Lee's Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends


BoCo and the Burglar

BoCo is a big green diesel engine who always enjoys his work, but often he feels overworked. He has to take care of mess left by Bill and Ben and when Mavis is busy, BoCo takes charge of work all around the quarry. Although, however hard he works, BoCo at times doesn't feel very useful at all. His driver and the other engines reassure him otherwise but BoCo insists that he isn't.
"You are an extremely useful engine, BoCo. This is extremely true." said Mr. Rock, the Quarrymaster. BoCo didn't agree and just sulked in his shed at Centre Island Quarry. Mr. Rock was concerned for BoCo but knew he had to keep a check on the other engines.
"Goodbye Sir..." muttered BoCo to Mr. Rock as he walked away. All he could think about was all the work he'd have to do in the morning and he wasn't looking forward to it all. He could see Bill and Ben misbehaving in the distance and he knew that only useful engines could deal with all this work. BoCo knew he wasn't one of these.

Morning came and BoCo woke up to find he was the last one up. Everyone else had gone to do as much work as possible on the Centre Island site aswell as the recently re-opened Anopha Quarry. Everyone was in a rush today as all major jobs had to be done before 5pm. There was good reason behind this. Today was the day when the Duke and Duchess of Boxford would hold a gala evening. The Duke and Duchess knew this gala evening would cause disruption as they'd invited the Fat Controller and Lady Hatt. They'd also sent invitations to Mr. Percival, Miss Jenny, Mrs. Kyndley, Mr. Rock and the Mayor of Sodor. The gala meant that after 5pm, the quarry would be put in the hand of an engine.
"Mavis!" smiled Mr. Rock. "As BoCo will be out with other freight today, I am putting you in charge while I am away."
"Thankyou sir…" replied Mavis but she felt bad as she could see BoCo leaving sadly away from the quarry. He came to a stop just outside the quarry and sulked to himself a bit more. He really didn't feel useful at all.
"Cheer up BoCo" said Derek grandly as he pulled up beside him. "Just look at the positives, you'll get more rest tonight, Bill and Ben are at Anopha all day! They're stopping there all through the night too!" he added.
"Oh that is good news" replied BoCo. This made him happier and as he set off to do his duties he showed a smile. Derek was pleased.

The day carried on and everyone did their duties with ease, all except for Derek. Unfortunately, he'd overheated again, and was sent to the sheds to let his engine cool down. BoCo meanwhile was elsewhere after taking cattle trucks to market. He was returning to the quarry and soon came to some signals where he was diverted onto another line and route altogether.
"Spencer is on his way through!" called a signalman to BoCo. "He's taking the Duke and Duchess! I'm sorry about your diversion!" BoCo accepted and just carried on. Spencer was in the distance and was on his was from Knapford Station the Duke and Duchess' private carriage in tow. The pair of them were just relaxing inside the carriage after their wonderful morning spent on their private canal boat. Spencer had been assigned to give the Duke and Duchess another tour along the way to the gala evening which was being held at the old Kellsthorpe Tea Rooms.
"Another tour!" murmured Spencer to himself. "What haven't they seen of Sodor?" he then complained. Spencer's tour was to finish at 4pm, giving him and the Duke and Duchess one hour to get ready for their hosting duties at Kellsthorpe's wonderfully rustic looking Tea Rooms.

5pm arrived and the guests had sauntered into the Tea Rooms expectant of a great time.
"You look wonderful!" said the Fat Controller to his wife.
"Of course I do dear, but where are the Duke and Duchess?" she replied. Others began asking too as they were never normally late to their own functions. It turned out that they were waiting at some signals which hadn't changed on the way to Kellsthorpe. The signalman had no idea about Spencer's urgent engagement and so they had to keep waiting. BoCo soon pulled up to the signals on the line next to Spencer. He could see a red sports car slowly joining them and then all it all happened. The driver got out of his car and headed for the Duke and Duchess' carriage. He broke one of the windows, and jumped in. The Duchess screamed. The man then left the carriage, and ran for his car before he quickly set off. Spencer was still in shock as was the signalman, but BoCo wasn't.
"Come on BoCo, we can get him!" called his driver. BoCo felt unsure at first but was soon determined to do good and set off after the man in the red car. He was driving as fast as he could and his car was just as determined to get away.
"Come on Sally, faster, faster!" yelled the man to his car. Sally pushed further and accelerated even more. She may have been a sports car, but the twisty roads were preventing high speeds and soon BoCo was catching up with ease. He'd never gone this fast before, but he pushed on even more. He really wanted to do well but suddenly he lost sight of the car.
"Where'd it go?" he wondered as he zoomed along. Sally was speeding ahead and soon drew the attention of the stationery police car called Paul. His siren then bleated out and he joined the chase. Back on the line, BoCo arrived at a crossing. It was closed off to the road so he stopped right in the middle of it, that way he was blocking the road for the car. All of a sudden, the car came speeding into view. It was out of control and going too fast, and then it was too late.
"WAAAHHH!" cried Sally as her brakes screeched loudly. Paul the police car's siren was at its loudest until the thump that was heard from the impact. Sally had crashed into the side of BoCo. Her front was mangled and buckled badly but the burglar had been apprehended.

News soon spread and the Fat Controller arrived with Mr. Rock. The pair of them had extremely wide smiles.
"Well done BoCo! That wasn't easy!" said Mr. Rock. "A very useful diesel indeed!"
"A very brave one too!" added the Fat Controller.
"Without you, we wouldn't have got him…" said Paul proudly. "They'd have got away otherwise." BoCo just smiled as Paul put his siren on, and set off to the station with the burglar sulking in the back seat. Sally was taken away to the impound where she would lay battered and bruised for a long time.

Soon, the Duke and Duchess collected what had been stolen which was only a small pendant of the Duchess' but still pressed on with the gala evening which was a huge success. A few days later, BoCo was still being soothed on his injured side when the odd site of Spencer pulled into the quarry.
"Urgh, disgusting…" Spencer remarked but soon the Duke and Duchess came into view from their carriage.
"BoCo!" began the Duke grandly. "We cannot thank you enough for your bravery the other day."
"That pendant was my mother's…" added the Duchess. "It may not have been worth a lot of money, but the sentimental value was irreplaceable."
"We wanted to reward your bravery…" continued the Duke.
"So that's why we got one of our friends to commission this medal in honour of your heroic efforts!" smiled the Duchess as she showed BoCo a resplendent gold medal. Everyone cheered and BoCo smiled widely knowing that even if he is overworked, he is a very useful engine indeed.