him, his visor alive with color, but unlike the cassettes, Starscream felt no fear, only desire. He had to gather his wits about him before moving on to his main point.

"My plan is simple, yet brilliant. By now, Optimus Prime's spies on Cybertron will have alerted him to Megatron's presence there. Megatron assured Prime that Bruticus would be destroyed – something that Prime will know to be a lie once Hook gets them online. He'll be assuming, rightly, that Megatron plans to bring the Combaticons back to Earth. While he waits for that, we will release the Insecticons on some far-off city to wreak havoc. Since the Insecticons can subsist on organic material as well as energon, they will adequate power resources to cause a great deal of damage. The idiotic Autobots will feel honor-bound to stop the Insecticons. Prime will also likely leave some behind to man their computer to be on guard for Megatron's return with the Combaticons. While the Autobots are thus occupied, we will take a small team headed by my Trine to an energy source. I'll begin reconnaissance tonight. It shouldn't take long to find something, and if we limit our air patrols to one Seeker at a time, we may be able to stay off the Autobots' radar."

There was silence from Soundwave. He'd even stopped rocking. But the Trine-bond was crackling with energy. Starscream knew that if he concentrated, he'd be able to hear the thoughts of his wing-mates, but he didn't want to disengage from what he was doing. He might never get this opportunity or excuse to be so close to Soundwave ever again and he wanted to savor every micro-klik of it.

Finally, Soundwave spoke again. "Chance of success under alternate plan: greater than chance of success under original plan. Conclusion: Revised plan should be implemented immediately after approval of Megatron."

Starscream threw his head back and laughed in sheer delight and twitched his wings as if her were aroused beyond belief, which, in fact, he was. It was as if Soundwave had just declared him the most beautiful Seeker ever sparked. In fact, Soundwave had paid him an even greater compliment – he'd said a plan of his was better than Megatron's! Of course Megatron would growl over it, but with Soundwave endorsing the alternate plan, he'd have no choice but to give way, with the added incentive that if the new plan failed, he could blame Starscream. But it would not fail, Starscream thought with satisfaction, and Megatron would know it immediately, and better still, Soundwave knew it now!

"I knew you'd be able to see reason … Soundwave." Slowly, Starscream disentangled himself, making sure to brush as much of the enticing blue surface as possible as he did so. "Formulate the plan based on what we discussed. I want revised numbers after patrols tonight."

"Affirmative." There was that little hitch in Soundwave's vocalizer again. Starscream frowned slightly as he tried to place it. Was that … bewilderment? No … Anger? No … If he didn't know better, Starscream would have said it was regret. But that was impossible. Maybe his own audios were going glitchy.

Starscream walked off, still considering Soundwave's voice. Could it be the lack of energon or could he really have been … entertained by that display? The Air Commander was still considering it and was almost out the door before he turned around and addressed Soundwave loudly enough for the rest to hear.

"Soundwave – I expect you to be in my quarters showing me all that I wish to see without delay." A slag-eating grin stretched across his face from audio to audio. "It isn't wise to keep a Seeker dangling for too long."

He turned without waiting for a reply and strode determinedly toward the exit. There was an excited chatter rising and falling around him, but he locked optics with no mech. Passing by the table where Thundercracker and Skywarp were still seated, Starscream strolled by as if he'd not realized they were there. He was careful to not glance over at his wing-mates to gauge their reactions to his little performance. He didn't have to. He could hear them clear enough, even without the Trine-bond. They were speaking in low, clipped, urgent tones – at least one of them was.

". . . Now, 'Warp!"

"But I haven't finished my cube yet!"

"Frag the cube! Bring it with you, if you need to, but if you don't get us to your quarters now, I'm making you clean up the mess!"

The next sound Starscream heard was the slight ripping of reality that accompanied the black mech's warping ability, and he grinned smugly. You're welcome, both of you.


Starscream sat reclining in his berth, on the edge of recharge. His reconnaissance had born fruit. There was an emerging power source deep within earth, not far from the Decepticon base. It was manned by flesh creatures, so they would have to hope to Primus that their Insecticon diversion coupled with the Autobots' knowledge of Megatron's purpose on Cybertron would buy them enough time to get a few million cubes filled and stored away before anyone was the wiser. The Insecticons were somewhat hard to control, that was another variable, but there were ways of corralling them if they didn't follow the program. Threats of deactivation usually worked wonders. Pending Megatron's approval, which he didn't give a slag about, the operation would commence at dawn when all Decepticons would have gotten a good recharge and some energon into their tanks.

The chime of his door sounded and he rose, slightly disoriented. "Yes?"

The door slid open and Soundwave entered impassively, a data-pad in his hand. Starscream cursed silently. He'd been so exhausted from the mission and so excited to identify a potential source of energon, that he'd forgotten he'd asked the lieutenant to stop by later. It had just been to cap off the "show" - he didn't really need anything from Soundwave. Well, okay, he did, but that wasn't forthcoming, no matter how well he'd taken to having him wrapped around his chassis earlier.

"Soundwave. You have what I asked for? And you've spoken to Megatron, I trust?"

"Affirmative. Gives approval to revised plan. Suggests reprisals if plans fail."

"Of course he does," Starscream muttered. "But it won't fail, of course."

"Agreed. Chance of success high." That brought a smile to Starscream's face once more, but if Soundwave had meant it as a compliment, it didn't show. " Suggestion: Deploy Insecticons to well-populated Earth city tonight. Damage will be greater by commence of mission at dawn. Autobots will attempt to help humans rebuild damaged areas. Additional time to draw energon: necessary."

"All right. But they shouldn't attract too much attention at first. I don't want them engaged in a one-sided battle, sounding a retreat, and coming here only to be followed by Prime and his simpletons. You'll go with my Trine. Be prepared to create energon cubes at maximum capacity." He rubbed his neckplates. "Recharge well. We have a big day ahead."

"Affirmative." But Soundwave did not move to exit the SIC's quarters. He stared down at Starscream, half-reclining in his berth. "Decepticons recharging peacefully. Thundercracker restored to optimal efficiency. Probability of performing well on mission: high."

Starscream's optics nearly popped out of his faceplate. "H-he … what? What do you mean restored to optimal efficiency?"

"Overload achieved. Several times. Recharge entered: immediately."

Starscream gaped. How … what … where …? There was no way, no way in Pit, that Thundercracker would have actually told Soundwave. Not even Skywarp would have been stupid enough to tell Soundwave. So how in Primus …?

"Decreased efficiency in Thundercracker: noted," said Soundwave, his visor glowing brightly. "Established continual mind-link to determine cause."

Starscream felt his wings start to tremble. If Soundwave had mind-linked with Thundercracker from the time of his predicament, then not only did he know what had been ailing him, but he had been able to read Thundercracker's thoughts on what he was seeing during that little charade in the mess hall. And that meant that Soundwave likely also knew, through Thundercracker, his true feelings …

Oh slag. Oh slagslagslag.

Starscream worked hard to pull himself together. Fine. So he knew. Fine. He was still Starscream, second in command of the Decepticon forces, Air Commander, and … oh Primus, Soundwave knew, he'd known all along!

"Yes, well, I'm glad he's feeling better." Starscream looked away, hot shame and embarrassment thrumming through his tubes. No doubt Megatron would hear of his little display and would laugh his aft off as soon as he stopped using him as target practice for fragging around during an emergency. "We need everyone at top efficiency for this … this … uhh ..."

Soundwave had moved soundlessly to the side of the berth, and with a grace that Starscream would not have expected, he bent and traced his dactyls over the sensitive material of his wings. The Seeker hissed in surprise and delight as the delicate movements spiraled up and down, tracing odd patterns right above the Decepticon symbol. Starscream was at first too stunned to move, and his mouthplates worked soundlessly as he tried his level best to keep from overcharging on the spot.

"What ... what are you doing?"

"Cessation: desired?"

"Cess - no. No! But why are you doing -?"

"Curiosity." There was an affect in his vocalizer that was different from what Starscream had heard earlier in the mess hall. It was a husky, almost breathless cadence, one that Starscream had never heard before but could spend eons listening to again. "Enjoyment."

"Enjoyment? Erm ... yours or mine?"

Soundwave's head tilted slightly. "Significance of question?"

"... Oh." Good point. And he could take a hint. He shut up, and with a welcoming smile, beckoned Soundwave to continue. He idly wondered if the mech's cassettes were getting a good look and a good laugh. Likely he'd have to smack those annoyingly destructive twins around if they got out of hand with needling him. Soundwave likely had his own way of disciplining the unruly sparklings.

"Cassettes recharging in berths," interjected Soundwave as he dragged the tips of his dactyl sensors in a maddeningly slow caress down the sensitive underside of Starscream's wingtips. The Air Commander reflected that it might be very nice to have a telepath as a spark-mate. Someone who could anticipate your questions and desires before you even vocalized them was worth his weight in energon. He wished he had Soundwave's ability, if only to discover what Soundwave had really been thinking during that little performance earlier. But if what was happening now was any indication, Starscream could make a pretty good guess what had been going through his CPU.

Starscream let his optics drift shut, not sure what was happening or how, but thanking Primus for whatever it was as Soundwave's nimble dactyls worked magic on his sensitive wings. He was swimming in bliss when the smooth voice washed over him once more:

"Query: What happens to a Seeker who is kept dangling?"

"Mmmohfragthat'swonderful- What?" Starscream's processor clicked sharply when he felt Soundwave's hands withdraw, and his optics flew open at the loss of contact. Soundwave was now at the open door, half out of it, looking at him calmly over his shoulder.

"Answer expected: after conclusion of mission. Recharge well: Starscream."

Starscream rose up on his servos, sputtering: "But - you - wait -!"

The doors swished shut but not before Starscream heard Soundwave's soft laughter and not before he felt the familiar stirrings that indicated that he wasn't going to be entering recharge for awhile yet, and he could only hope that Thundercracker's former problem was not contagious.
