It was a year after the second battle against the Titans. A year after Luke's death, a year since Percy defeated Kronos. Camp Half-Blood had been redesigned and rebuilt to accommodate the new cabins and newly claimed demigods. Hecate, Hades, and many others had been given cabins for their children. Though Nico diAngelo was the only kid in Hades.

"Percy!" a satyr called. He had horns that reached over his curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. "What are you doing?"

A boy with black hair and sea green eyes was sitting on a huge, dark gray boulder overlooking the sea. He was staring into space. The satyr leapt down beside him and was elbowing him to get his attention.

"Percy!" he said again, louder, and the demigod looked at him.

"Oh, sorry!" he said. "I was…"


"Something like that." The summery air was comfortably blowing the water into wakes and staring at the sea, he felt comfortable.

"It's past curfew," the satyr told him. "You're going to get in trouble…"

"So are you, Grover!" Percy told him. "You should go back to wherever it is you satyrs go when it's dark!"

Grover sighed and looked at the young demigod. "What's the matter? You should be excited! You get to go to Olympus tomorrow for the summer solstice. You've never got to do that before."

"I never defeated Kronos before," Percy pointed out. "It's only because of that."

"Yeah, so?" Grover looked at the sea for a few moments and back at the camp. "What's bothering you, really? Did something happen between you and Annabeth?"

"No," Percy admitted. "We're…not arguing for once. No, it's this dream I had."

"Uh oh." They both knew that demigod dreams were different than normal mortal ones. They usually meant something bad was going to happen. And the two shared an empathy link, connecting their emotions. It was the link that had brought the satyr down to the shore in the first place and now he could feel his friend's uncertainty and despair.

"What was it about?" Grover prodded. "It wasn't anything about…the Titans, was it?"

"No. They're all gone, Grover."

"Then what?"

"I…I'm not sure," Percy admitted. "It was dark. I was alone on this shore and it was completely calm. There was only me and the ocean. But the moon was really bright. I mean, not like now, but really bright. Like high-beam headlights. When I looked at it, it should have hurt to stare at, but it didn't. And after I looked at it for a while, someone appeared in the ocean. They were too far away to know who, but I could hear them. Their voice whispered around me."

"What did they say?"

"She told me she was sorry. That she didn't mean for this to happen."

"She…" Grover mused. "Was it Annabeth?"

"No, I know her voice. It was someone else," Percy sighed. "But…I recognized her voice. I had heard it before, somewhere. It was like a memory…" He snorted and looked at Grover. "I'm just being stupid, aren't I? There's no danger anymore. Kronos is gone. Luke is dead. We won a year ago."

"Maybe monsters?" Grover suggested.

Percy shrugged. "I don't know. It's stupid; just forget it."

Grover was still worried, but Percy's eyes were flat. He wouldn't talk about the dream anymore. "Well, we should get back before the Harpies notice we're gone."

"Go on, Grover," Percy said. "I'll come in a couple mintues."

"I don't believe you."

Percy sighed and trailed his friend back to the camp. Before he reached the top, he glanced back at the moon. As he gazed at it, it seemed to glow brighter. He shuddered. He needed sleep. His meaningless dream was getting to him.

He entered his lonely cabin, completely empty. Tyson, his Cyclops brother, wouldn't be at camp for a long time. He rested down to sleep and gazed at the ceiling. Before he fell asleep, the moonlight fell into his room.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Percy sat straight up. "Who said that?" he demanded. But no one was there. He sank back into his pillow and closed his eyes. He soon fell into dreamless, black sleep.