AN: Sorry for the long wait for this chapter. Thank you talapadme for your review, and hopefully this chapter is a bit easier to read from the earlier chapters. Note for dialogue: Clopin is bold and Simza is italics, Esmeralda is underlined. This is a reminder that this chapter is from Clopin's point of view.

(Clopin POV)

I turned away from my guests to watch the dispersing ambush return to their proper place outside of the court. I returned my attention to my guests at this point I noticed that Simza was groveling at my feet.

Please forgive us your majesty, we did not realize that you were the Gypsy King… yada, yada, yada.

I may be a king, but I can't stand all the groveling and fancy yancy flattery that comes with the job. I also do not tolerate begging, not from anybody. Since Simza and her siblings were new at the court, I found it in their best interest to warn them about my tolerances.

I knelt down beside Simza and placed my hand under her chin. I couldn't help but to see the sorrowful expression on Simza's face, however I still did not tolerate begging.

We don't beg for forgiveness, especially when forgiveness isn't needed, and it's Clopin, no more of this "Your Majesty" stuff. Okay.

I had suddenly realized that my hand was still under Simza's chin; I reluctantly removed my hand from under her chin. Feeling awkward about the situation, I proceeded to inquire about their sleeping arrangements. Simza was informing me about she had arranged to be staying with her brother Ion.

Wait, Ion; Surely not the same Ion that arrived at the Court a few weeks ago. However, Ion had said there was a caravan following him. Maybe there is some other fellow at the Court who I don't quite remember. No, I've known everybody in this Court for my entire life, so it has to be that Ion. Oh man, this is bad, how am I going to tell them that their brother is dead? I cleared my mind of all thoughts and feelings other than the news I had to tell them.

Simza, your brother Ion was captured by Frollo's men about three weeks ago. We watched in the shadows as they hanged him in front of the Palace of Justice. I'm so sorry.

At first I thought that they had handled the news fairly well. That was until I saw Simza gently put the twins on the ground and then fell to her feet balling. I had a sudden urge, from somewhere in my mind, which was telling me to comfort her. I knelt by her side and instinctively wrapped my arms around her. I had no idea why I was actually doing this, but I remained still and contemplated my intentions while she sobbed into my shoulder, thoroughly soaking my shirt. Her sobbing had finally broken through my train of thoughts.

Are you alright?

Simza raised her head to look into my face, and then gently nodded. And I, being the gentleman that I am, offered her my hand to help her back up on her feet. Since they now had no place to stay, I had to think of a place for them to stay. I already knew that most of the tents here at the Court were already full with the families that had already been living there. Then the most brilliant idea of the day had entered my mind, it was so brilliant that I had announced it without any second thoughts.

Since you don't have a place to stay, you're just going to have to stay with me and my sister.

Simza looked towards me, and then threw her arms around me in a tight embrace, while expressing her gratitude.

Thank you Clopin, thank you so much.

I couldn't help but smile watching her lose her mournful behavior as I knelt to pick up Yoska. As I stood back up I watched Simza pick up Aishe with Punka and Tsura clutching her skirt. I offered my available hand to Simza as I escorted her to my tent. Then I suddenly thought, hopefully Esmeralda doesn't scare these people off.

I effortlessly wound through the numerous tents and carts that resided in the Court, until we arrived to my tent. Only to find Esmeralda dancing…again. I called to Esmeralda, who immediately stopped dancing, a nearly impossible task. Esmeralda asked me who these people with me were.

These people are Simza, Punka, Tsura, Yoska, and Aishe. They are Ion's younger siblings that have come to live with us until they can get setup on their own.

I looked back at the family standing behind me, whom was giving me confused expressions on their faces. Then I suddenly realized that I had not introduced them to Esmeralda.

Oh, I better introduce you all to my sister Esmeralda.

Luckily Esmeralda wasn't scaring our guests right away, so maybe it might be enjoyable to have guests over for once. However I found out that I had gotten my hopes up too high. She asked Simza and her family about the caravan that Ion mentioned was following him. Once Esmeralda had brought that question, I became curious about the rest of the caravan that was supposed to be following Ion.

Our caravan met an ambush while crossing the border; my siblings and I are the only survivors.

Esmeralda brought up the fact that Ion said he only had three siblings, and yet there were five of them. There are times I wish that Esmeralda would really just shut up. This family has obviously been through a lot recently, we shouldn't be bringing up such painful subjects. Yet Simza offered an explanation without any sign of offense.

Tsura, Punka, and I are Ion's actual siblings. Yoska and Aishe were blind twins we found in the wreckage of the caravan that we adopted as our siblings.

I was suddenly fearful that our conversation was becoming very awkward. Then I remembered that I had to join the patrol. Thank heavens for the responsibilities of being a king; they can save you from unwanted situations. I quickly stood up from my seat and gave my sister and guests a quick explanation for my sudden exit.

I have to join the ambush out in the catacombs, I'll be back later.

I practically ran away from my tent and straight to the catacombs for my nightly patrol. Normally I would be performing this task begrudgingly, however tonight I was grateful for this mundane task. I tried to concentrate on the task at hand, but thoughts of Simza seemed to be in my head. I tried many times to expel these thoughts, but nothing I did seem to keep them from creeping back into my mind.

For a couple of years now, I have been thinking about having a family of my own, or at least a wife. All the people my age in the Court have already been married, and a great deal of them had at least one kid. Yet here am I, King of the Gypsies, and I still have not even been married yet. However, when I first set my eyes on Simza I could tell that she would be very dear to me. I hope that Simza will finally be the girl for me; Simza was beautiful, she seemed to be very hard-working, and she cared for her younger siblings. Most importantly there was something behind her olive eyes, I am not quite sure what it is though, but I hope I found out.

Later that night I returned to my tent to find that there was no light in the tent. I assumed that everybody else had turned in for the night, until I saw the faint glow of a candle come from behind me. I turned around to find Esmeralda had joined me in the main part of the tent.

What are you doing up Esmeralda?

Oh, really Clopin, I can ask the same thing about you?

Oh, man I couldn't think of a good come-back to fling at Esmeralda. Now I have no choice but to answer her question.

I just returned from patrolling the catacombs. Why aren't you asleep Esmeralda?

I was surprised when Esmeralda gave me an answer without complaining.

I couldn't sleep, too much on my mind.

Uh-Oh, Esmeralda has been thinking too much again. That usually means she is about to have an emotional breakdown. I better fulfill my duties of being big brother, before she gets too upset.

What have you been thinking about Esmeralda?

Esmeralda suddenly had a look on her face, a look that said she regretted telling me that she was over-thinking.

Well, actually I was thinking about you.

Esmeralda was thinking about me! Why in the world would Esmeralda be thinking about me so much that she couldn't sleep?

I was thinking about how you are well over the age that most of us gypsies get married at, and you are still single…

Why would Esmeralda be concerned about my love-life, when she should be worrying about trying to find a husband of her own?

And Simza seems to be a nice girl. Plus I think that she likes you, Clopin.

I wonder what gave Esmeralda the impression that Simza likes me, even though I hope that she does.

What makes you say that Simza likes me?

Oh, come on Clopin, it's so obvious! I can tell just by the way she talks to you, even the way she looks at you.

Wow! Does she really think that I am really that oblivious? I think I can tell for myself whether a girl likes me or not. Plus I am starting to get really tired of this conversation.

Well Esmeralda, as much as I am enjoying this conversation I am going to go to bed. I suggest you do the same?

Okay, well good night.

I walked towards my sleeping area in the tent. Along the way I walked past the sleeping children and Simza, they looked so peaceful whilst they slept. I quickly walked past them to my own sleeping area before I was too tempted to join them. I could not remove the image of the sleeping family out of my mind. Suddenly I imagined sleeping like that with my future family, and I hoped that Simza would be a part of that family.