"Sesshomaru!" yelled Inuyasha, who was running down the stairs at full speed. The sad part about that was when he tried to slow down while nearing the bottom, he found he couldn't, thus resulting I him being slammed into the in front of the stair case. Right at that moment, the door right next to him opened and in came said man Inuyasha was looking for.
Inuyasha stumbled backwards from the treacherous wall that was, unfortunately, made of stone and tried to recollect his thoughts. What where my thoughts?... I was thinking about Aniki and... ah! Aniki!
Inuyasha looked up to find that the reason he had run down the flight of stairs was standing in front of him, staring at him with a rather puzzled look. The last time he had seen the hanyou was when he was 5 years old, by which point he decided to move out, and seeing as him and his father weren't on very friendly terms... well, lets just say he saw no reason to come back. Yet here he was, the half-demon whom he called brother in his home... wait, what?
"Inuyasha... why..." he was going to ask "why the hell are you in my house?" when a smile broke out on Inuyasha's face the made him pause mid-sentence. And then, Inuyasha threw himself onto his brother, with as much vigor as if he was taking out a foot ball player, cause both brothers to fall to the floor, rather ungracefully but adorably cute still. A small "eep!" of surprise escaped Sesshomaru's mouth, and a loud "Aniki!" came from Inuyasha.
Inuyasha rubbed his face lovingly into the chest of his older brother, who had grabbed onto him mid fall out of instinct, and pulled his face away to stare into the others. Sesshomaru's hair was fanned out across the ground and all over his face and his eye's where as round as saucers staring strait into those of Inuyasha and his lungs where putting out small huff of air (well, carbon dioxide really, but who needs specifics?) to get over the initial shock of being thrown to the ground. In all Inuyasha thought he looked absolutely adorable, and it made his heart flutter.
"What the hell are you doing!" Sesshomaru shouted after he had gotten over being glomped. Seriously, who glomps people? What are they, an anime? Sheesh.
Apparently the shouting didn't effect Inuyasha at all, for he just continued to smile the mother of all smiles at him and said, "breathing." Sesshomaru sighed in exasperation. "That's not what I meant" he hissed threw clenched teeth. Understanding dawned on Inuyasha finally as he realized what he meant. "oooh, you mean what am I doing in your house and what I'm doing in your house?"
Sesshomaru took a long breath to calm himself and answered "Yes, That's what I meant." Inuyasha laughed softly, a laugh that Sesshomaru might have thought cute if not the situation and said:
"I'm going to be living with you, big-brother"
'ello. Hoped you liked this i'm probubly gonna be putting more chappies on real soon so hold tight if you did actually like this, and thank you for reading, raggsbee really appreciates it, and pretty please review! If you do i'll be sure to make the chappies longer than on page, (cause I have to say, this is pretty pathetic, sowwy : [ ...)
Huggs and kisses