Welcome to the second Spock/Kirk drabble, purchased by BeCullen.



The word Jim sought was reverence.

When Spock spoke aloud the name he used for his bondmate – t'hy'la – he said it as someone who has had a spiritual conversion – with earnestness, certainty, faith.

But when they made love and Spock brought his fingers to Jim's psi points, what Jim felt in Spock's mind made the word bloom with bright petals of intense adoration; fierce devotion unparalleled by anything he'd known in his troubled life; constancy; abiding, immutable love; and such doting, indulgent tenderness for the beautiful, passionate, illogical human – his human.

In short, Jim realized with shock, Spock worshipped him.


The photo prompt for this drabble is posted on my blog (link is in my profile), as is each of the ten drabbles.