A/N I am really sorry for not updating in forever and I'll definitely understand if you want to beat me to a bloody pulp for taking so damn long. I've just been really busy with my job and college! But I will hopefully be able to update more now that it's summer. Now I saw that a lot of people were confused with why Bella blamed Jacob and the pack for her brother's death. In her mind, she thinks that if it weren't for them teasing her, she would have been much more reluctant to move and with the help of her mother, convinced Carlisle to stay in La Push and therefore stop the car crash. Obviously her reasoning is a mite bit flawed, but that's Bella for ya, she's clearly still pissed off. So without further ado, I bring you chapter ten.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, SM does.


Bella's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she could practically feel every inch of him against her.

He did it again and Bella moaned loudly. "Oh God, Jacob. I think I'm gonna.."

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Paul stepped out of the trees and immediately noticed the tattered clothing. "I can see you too are doing a lot of talking out here."

Bella shoved Jacob away from her, not only pissed that she was even more frustrated then before, but because there was no hiding what they had been doing. There was a big wet spot on her bra from Jacob sucking on it and her hair was a mess.

Jacob appeared extremely smug with himself and turned to Paul. "Just give us a minute."

Paul shook his head. "Hell no, I'm not leaving you two alone so you can finish. We're heading back now. Sam made me come out here to get you two. He wants to talk."

Bella held her head high and marched off in the direction of Sam's house, ignoring the sounds of an obvious fist bump going on behind her. Men.

Chapter Ten: Frustration

Bella crossed her arms over her chest, attempting to hide the evidence, as she stormed into Sam's house once more, seating herself on the couch with a huff. "What the hell do you want now, Sam?"

Before he could answer, Paul and Jacob came in, the latter taking a seat next to Bella. When Paul saw the disgruntled expression on her face, his smile widened into an evil smirk. "Awww, what's wrong Bella? Frustrated?"

Bella offered him a sardonic grin in return before flipping him off.

Everyone exchanged glances, wondering what Paul had stumbled upon in the woods.

Paul, completely unfazed, continued on. "So Bella, what happened to your shirt?"

Their eyes zeroed in on the fact that she was clad only in a sports bra and shorts, definitely not what she had left in.

Glaring daggers at him, she shrugged. "Got caught on a tree." It was true enough. When Jacob ripped it off her it did happen to land on a tree.

Paul raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?" He walked over and plopped himself into the seat on her other side. Before she could protest, he had forcefully uncrossed her arms to reveal the wet spot on her chest. "And what's this? Did you fall in a puddle that only happened to get one of your tits wet?"

Bella shoved him off of her in disgust and grinned internally when he fell of the couch. "Fine. I made out with Jacob, okay? Big deal. Now, get over it and can we move on to why the fuck I was dragged here."

The pack and the imprints both held identical grins. It looked as if Bella wasn't completely unaffected by Jacob. And maybe that meant that she had finally succumbed to the imprint.

Bella's eyes narrowed at the expressions on their faces. "Oh wipe those smug looks off your faces. Just because I made out with him doesn't mean anything has changed. I've made out with loads of guys before."

Jacob fought to control his anger at any male touching her before him. He leaned over her and put his lips to her ear, causing her to fight off her shiver of delight. "I bet none of them have made you as wet as I have."

She slipped out of his embrace and rolled her eyes, knowing it was true but not wanting to admit it. "Don't flatter yourself, I've seen bigger and better."

Jacob chuckled. "Babe, you know there ain't nothing little about me and by the way you were moaning, that was the best you've ever had."

Bella blushed. "Whatever, keep telling yourself that."

Jacob-1 Bella-0

Sam cleared his throat, glad that something between Jacob and Bella appeared to be going right, but slightly uncomfortable since it was his cousin he was talking about. "The reason why I called you two back here is because we need to talk." He was looking mostly at Bella as he spoke. "Bella I want to start off by saying how sorry I am for being such a terrible cousin to you. It's just that my dad pushed all of this hatred for you and your dad towards me that I guess it rubbed off. And I know it's no excuse, but it seemed that my dad only paid attention to me when I told him about what we'd do to you in school. Plus, to be honest, I was jealous of you. You had these amazing parents and all I had was an alcoholic father who seemed to be angry all the time and a mother who was never around. I just hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me."

Throughout his entire speech, tears were falling down Bella's face and when Jacob wrapped an arm around her, she didn't pull away. As soon as he'd said his piece, she gently extricated herself from Jacob and ran over to a shocked Sam, wrapping him in a tight hug. "To be honest, you were forgiven ages ago, I just didn't want to let you completely off the hook for hurting me so badly. It's just that you were family and yet even until recently, you completely ignored me and it tore me apart, because you're like the only living person related to my mother that I wanted a relationship with."

Sam hid his tears in Bella's hair as he tightened the hug, speaking gruffly. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm definitely going to make it up to you."

Bella broke the hug and gave him a watery smile.

Leah was the next one to speak. "I'm not gonna get all emotional on your ass, just know that I'm also sorry for treating you that way just because I was jealous of the attention my mother gave you. But that still doesn't mean I like you."

Bella shrugged. "Didn't expect that much from you but I'm glad that you're at least sorry for what you did."

Jared cleared his throat. "I'm, uh, also sorry, for following along with the others just because I wanted to fit in."

Embry nodded. "Yeah, really sorry Bella."

When everyone turned to Paul, he glared at them. "Whatever, Cullen. I feel bad for what I did back then but I still think you're a bitch."

Bella decided that was the closest she was getting to an apology from him and was shocked when Quil practically got on his knees in front of her.

"Bells, I am so, so sorry for being such an ass to you when I was supposed to be your best friend. I will never forgive myself for what I did and how it ruined our friendship. I was supposed to be the only one you could trust and I turned on you just so I could fit in with the cool kids. Will you please forgive me and become my best friend again?" He unleashed the full power of the puppy dog eyes on her.

She sighed. "Yeah Porky, I guess I can forgive you."

The entire pack burst out laughing.

Quil whined. "Bella, you promised you wouldn't call me by that name in public."

Embry was the only one able to speak coherently as everyone else was still clutching their sides at the ridiculousness of the name. "Bella, you have to tell us where that nickname came from."

Bella laughed at Quil's attempts to shut her up before she could tell them. "Well, you see, when Quil and I first met, I thought his name was the funniest thing ever. I was all like 'Your name is Quil, Quil like a porcupine's quill?' Only I couldn't pronounce porcupine so I asked if his name was from a porky's quill. From then on, I decided to call him Porky because of it and I guess it stuck."

Everyone roared with laughter and Quil sulked from his position on the floor. Clearing his throat loudly he looked up at her pleadingly. "So, can we be BFF's again?"

Bella frowned. "I do forgive you, but I'm afraid my friend Peter has taken that role, he has never let me down after all." Seeing the sad look in his eyes, she made a quick decision. "You could be my BWF. Best werewolf friend."

The sad look instantly left his eyes and he swooped her into a hug. "Thanks, Bella!" He set her down abruptly and after a long awkward silence, cast a pointed look in Jacob's direction.

Bella shook her head. "Don't worry about it, he doesn't have to apologize."

Jacob gently pulled her down next to him. "Bella, don't be mad. I don't want to apologize after all that only because I want you to see my apology as genuine, not something that's tacked on at the end of everyone else's just because a feel pressured into it. I am very sorry for treating you badly, which I already apologized for and for going with my brain rather than my heart which told me to never hurt you that way back then. But I do think you need to realize that we were all young and stupid back then and didn't know how we were affecting you at such a young age."

Bella nodded. "I understand that, but I just wanted you guys to realize how much of an impact your words and actions had on me at that age and see that what you did was wrong. And now that you've done that, we can all hopefully forgive, forget, and move on."

Everyone nodded in agreement except for Emily and Kim.

Emily coughed slightly turning Bella's attention towards her. "Ummm, Bella, I was just wondering why it seems that you hate the imprints so much, is it because you don't want to be Jacob's imprint or what?"

Bella took a deep breath. "First of all, I want you all to understand that I've known that I would be Jacob's imprint since I was five."

They all gasped in surprise.

Jacob frowned. "How could you have known, it wasn't even sure if any of us would phase by then."

She frowned. "I've been having dreams/visions since I was very young, and most of my visions have never failed to occur. So, yeah, I knew who would become werewolves and who would imprint on who." She raised her hand at the slight look of anger from Sam, Emily and Leah. "Before you ask why I didn't warn any of you about your situations, if I had contacted you guys and told you that you would become seemingly fictional characters and become soul mates with people you didn't love or even know, would you believe me?"

Seeing her point, they nodded at her to continue.

"So, basically I accepted my future, even bragged about it to my family so they would leave me alone about my love life. So, I have been accepting of the imprint for quite a while."

Paul narrowed his eyes. "Then why have you been acting like you hate Jacob with a passion and want nothing to do with him?"

Bella sighed. "I don't like changing the decisions I would naturally make just because I see that I will have a happy ending in the end. If I just pushed away my hurt feelings due only on knowing that Jacob imprinted on me would be to cast aside something that really needed to be worked on in our relationship. He hurt me, and when I first arrived here, I wasn't just going to forget about it based merely on the imprint. Furthermore, I don't like to make too many decisions based on my dreams unless it was life threatening because it's never good to mess with the future too much."

Emily's eyebrows puckered. "If that's true, then why were you so hostile towards me and Kim?"

She raised an eyebrow, incredulous that they had no idea why she acted that way towards them. "You answered the door to my cousin's house and were presumptuous in thinking that we would automatically be friends when for all you knew, I knew nothing about you. It pissed me off. I mean, you're his imprint and all but that doesn't mean we're gonna automatically become buddies. And as for Kim, the entire time I've known her, she's only wanted to be my friend so she can manipulate me into forgiving or interacting with the pack. If she were genuinely interested in being my friend, she would have tried to get to know me better and see my side of things. Instead, she's attempted to trick me into forgiving the pack when she wasn't even present for the facts."

Emily and Kim were shocked into silence before Kim ran over to Bella and practically grabbed her into a choke-hold. "Oh my God! I've been such a bitch to you without even knowing it. I promise that from now on, I will listen to both sides of the story before making assumptions and I will never force you into anything you don't want!"

Bella slowly patted her back consolingly, but slightly uncomfortably as she was quickly losing the ability to breath.

Jared gently pried her off Bella and looked at her apologetically as Kim turned around to sob into his shoulder. "She gets a bit emotional at times."

Emily also appeared to be repentant. "I'm sorry as well, Bella. I guess I do presume a lot of things what with being Sam's imprint and all."

Bella shrugged. "It's no biggie, just don't do it again."

Emily's eyes widened, not sure if that was a threat or offhand statement.

Sam interrupted before the tension in the room could thicken any more. "Another reason why I called you back here was to discuss the bonfire we need to have to formally welcome Bella into the pack as Jacob's imprint. Of course, the rest of the tribe do not know about the pack or imprinting, to them it will only appear to be a bonfire welcoming Bella back to the tribe, but we will be essentially celebrating the imprint. It will happen on Friday and we need to decide who's going to do what."

Surprisingly, Bella was the first to speak up. "I can do the shopping and such, it's the least I can do after being way too mean to you guys."

Sam wanted to argue, but knew that this was her way of making it up to them.

"Okay, now that the food issue is taken care of, the pack will obviously be doing the setting up, minus Jacob who I expect will be helping Bella with the food, and the imprints can of course help with carrying it to the bonfire. Please, spread the word, Billy will be making an announcement but it helps to have it reinforced by us. And with that, I conclude this pack meeting."

Everyone immediately rose up to leave and pretended not to notice when Jacob whispered something in Bella's ear that caused her to rather grudgingly agree to something. They left in the direction of Jacob's house, resulting in Paul wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. "I wonder what they plan on doing?"

Bella rolled her eyes as Jacob led her into his room. "If this is part of your plan to seduce me, it is not going to work."

Jacob leered at her. "Babe, I won't have to seduce you to get you in my bed, you'll be begging for it soon enough."

Inner Bella was fanning herself rapidly and imagining leaping onto his bed to do just that but she ignored her. Something of her inner turmoil must have shown on her face because Jacob's smile widened.

"Now the real reason I brought you in here was to give you something that I made, because I know how much you hate it when people just buy things for you without meaning."

Bella was secretly touched that he knew this about her but didn't let it show.

He rummaged through a draw before pulling out a drawstring bag, pulling the strings and reaching inside for something. He cleared his throat and looked at her with a serious expression on his face. "This is a symbol of my devotion to you and promise to be the man that you will one day spend the rest of your life with."

He gently grabbed her hand and she felt something him attach something to her wrist before letting go. Looking down, she saw this beautifully crafted wooden charm bracelet. It was made from a reddish-brown colored wood that mirrored his russet fur and dangling from him was an intricately carved realistic replica of his own wolf.

She gasped, not believing that he could make something so beautiful that represented what he hoped for the relationship when she had been such a, to put it bluntly, bitch to him. Overcome by emotion, she took him off guard when she suddenly jumped on him, the force and surprise causing them to fall back onto his bed as her lips collided with his.

His lips were frozen for a few seconds before his body relaxed and he returned her passionate kisses with his own. His hands reached up to squeeze her waist and the resulting moan that came out of her mouth caused him to snap to attention. Her hands tangled in his hair as she unconsciously grinded down on him causing them both to groan loudly.

Her tongue swiped his lips, asking for entrance, which he easily granted and thus their tongues battled for dominance. His wolf side immediately came out, growling for them to cause their mate to submit. He easily rolled her over, to no protest from her, as he deepened the kiss, his hands roaming down her sides, causing her to shiver with desire.

His dark eyes made contact with hers as his kisses trailed down her throat and stopped at her chest, asking for permission. With her nod, he quickly ripped off her bra and stared down at her glorious mounds and the pert nipples that were begging to be suckled. And so he did just that, capturing one in his mouth and devouring it like a starving babe. The resulting mewls and moans that escaped Bella's mouth urged him on and he gave equal attention to her other breast.

Bella was now tossing her head from side to side, her long hair framing his pillow and sea-green eyes darkened to the color of the darkest shade of emerald. "Jacob please!"

His husky voice answered her pleas. "Patience, I'm gonna make you feel so good."

His kisses now trailed down her stomach and once he reached the top of her shorts, he slid them down her slim legs, continuing to brush his lips down her thighs and legs as he did. His mouth and nose retraced his path and Bella was driven crazy beyond the point of shame, begging him to do something, anything to alleviate the ache between her legs.

Jacob's nose landed where she wanted him the most and he inhaled deeply. "You smell so good, Bells. I think I'm going to have to taste you."

With a fluid movement, he ripped her panties off and growled when he saw that she had a completely shaved pussy. He slowly lowered his mouth towards hers and blew gently, watching her already enflamed clitoris redden with the pleasure.

Bella's hands were now in his hair, attempting to force his mouth on her but he kept both hands firmly on her waist. Locking eyes, he very slowly, very deliberately leaned down and took one long lick from the bottom of her pussy up.

"J-Jacob!" She practically screamed out his name, causing him to grin against her lips.

Without waiting for her to recover, he placed his tongue roughly against her clitoris and began sucking and slightly biting down on it.

If he thought her first scream was loud, she got even louder and vocal as his ministrations continued and he soon discovered that his imprint had quite the dirty mouth on her, which turned him on even more.

"Jacob, ungh, yes right there. YES! Suck it! Fuck me with your tongue! Oh God! Mmmm, Oh yes. Yesss! Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaake."

She came hard, and was still twitching as he continued licking there, within seconds causing her to come again.

He greedily cleaned her, relishing her sweet flavor as she slowly came down from her high.

After a few minutes, she finally came back to her senses to see a cocky Jacob grinning smugly down at her. "Told you I would have you begging for me."

She huffed before a mischievous glint came into her eyes. "Mmmm, you did, didn't you? I'm going to have to return the favor." She rolled until she was on top of him and gasped when his clothed member lined up with her entrance.

She bowed her body in order to reach his lips and kissed him hungrily, moaning when she could taste herself on him. But when Jacob tried to pull her closer to him, she moved on, kissing down his neck just as he had done to her.

When Bella got to his chest, she licked his nipple before biting down on it gently, causing Jacob's to hiss.

Bella smirked and repeated his earlier words. "Don't worry baby, I'll give you what you need."

As she reached his rock hard abs, her tongue traced down the lines and she licked down the V that led to his hips, encouraged by the rough moans Jacob was making. She slid down his pants and tried to cover her surprise when she saw his massive cock, wondering how it would ever fit inside her.

Catching and holding his gaze, her tongue slowly trailed down his massive cock, licking every inch and causing him to take in a sharp breath. Her tongue swirled around the bottom as she made her descent and when she got to the tip, she wrapped her mouth entirely around it and sucked at the precum that had leaked out.

Jacob's hips immediately jutted up and he groaned out a "Fuck, Bells!"

Bella suddenly dropped his cock out of his mouth and stood up. "Oh look Jacob! It's time for you to patrol. Wouldn't want to make you late." She bent over to pick up one of his shirts that had fallen on the floor and slipped it over her head, laughing at the frustrated expression on his face.

"Bella! You're just going to leave me like this?"

A wicked grin spread across her face. "Payback's a bitch, baby. Maybe you'll think again about leaving me all hot and bothered."

Jacob frowned at her before he got the same look on his face. "Game on, babe."

She just winked at him before dancing out of the room.

As soon as she left, he pounded his pillow in anger before getting up to go patrol.

A/N Awwww, poor Jakey, he's got a serious case of blue balls. I had to cut this chapter a little short but for the next chapter we'll see how he deals with his rather large problem while patrolling and Bella finds out why Luke and Jacob hate each other so much.