
Aang didn't know how long he sat in the cell on the fire nation's ship but it must have been hours if not days. It was uncomfortably warm and Aang's cloths clung to his body because of his sweating. His mouth was dry with thirst and his stomach grumbled in hunger. Though through all these discomforts, only one thing rested at the forefront of his mind.

It was dark.

The avatar was afraid of very little, but one thing he was afraid of, was he dark. He remembered when he had run away; it had become suddenly dark and quite before the storm came. When alone in the dark he had flash backs of that day, with the storms rolling in, chocking him. How he had, had to freeze himself in the water to stay alive.

When the door opened he did not even look to see who it was, he just flung himself at them, hanging on for dear life. Ragged sobs shake his body, making his breaths com in short gasps.

"Please let me out!" He cried loudly, hugging his savior fiercely. "I won't try anything, just let me out."

Zuko hesitantly put his arms around the small air bender, not knowing what to do. Never before had someone cried in front of him, whether it be child or adult.

Why is he acting so immature? Is he really this much of a child?

"Aang," he said sternly. "You're going to stop crying right now and tell me what wrong."

"I c-can't," he chocked out through sobs. His voice was slightly muffled as he pushed his face against Zuko's chest.

"Yes you can, and if you don't stop I'm going to give you a reason to cry." He glared down at Aang who was still crying but now trying to control it.

After ten minutes with no noticeable change in the pitch of Aang's cries Zuko became frustrated.

"If you do not stop that stupid wailing, I am going to grab each and everyone of you friends and carve my name into there backs. "His voice was low and threatening and it sent a shiver of fear through Aang.

The young Avatar tried harder to control his crying, not wanting to bring any harm to his friends, and his crying became softer with each passing moment. When finally his crying could be heard no more, Zuko grabbed his chin, still keeping an arm around the small boys waist, and brought the boys face up to look at his.

"Now tell me what's wrong before I lose interest," Zuko demanded.

"I'm afraid of the dark," Aang muttered quietly.

Zuko stared down at him wit a look of shock and disgust on his face. "The dark is what had you crying like this?" He asked. Aang nodded. "Your so pathetic," Zuko spat at him. "You wouldn't be able to defeat the fire lord even if I hadn't captured you. Your never going to amount to anything." He then flung Aang to the bed. "I think I'll leave you here, maybe you'll get used to the dark." He then shut the cell door, leaving Aang alone once again.


Hope you like it. It took awhile to get up because of school, but now that I'm in the swing of things the chapters will probably come faster.

Read and review. Flames welcome.