Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches

James Potter didn't often make mistakes. And when he did, he usually managed to fix them quite easily. But the mistake he had made regarding Lily Evans seemed to be one huge, unfixable, disastrous mess. And it was his entire fault. He didn't know what he could do to fix it. Until, that is, he found an invaluable book on a display table in Flourish and Blotts. James Potter was not known for his love of reading, but even he could not resist the catchy title, the golden cover…

Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches

Chapter 1: Nice gifts can completely change how she feels about you.

It was the typical English summer. Gray and cloudy, and chilly enough for coats. The people hurrying to and fro in the packed London streets had their heads bowed against the wind, and most could be seen carrying an umbrella in case of the all-too-often showers of rain.

James Potter, newly appointed head boy of Hogwarts, Marauder-in-Chief, and the most popular boy currently attending his school, could not be saddened by the dismal weather. His step was cheery and determined; for today was going to be the day when everything changed between him and Lily Evans. Today could not possibly be ruined by anything. He had a new plan.

Watching for the eyes of Muggles, James slipped through the door to the Leaky Cauldron. As his eyes got used to the gloom, he made out a familiar red blur near the back door and a burst of giggling.

What luck, that Lily happened to be here the day he had vowed to live by his new policy!

"Hey, Lily!" He called out. Lily froze.

"What is it, Potter?" She glared at him.

"I wanted to say hi." Most definitely not a lie. He did want to say hi.

"…Hi, then." Lily replied suspiciously.

"I need to tell you something." James informed her after a moment's thought. Then, looking at her face, hastily added: "No, I don't mean- it's got nothing to do with that." He watched her closely. Finally she gave in.

"Fine." She said, walking away from her friends to an unoccupied corner. "Make it quick, Potter, I haven't got all day."

James looked her straight in the eye, took a deep breath, and said: "I'm sorry."

Lily did a double take. "Excuse me?" Her eyes were opened wide: she looked like a startled deer.

"I'm sorry for being a prat, for being arrogant, for attacking people for the heck of it, for thinking I was the best, for being a complete arse, for-"

Lily cut across him. "Yeah, and I'm supposed to believe that you actually mean that?"

"Lily, I'm telling you the truth. I swear, I-" He cast around for some way to prove it, then remembered something. "And Dumbledore knows I've changed, too."

Lily sneered. "Prove it." She commanded.

James shrugged. He withdrew from his pocket a small, shiny badge. "Why else would he make me head boy, then?" Lily turned white, and then snatched at the badge.

She stared at it for a few seconds, and then her shoulders relaxed. "You totally took this from Remus, didn't you?" She accused.

"Nope." James extracted a crumpled sheet of parchment from his pocket and cleared his throat. "Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been appointed Head Boy. Please meet with the Prefects in the Prefects Compartment to discuss the years plan. Your duties will include all prefect duties, as well as some extra duties only carried out by the Head Boy and Girl.


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress."

Lily turned even paler. "Give me that!" She growled.

"Say please!" James reminded her.

"Don't you preach me, James Potter!" Lily succeeded in wresting the paper from James' grip. She read it over quickly. "How could Dumbledore- it's not fair! YOU ALWAYS RUIN EVERYTHING POTTER! I HATE YOU!" Lily shrieked.

James watched her calmly. "What have I done to you today?"

"You- I don't know!"

"Enlighten me on how exactly I"ruin everything"."

"I don't-"

"I'm trying to make it up to you, you know. I'm actually being nice! Imagine that." James smiled, and pressed something into her hand.

Lily uncurled her fist and stifled a gasp. She looked down at the floor.

"You know, when someone gives you a gift, it's polite to say thank you." James said conversationally.

"Thank you." Lily replied stiffly. "It's nice, but it's not working. I'd still rather go out with the giant squid than with you."

"Hey!" James exclaimed in mock indignation. "There's nothing wrong with the giant squid! He's a charming fellow, and very good looking!"

A smile twitched at the corners of Lily's mouth, but only briefly

"Anyway," James continued in a businesslike tone. "That was just an apology gift. Nothing more. Well, see you around, Lily."

He stood up and walked across the pub to the back door. James could feel Lily's eyes on the back of his head, and he smiled triumphantly.

Score: James Potter, 1.