Two digimon sat by the fire, right outside the impending castle.

-That DemiDevimon is trouble. He is your greatest rival, too.

A little white kitty nodded. Her companion, who had appearance of a wizard, stood up. Kitty stood up too.

-What should we do, Wizardmon?

-Don't worry, Gatomon. I've got a plan…

He chuckled evilly. She winked.

Two hours later…

DemiDevimon flew through corridor full of creepy statues. Then, without warning…


A light ball hit one of the statues full force, shattering it.

DemiDevimon turned to see Wizardmon grinning.

Without warning, Gatomon jumped out of her hiding place and rushed towards Myotismon's room.


-Oh, no, you don't!

Wizardmon tackled him

-You reported the fact that she had a teddy bear! Now it's revenge time!

In the meantime…

-Sorry, master, but DemiDevimon aimed to attack me, and he shattered one of your statues…


Wizardmon entered, carrying a stunned DemiDevimon, showing Gatomon thumbs up behind his back at the same time.

-It's true, my lord. Saw it with my own eyes.

-This won't go unpunished. Gatomon, Wizardmon. You both have my leave.

As soon as doors closed behind two friends, they clapped their hands together. Both grinned.

-We did it.

Present day...

Kari and Wormmon were listening to story of Gatomon and Wizardmon.

-We really showed him,didn't we,Gatomon?

-We surely did,Wizardmon!

Wormmon sighed.

-I wish he never became evil.I wished him and me to be friends,like you two were...

Gatomon soothed Wormmon.

-That is a thing of the past. We worked for Myotismon once,and look at us now!

Wormmon smiled.

-I guess you're right.